Friday, February 14, 2020

Sleep deprivation negatively affect driving performance and causes car Essay

Sleep deprivation negatively affect driving performance and causes car accidents - Essay Example The danger is even more compounded with the fact that people are often unaware of the fact that the failure to sleep increases the possibility and probability of accidents (Gregory, 2009) This paper seeks to address the importance of sleep, factors that cause sleep variations as well as the relation of this to work performance. Further, the paper illuminates on the relation of sleep build-up and sleep deprivation on accidents propensity, as well touching on the models and other conditions such as apnea in relation to work and injuries at the workplace. Sleep and Accidents Generally, accident that is caused as a result of sleep is regarded as accident caused by human error, and often times the impact of it is correlated to the task that was being carried out. Therefore, in an event where there is more speed in terms of performing the task, then the degree of injury is normally aggravated (Gregory, 2009). This therefore means that skiing are often more serious accidents than walking ac cidents. Accidents could even be more aggravated in areas where machines are many and work is machinated, in say Agricultural Industry, where there are a lot of different tasks and models and types of machines (Gregory, 2009). Broadly speaking, accidents causing injuries happen in the line of human interactions with the machines at the work place. Often times, these machines include cars, trucks, and others such as tractors among many others (Gregory, 2009). The manner in which a worker interacts with the machines is highly associated with his level of maturity, and accidents normally occur due to use of alcohol, use of other drugs such as caffeine or ‘build up of sleep debt which is the prime focus of this paper (Scott et al, 2006). One is then likely to ask the question: how can sleep deprivation cause accidents, and how is their impacts measured? The answer is that, while sleep and alcohol correlation is easy to measure, the former, accidents and sleep, has been largely dif ficult. The general agreement is however in the duration of sleep. Duration of sleep is sometimes as long as 6 weeks, and the risks is often analyzed within the confluence of the time of the day one sleeps and the amount therein. Further, it is also correlated to the amount of sleep one had the night before (Scott et al, 2006). Broad Factors that Impair Sleep and the effects Factors that impair sleep have been recognized as use of caffeine, talking radio, cold and other distracting activities. It is therefore often seen with students who stay awake at night having to dose during lectures. Another example worthy noting is the fact that Pilots stayed awake in the course of dogfights in World War II and fell asleep, thus crashed on their flight back to base (Gregory, 2009). Sleep Management and the Risks Involved Psychologists have identified two types of risks associated with sleep management. One is low performance or loss of it altogether when one falls asleep at the workplace. This often happens when the individual is â€Å"un-stimulated and bored even without sleep debt† (Gregory, 2009). The second one is observed in the decreased performance at the work place in

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Anthropology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Anthropology - Assignment Example Various regions have their own endangered species for which the crisis mainly applies, but in most general definitions, it is used to refer to the killing of the great apes and other primates (Jurmain 129). Possible solutions to this problem include increased conservation measures in the parks and wildlife reservations. Additionally, swoops could be made in hotspots and those arrested be given hefty fines and long sentences to deter the practice. Both humans and primates are social beings, and this means that they exist in social settings and not in solitary existence. This trait exists between the two groups, and though it’s for defense, it also aids in realizing a form of hierarchical structure. Additionally, both primates and humans consistently groom each other, as a form of social behavior that bonds them together (Jurmain 160). This is especially due to the similarity in forelimbs, which enable both humans and primates use their fingers for grooming purposes. Moreover, both primates and humans appreciate territoriality and any two given factions have to respect the territoriality of each other. What is more, both humans and primates have a sense of communication, which is a behavioral trait that assists in maintaining the social structure of the groups. Primates have culture, and this is as defined by their behavior that is noticeable from various ecological and evolutionary perspectives. Shreeve (1991) depicts the various similarities that can be drawn from the behavior of primates and humans, and in most cases, the evidence of a culture is easily noticeable since both have one evolutionary background. One stark representation of culture is the relatively advanced aspect of deception, which is a major survival tactic for primates. It is so well advanced that it is one of the most widely used mechanisms in the wild. The social nature of primates calls for the need for some culture, since there is bound to increased levels of