Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay on The Meaning of Love - 719 Words

The Meaning of Love Love has many different meanings to different people. For a child, love is what he or she feels for his mommy and daddy. To teenage boy, love is what he should feel for his girlfriend of the moment, only because she says she loves him. But as we get older and wiser, love becomes more and more confusing. Along with poets and philosophers, people have been trying to answer that age-old question for centuries: What is love? One definition of love in The Merriam-Webster dictionary is attraction based on sexual desire (439). Some people believe that love and sex are one in the same. If two people are in love, they should be having sex. And, on the flipside, if two people are having sex, they must be in†¦show more content†¦This passage obviously alludes to sex, but sex is not completely necessary when there is love. The speaker in Sharon Olds Sex without Love asks, How do they do it, the ones who make love / without love? (1-2). Love is deeper and more meaningful than just physical or sexual attraction. Love is a feeling--an emotion. Love is also defined in the dictionary as strong affection, warm attachment, and unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for others (439). All of these definitions are completely correct, but the dictionary does not explain how it feels to love someone. The reason that an explanation for this feeling is not found in the dictionary may be because love is so different for each individual person. In my experience, strong affection does not even begin to cover the sensation and emotions a person feels when he or she is in love. Love is compared to the extraordinary sun / splashing its light / into astonished trees in Denise Levertovs Love Poem (2-4). Like the sun, love is great and bright and fills a person with extreme joy. Love is greater than anything else a person could ever experience. A lover can even be better than a summers day, as the speaker in Shakespeares poem suggests. He compares his lover to a summers day by saying that she is moreShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding The Meaning Of Love954 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is love? Many people do not know the meaning of love, they think that it is what we feel but it’s what we do that demonstrates love. (Deem, 2011). There are many ways to express your love to your family or friends but there is one true love, God. I will be discussing the biblical meaning of love and what God wants us to apply to ourselves to have healthy relationships by representing his love to others. There are four types of love which are Forge, Eros, Philia and Agape. (Wellman, 2014) ForgeRead More Definition Essay - The Meaning of Love824 Words   |  4 PagesThe Meaning of Love One can love a sister, a brother, a mother, a father, grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins and friends, strangers, pets, the sunlight on a warm evening, reflecting through a prism, held by fishing line stuck to a little suction cup to a dusty window. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Live of Women in Renaissance Free Essays

The interest of scientists and historians in women’s Renaissance is still growing as there are different ideas and attitudes towards life of women in that historical period. Did women have their Renaissance? Some had, whereas others didn’t. However, Renaissance has played important role in formation women’s personality and identity. We will write a custom essay sample on Live of Women in Renaissance or any similar topic only for you Order Now Renaissance was the first step on the long road to women’s freedom and equality. The topic has been chosen as oppression of women and domination of men was a primary matter of concern in fiction literature, as well as in social and political tractates. Women were often oppressed and subordinated and, therefore, had fewer opportunities for their Renaissance. Before speaking about the impact of Renaissance on women history it is necessary to describe what role were imposed on women in society. (Zwanger, 1997) Actually, women in Renaissance can be classified as traditional women who performed the imposed role and exceptional women who tended to show their personality and express their identity through art and literature. Generally, women were considered merely bearers of children and housekeepers. Therefore, they were inferior to men and customs kept them away from social life. Women’s tasks were routine and only wealthy women were allowed to escape from making clothing and administrating food production. Since 13th century women were prohibited to take control over food suppliers as it was considered full males role. Renaissance women were active only in spinning wool and carding as it was considered female tasks. Wives were forbidden to participate in business as they had to keep their houses. Actually, Renaissance was the world of men and the world for men. Historians claim that women had more opportunities and jobs during the Middle Ages rather than during Renaissance. The reason is that capitalism led to more efficient production and women’s economic significance was reduced. More women remained unemployed and they were paid less for the same jobs. (Zwanger, 1997) Nevertheless, there were moments in Renaissance history of women which impacted the future formation of women as personalities with equal rights and opportunities. In particular, some women tended to express their identity in art and literature making other women re-thing their social status and job opportunities. Such exceptional women were among the first to speak about women rights, their participation in business, social life, etc. with time women gained more freedom and were provided with more opportunities to express themselves. (Zwanger, 1997) During Renaissance art was a powerful method to control women as it constructed a myriad of social pressures offering rich material for study female role. Economic restrictions and less opportunities prevented many women to devote their life to arts. Documented Renaissance artists were either children of noblemen or daughters of artists and they were expected to have literary and music skills. Despite they were talented, their careers finished after marriage. However, they try to make art equal for men and women. Some women were active artistic patrons who arranged agreements with artists. For example, one of the noblewomen, Isabella d’Este commissioned significant amount of art having decorated her private studios.   Mostly, pictures represented traditional women virtues as chastity, moral purity and fidelity. Furthermore, some women used art to strengthen their power. For example, Eleonora of Toledo was married to Cosimo I de’Medici and she used her portrait with the son to strengthen her political power in Tuscany. (Zwanger, 1997) In conclusion it is necessary to outline that the primary impact of Renaissance women on their future was the fact that through art they tended to strengthen their social political positions and to prove that they were personality who deserved equal rights and opportunities. Despite Renaissance was mainly a men’s world in which women were regulated and controlled by lack of independence and social pressure, little by little they started their war for freedom and liberty. (Zwanger, 1997) References Zwanger, Meryl. (1997). Women and Art in Renaissance. Retrieved May 1, 2008, from                How to cite Live of Women in Renaissance, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Brisneyland Oil Refinery Company

Question: Describe about the Brisneyland Oil Refinery Company? Answer: Brisneyland Oil Refinery Company is producing or manufacturing petrol oil by the help of crude oil. The Brisneyland Oil Refinery Company is collecting or need approx 300,000 barrels of oil each month. The Brisneyland Oil Refinery Company is provided last three months dataset, which is including with the last three months cost price of oil and also shipping charge or cost for prt barrel of oil. The Brisneyland Oil Refinery Company dataset is giving below. Kind of oil Cost Feb 2015 Cost Mar 2015 Cost Apr 2015 Shipping Per Barrel Sweet light West Texas $87.60 $87.00 $86.50 $6.78 Brent light sweet 5 $89.60 $89.00 $88.50 $8.05 Petropavlovsk medium $82.50 $83.30 $84.00 $5.46 Aceh medium $83.50 $84.00 $83.00 $3.46 Maracaibo heavy $79.40 $79.90 $80.10 $5.98 Veracruz medium $81.40 $82.00 $81.70 $6.64 Dharhan light sweet $85.00 $84.80 $84.50 $4.77 Basrah light sweet $84.00 $84.20 $84.10 $4.87 Alexandretta medium $80.90 $81.40 $81.60 $6.18 Rostov-on-Don medium $81.10 $78.00 $80.40 $6.27 Lagos medium $80.00 $80.00 $80.20 $7.98 Long Beach medium $86.60 $87.20 $86.20 $4.94 By the help of the above company dataset, we can easily find out or calculating the total profit of the company for last three months (like cost price of February 2015, cost price of March 2015 and cost price of April 2015). The total profit of Brisneyland Oil Refinery Company is calculating and measuring by the help of the Microsoft Excel program. By utilizing the Microsoft Excel program, the ideal arrangement values for this model are demonstrated in datasets or attached Microsoft Excel program sheet. In place of datasets, firstly, we will give the model and presentation the outcomes, understudy use solver to give answer reports introducing the outcomes in a more detail, in addition the affectability reports will give an assortment of useful data for administration understanding of the arrangements (Borgelt, 2013). It would permit the administration of the organization appreciate the ideal of target worth and ideal choice variable that are influenced by changed in the target capacity coefficients, the effect of changes in the limitations assets limits. According to the Microsoft Excel programmed the outcomes altogether income of $2,197.80, aggregate generation expense of $768.65, returning a benefit commitment of $1429.16. The outcomes or results are shown in datasets or attached Microsoft Excel program worksheet, which is shown in below. Kind of oil Cost price Selling price per Barrel Profit Per Barrel Sweet light West Texas $66.97 $183.15 $116.18 Brent light sweet 5 $68.79 $183.15 $114.36 Petropavlovsk medium $63.82 $183.15 $119.34 Aceh medium $63.49 $183.15 $119.66 Maracaibo heavy $61.35 $183.15 $121.81 Veracruz medium $62.94 $183.15 $120.22 Dharhan light sweet $64.77 $183.15 $118.38 Basrah light sweet $64.29 $183.15 $118.86 Alexandretta medium $62.52 $183.15 $120.63 Rostov-on-Don medium $61.44 $183.15 $121.71 Lagos medium $62.05 $183.15 $121.11 Long Beach medium $66.24 $183.15 $116.92 Total $768.65 $2,197.80 $1,429.16 References Borgelt, C. (2013).Towards advanced data analysis by combining soft computing and statistics. Berlin: Springer. Cohen, P., Adams, N., Berthold, M. (2010).Advances in intelligent data analysis IX. Berlin: Springer. HALLS, J. (2003). River run: an interactive GIS and dynamic graphing website for decision support and exploratory data analysis of water quality parameters of the lower Cape Fear river.Environmental Modelling Software,18(6), 513-520. doi:10.1016/s1364-8152(03)00026-4 Louviere, J., Hensher, D., Swait, J. (2000).Stated choice methods. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ma, C., Buontempo, F., Wang, X. (2011). Inductive data mining: automatic generation of decision trees from data for QSAR modelling and process historical data analysis.IJMIC,12(1/2), 101. doi:10.1504/ijmic.2011.037837 Maglaveras, N. (2006).Biological and medical data analysis. Berlin: Springer. Rong, Y. (2011).Practical environmental statistics and data analysis. Glendale, AZ: ILM Publications.