Friday, May 31, 2019

Health and Safety in a Computer Room :: Workplace Health and Safety

Health and safety in a calculator room is very important as the insult of the electronic computer room may lead to certain problems both physically and mentally. Using a computer for a long period of time open fire affect your health in different ways. The fol low gearing report will contain details about the health and safety risks in using the computer and how to combat them, and a study of the Laws & Guidelines Health and Safety risks and ways to combat them 1. RSI- RSI stands for repetitive stain injury. Doing the same thing for a long time arse cause this. 2. Eyestrain- this is when you look at a VDU covering for a long time. Particularly at looking at a flickering screen or in bad light of gl atomic number 18. 3. Stress- this occurs when you are too concentrated on something. It is the feeling of anxiety fear, anger, frustration and depression. 4. ELF radiation- Elf stands for extremely low frequency. El ectro-magnetic fields cause this. VDU screens give out radiation at the back and sides. Pregnant women are at most at risk. 5. Lose wires- are a hazard as anyone may trip over the wires and fall over Ways to combat the mentioned problems 1. RSI- The risk of RSI can be minimised if a computer user is able to sit in a comfortable, upright position when working. To be able to do this they need adjustable chairs and tables, wrist pads, and footrests. 2. Eye strain- angiotensin converting enzyme way to avoid eyestrain is to look out of a window at a distant object every once in a while. 3. Stress- Do stress relieving exercises. 4.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Responsibility :: essays research papers

Responsibilities be more important than Rights Everyone has rights and responsibilities. Rights are things that people are aloud to do. Responsibilities are things that people are expected to do. In this essay, I will be telling you some facts why responsibilities are more important in the hostel of Waknuk. The first point is Davids father Joseph Storm hates offences and blasphemies because of his religion. Next is Old Jacob thinks that rules should be changed in Waknuk because he wants it to be like when his father was around. Lastly Alan Ervin detects the thoughts and shapes group and that Sophie has a sixth toe. The people in Waknuk believe in responsibilities over rights. Davids father, Joseph Storm, hates offences and blasphemies because of how he was brought up by his parents. David is lecture about the people in his family. He is talking about his father and particularly about his strong religious beliefs. He said that offences are animals or plants that are deformed. His father hates offences and he kills them in a disgusting way because of his religion. David was explaining the process of how his father dealt with offences. "That was because an occurrence of an offence was sometimes an impressive occasion. Usually the first occasion that one happened was that my father came into the house in a bad temper. Then in the evening he would call us all together including everyone who worked on the farm. We would all kneel while he proclaimed our repentance and led prayers for forgiveness. The next morning we would be up for daylight and gather in the yard. As the sun rose we sang a hymn while my father ceremonially slaughtered the two headed calf, four legged chicken or whatever kind of offence it happened to be. Sometimes it would be a good deal queerer than those" (The Chrysalids Pg. 18) Davids father thinks that it is a responsibility to kill any offences. He does this because that is what his religion has taught him to do and based on how he was raised by his parents. He therefore, has these feelings and does non know of any other way of thinking. At the same time he mentions that a blasphemy is a deformed human. His father hates blasphemies because they are corresponding to an offence they are not animals or plants, but humans instead. "And if it happens among people it was a blasphemy.

Fetal Cell Transplants :: essays research papers

Transplanting fetal cells is an issue that is considered by some as a like saver, and at the same time considered murder by others. It is a very controversial subject, which can be looked at in different ways. Once researched, people make their own personal opinion on the subject. many another(prenominal) who develop their own views have no background knowledge of it, which should not be done. After reading, Difficult Decisions Fetal Cell Transplants, I have true my own opinion.In certain situations, it is almost the right thing to do, in my mind. Many children are the result of an accident. A portion of those fetuses are aborted. By donating, you can help save a life. In the United States alone, 1.5 million fetuses are aborted each year. Why not put then to use?I think that the choice should be available if the mother decides to do so. If someone very closedown to you, or even you were dying, and the doctor said, Because of a previous fetus donation, we may be able to save you . Would your decision about the transplants change? Im sure anyone would go against their beliefs to save the life of someone close to them its almost like a reflex.There are certain cases where I have an opposite opinion. For example, when someone uses it to decrease aging, it really wasnt needed, and it probably could have been put to better use for someone who needed it. God made everyone to age and eventually die, so that process should go on as it is. Just because you may disagree with the idea, doesnt mean it cant be an option for others.Sometimes pregnancies werent meant to happen, like if somebody was raped. The child is all going to be put up for adoption, where there is a chance that life could be miserable, or it would be aborted. The child is not actually substantial enough to consider it murder although some may think differently. Dr. Lister, Orthopedics, says, Abortions are something that take place regardless, professionally or not. The possibility of donating a n ewly conceived fetus to help save another should be open.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

music in education and health :: essays research papers

MUSIC AS A TEACHING AND HEALING TOOLMusic is a remarkable tool to be employ to dramatically increase development and healing in the classroom. Its successful role has been documented doneout the academic community, yet, its use has not been widely utilized by teachers. Since Aristotle, harmony has been considered one of the forces used to teach. Moreover, for more than half a century the psychiatric and the educational communities have studied, analyzed and implemented the use of music as a healing tool and as a way to enhance the mental capacities of their respective group of studies. It has been discovered in controlled settings that certain type of holy music would enhance the students concentration time.The specific issues addressed by the study and practice of music has been divided into specific areas of the mental process. For example, learning a tuneful instrument helps the students the skill of repetition as a method to learn and to recollect information. Creativity a nd imagination also are ameliorate when the student or the patient is taught basic concepts of musical composition. It is believed that music unleashes creative forces within a human being that are only accessed with graphicsistic endeavors. purge abstract traits like sensibility are retrieved with music studies and the practice of a musical instrument. There is a perceptible connection between learning and music that teachers should exploit in the learning environment, regardless of the age of the student. Music could be used effectively from the time the child is in the womb and right through the formative years.While addressing the healing benefits of music it is noted the array of uses for this art. Every body in all aspects of life, to enhance moods, to depress moods, to pacify, or to reminisce, uses music. Clinicians have experimented with this art for various decades. Psychiatric patience are administered a dose of soothing music to lower the anxiety levels. Office managers utilize it to energize the work place. encyclopedism centers use baroque music to enhance memory skills. Health experts praise the rewards of music in the digestive and central nervous systems, the enhancement of attention spans of patients of HDD and in addition promote interaction in persons who struggle with their self-esteem. Some specialists even use the term music therapy when using it to treat certain cognitive or emotional problems. Music as a therapeutic tool is not only restricted the use of recorded material or the playing of musical instruments.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Nelson Mandela :: essays research papers

Nelson Mandelas greatest pleasure, his most private moment, is watching the sun set with the music of Handel or Tchaikovsky playing. Locked up in his carrell during daylight hours, deprived of music, both these simple pleasures were denied him for decades. With his fellow prisoners, concerts were organised when possible, particularly at Christmas time, where they would sing. Nelson Mandela finds music very uplifting, and takes a keen interest not unless in European classical music but also in African choral music and the many talents in southwestward African music. entirely one voice stands out above all - that of Paul Robeson, whom he describes as our hero. The years in jail reinforced habits that were already entrenched the check eating regime of an athlete began in the 1940s, as did the early morning exercise. Still today Nelson Mandela is up by 4.30am, irrespective of how late he has worked the precedent evening. By 5am he has begun his exercise routine that lasts at least an hour. Breakfast is by 6.30, when the days newspapers are read. The day s work has begun. With a hackneyed working day of at least 12 hours, time management is critical and Nelson Mandela is extremely impatient with unpunctuality, regarding it as insulting to those you are dealing with. When communicate of the extensive travelling he has undertaken since his release from prison, Nelson Mandela says I was helped when preparing for my release by the biography of Pandit Nehru, who wrote of what happens when you leave jail. My daughter Zinzi says that she grew up without a scram, who, when he returned, became a father of the nation. This has placed a great responsibility of my shoulders. And wherever I travel, I immediately begin to miss the familiar - the mine dumps, the colour and smell that is unambiguously South African, and, above all, the people. I do not like to be away for any length of time. For me, there is no place like home. Mandela real the Nobel Peace Prize as an a ccolade to all people who have worked for peace and stood against racism. It was as much an award to his person as it was to the ANC and all South Africa s people. In particular, he regards it as a tribute to the people of Norway who stood against apartheid while many in the world were silent.

Nelson Mandela :: essays research papers

Nelson Mandelas greatest pleasure, his most private moment, is watching the sun set with the music of Handel or Tchaikovsky playing. Locked up in his cell during daylight hours, deprived of music, both these simple pleasures were denied him for decades. With his fellow prisoners, concerts were organised when possible, particularly at Christmas time, where they would sing. Nelson Mandela finds music very uplifting, and takes a needlelike interest not only in European classical music but also in African choral music and the many talents in South African music. But one voice stands out above all - that of Paul Robeson, whom he describes as our hero. The years in jail beef up habits that were already entrenched the disciplined eating regime of an athlete began in the 1940s, as did the early morning exercise. Still today Nelson Mandela is up by 4.30am, no matter of how late he has worked the previous evening. By 5am he has begun his exercise routine that lasts at least an hour. Breakf ast is by 6.30, when the days newspapers are read. The day s work has begun. With a standard working day of at least 12 hours, time management is critical and Nelson Mandela is extremely impatient with unpunctuality, regarding it as insulting to those you are dealing with. When speaking of the extensive travelling he has undertaken since his release from prison, Nelson Mandela says I was helped when preparing for my release by the biography of Pandit Nehru, who wrote of what happens when you leave jail. My daughter Zinzi says that she grew up without a father, who, when he returned, became a father of the nation. This has placed a great responsibility of my shoulders. And wherever I travel, I immediately begin to miss the familiar - the exploit dumps, the colour and smell that is uniquely South African, and, above all, the people. I do not like to be away for any length of time. For me, there is no place like home. Mandela accepted the Nobel Peace Prize as an accolade to all peopl e who have worked for peace and stood against racism. It was as much an award to his mortal as it was to the ANC and all South Africa s people. In particular, he regards it as a tribute to the people of Norway who stood against apartheid while many in the world were silent.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Importing nurses from overseas for the nursing shortage Essay

The Rapid growth in the aging baby boomers and the shortfall among the full- time identical nurses intensify the profound need for skilled nurses, thus, resulting to a massive importation of foreign registered nurse. To that end, several debates and questions sprung due to the governments considerable quick- fix in the shortage beseeching the legalities and the little wariness given to the academic orbit that strives to combat the problem.With the health wangle system being the beacon of a nations prosperity, addressing problems of statistics with moreover importation might be a problem itself. With the purpose of the nursing process, this paper examines the problem at hand, the actions taken and other solutions that may be use in the nursing deficit. Assessment According to the study by Brush, Sochalski, & Berger (2007) during the past 50 years, only 5 % of the United States nursing workforce was imported. It was only in the second fractional of 1990 that nearly 10,000 fore ign nurses migrated.By the 20th century, as revealed by the Ameri set up Hospital Association Survey of the Hospital leadership (2007), bother in the hospital staffing of nurses garners 2nd or 44% over other hospital positions, with 49% dissatisfaction among nurses and issues of hospital capacity that garners 48% in all hospitals, acted as a bubble to the registered nurse shortage. This in time increases due to a decline in the graduates and the number of candidates taking the National Council Licensure Examination.Now with the increase in life expectancy, The American Hospital Association (2007) projected 75 million will be at the ages of 46 to 64 by 2010 Resulting to an increase in the needs and resources to match up with the future challenges of bedside c ar especially with chronic conditions in regards to old age merchandise nurses from overseas for the nursing shortage p. 2 With a baseline of 2,347,000 demands for full-time equivalent nurses by 2010 as shown by the Health Re sources and operate Administration (HRSA) it is projected by that only 83% of the hail demand will be responded.Approximately there are 116,000 vacant positions for registered nurses or 8. 1 % national vacancy rate (HRSA, 2006). With a big shortage to relieve, the government pushes its efforts to create a more enticing and beneficial area for other nurses abroad to work in the country. Which therefore act as the campaign force of the robust and lucrative business of recruitment agencies, that surges a world large-minded hands search resulting a turnover of foreign nurses in the hospital sector of about 71. 5 % as of 2000 alone (Brush et al.2007).In a 2004 survey by the Department of Health and valet de chambre Services, over 100,000 foreign born nurses, half of which are Filipinos, are already working in the U. S. (Savage, 2006) Thriving on the 42 % hiring rate of hospitals that have been reported by AHA Survey of Hospital Leaders (2007). As the nurse-patient ratio discrepancy is being filled up, problems with the local sector particularly with the academe tends to shake the grounds Imploring on the little attention being given by the government to the local sector.As 42, 000 qualified applicants in 2006- 2007 were turned away by US nursing schools (Kuehn, 2007), the problem undermines an institutional problem due to lack of funds to train fresh graduates in relation to lesser clinical training placement, a growing faculty shortage, and a higher percentage of registered nurses that is not practicing as a full-term equivalent nurse in relation to a better shifting, work facility, and compensation on other fields. Importing nurses from overseas for the nursing shortage p. 3The lack of support for a transition program for the foreign nurses and an increasing foreign recruitment cost for the hospitals also lingers on the sideline. As stated by Parkland Health & Hospital System executive Beth Mancini, MSN, RN, FAAN, in an interview by heather Stringer last 2 002 for Nurseweek. com The costs of hiring foreign nurses have substantially increased. And that several nurse executives said It costs about $10,000 to recruit an international nurse today and can take between 18 and 24 months for the nurse to arrive. With the shortage problem seemingly to increase every year, several nurse executives contends that importation might not just be a short-term solution, and not the best that is, resulting to an aggressive stand to ease the institutional inadequacies. Diagnoses Importation reliance think to limited manpower secondary to work dissatisfaction and or insufficient college programs The unprecedented migration of foreign nurses only resolves the short- term problem in the health care sector.Instead of concentrating on importation, the base of operations of the problem should be taken into account, as well as the drawbacks of relying on importation. Which does not only hinders U. S. institutions growth, but decelerates foreign countries he alth services. Planning With a wide range of interplaying reasons of nurse deficit, a formulated component of nurses shortage is applicable to organize the core problems within the dwindling insufficiency among the heath care sector. Importing nurses from overseas for the nursing shortage p. 4 Components in the nurses shortage Decline in the public perception of the attractiveness of the nursing profession. Contributed by an increase in professional opportunities for women outside nursing, unattractive salary and longer life forwarding. Unfavorable working conditions. Precipitated by problems on working hours, increase in the nurse-patient ratio, safety and surface of the hospital facility. Inadequate institutional resources. That resulted to a shortage among nursing educators, a shift or state migration to bigger hospitals and lesser clinical placement.Implementation To long pillow a growth in the U.S nurses population, problems that arise should be tackled on its ground root s. Using the nurse shortage component list, a summary of programs will be emphasized to meet the underlying causes of the nurses shortage. To encourage an influx of students to take up nursing, favorability and a positive avenue for growth and development must be shown. With the studies and advancement made by the National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice (NACNEP) in their third report to the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Congress last April, 2003.Solutions to the formulated list will be guided by the requirements of the Public Health Service Act as amended by the Nurse Education and Practice Improvement Act of 1998. 1. Decline in the public perception of the attractiveness of the nursing profession. Concentration to provisions that support career enhancement, Importing nurses from overseas for the nursing shortage p. 5 and expansion of knowledge and skills such as the Nurse Reinvestment Act and Career Ladder Grant political program which facilitate s and funds just study of nursing specializations and enough appropriations for nurses to become faculty members.2. Unfavorable working conditions. Enhancing patient care delivery system via granting funds related to communication among heath professionals for continuity of care. Giving out an award that develops internship or residencies for motivation, setting up limits to working hours, and establishment of programs that set nurse staffing to the level of care needed by the patients. 3. Inadequate institutional resources. Reaching out to the young members of society by granting scholarship program in exchange for community service, loans, and periodical stipends.Aside from concentrating on the students, faculty turnover should be address by giving out funds to nurses in exchange to become full- time students that are geared as a future faculty. Evaluation The immense power of a nation to import should not be the sole solution to both inadequacies of a country, though importati on is beneficial to fill in the gaps, foresight is much needed to give a better perspective of what is vital for a country to grow. Providing continued support to the local system most especially to the academic and medical institutions, fosters a bigger advantage to the local sector.It produces insurmountable avenues and resources with for further health care challenges. Such actions taken by the NACNEP brings about a wider range of possibilities for the profession to grow. References American Hospital Association. (2007, May 8).When Im 64 How boomers will change health care. Retrieved November 1, 2007, from http//www. aha. org/aha/research-and-trends/index. html American Hospital Association. (2007, July). The 2007 State of Americas Hospital-taking the pulse. Retrieved November 1, 2007, from http//www. aha. org/aha/research-and-trends/index. html Brush, B.L , & Sochalski, J. , & Berger, A. M. ( 2004, May/June). Imported care recruiting foreign nurses to U. S. health care facilitie s. Health Affairs, rule book 23 (3), p 81.Health Resources and Services Administration. (2003, November). National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice Third Report to the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Congress. Health Resources and Services Administration. What is behind HRSAs projected supply, demand and shortage of registered nurse? Retrieved November 1, 2007, from http//bhpr. hrsa. gov/healthworkforce/reports/behindrnprojections/6.htm Kuehn, B. M. (2007).No end in sight to nursing shortage Bottleneck at nursing schools as a key factor. Journal of the American Medical Association, volume 298 (14) 1623-1625. Savage, L. (2006, April). Bandaids will not heal the nursing shortage. Hypercube nucleus for Science and Medical Journal. Boston University College of Communication. Stringer H. (2002, June 6). Foreign investments. Nurseweek. Retrieved on November 1, 2007 from http//www. nurseweek. com/news/features/02-06/international. asp WANTED Imported Nurses Importing nurses from overseas for the nursing shortage

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in Before Marriage

Today, many couples choose financial backing in in the lead sexual union because they believe it will allow them know if they are suited for marriage. Living in onwards marriage has most advantages and disadvantages for the couple and nigh of those are listed below. Some of the advantages of hold in before marriage are living-together Living together will lower the cost of food, rent and bills because two people are splitting the cost of living. In some cases, one person takes care of all the bills.In those cases, it is usually the woman who gets the benefit of free room and board costs. Having someone there for emotional support, sexual relations and for conversation without being committed in a marriage is considered an advantage for most couples. Living together before marriage allows the couple to test their compatibility. For some people, they want to feel that they can get along with someone while living together before they plan for their wedding. By living together, y ou will unwrap how loyal your partner is to you.This will help you build trust together that cannot be shaken if you agree to get married in the future. By living together, you can prepare for marriage ahead by learning someones habits, attitudes and manners. There are also some disadvantages of living together before marriage. These are living-together2 By living together for a long time, you may get too comfortable with each opposite and totally avoid fix the knot in the future. Living together makes it easier for one partner to walk out on the relationship because there is no legal obligation to the other person.Living together can encourage an easy out for someone who wants it. Living together is often short-lived, statistics has shown. The female is the one who usually suffers if the relationship does not officiate out. Women tend to feel that they lose time, because of their biological clock, and dignity when they live together with a partner that ends in a break-up. No on e knows for sure that living together before marriage is the best thing to do. It is much easier to walk out of a relationship than it is walk out of a marriage.Everyone knows that divorce involves a lot more than what a break-up involves for a couple scarcely living together. Many pastors and marriage counselors advise young couples that if they believe in the institution of marriage to find someone who believes in that themselves. People who believe in the sanctity of marriage do not suggest living with someone first just to get to know them better or see if they are well-suited for each other. After all, marriage is an institution, and we cannot learn things outside of an institution.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Physics Exam

1. A football field is 120 yd long and 50 yd wide. What is the area of the football field, in m2, if 1 yd = 91. 44 cm? (Points 5) pic5. 0 x 103m2 pic2. 4 x 103m2 pic4. 2 x 103m2 pic3. 7 x 103m2 2. Suppose that an object travels from one point in space to another. Make a par between the displacement and the distance traveled. (Points 5) picThe displacement is either greater than or equal to the distance traveled. picThe displacement washbowl be either greater than, smaller than, or equal to the distance traveled. picThe displacement is always equal to the distance traveled. picThe displacement is either less than or equal to the distance traveled. 3. A grass moving horizontally to the right (+x direction) with a fixture of 500 m/s strikes a sandbag and penetrates a distance of 10. 0 cm. What is the reasonable acceleration, in m/s2, of the bullet? (Points 5) pic-1. 5 x 103 pic-1. 25 x 106 pic-2. 50 x 103 pic-2. 50 x 106 4. An airplane increases its speed from 1 00 m/s to 160 m/s, at the average rate of 15 m/s2.How much time does it take for the complete increase in speed? (Points 5) pic17 s pic4. 0 s pic0. 058 s pic0. 25 s 5.A bullet is fired horizontally, and at the homogeneous instant a second bullet is dropped from the same height. Ignore air resistance. Compare the times of fall of the two bullets. (Points 5) picThe fired bullet hits first. picThey hit at the same time. picThe dropped bullet hits first. piccannot tell without knowing the muckle 6. Starting from rest, a 4. 0-kg body reaches a speed of 8. m/s in 2. 0 s. What is the net force acting on the body? (Points 5) pic4. 0 N pic32 N pic16 N pic8. 0 N 7. A spring is characterized by a spring perpetual of 60 N/m. How much voltage energy does it store, when stretched by 1. cm? (Points 5) pic60 J pic600 J pic3. 0 x 10-3J pic0. 30 J 8. A 2. 0-kg softball is pitched to you at 20 m/s.You hit the ball back along the same path, and at the same speed. If the bat was in contact with the ball for 0. 10 s, what is the magnitude of the average force the bat exerted? (Points 5) pic400 N pic40 N piczero pic800 N 9. A wheel of diameter of 68. 0 cm slows down uniformly from 8. 40 m/s to rest over a distance of 115 m. How long does it take for the wheel to come to the stop? (Points 5) pic42. 7 s pic27. 4 s pic47. s pic24. 7 s 10. A book weighs 6 N. When held at rest above your head the net force on the book is(Points 5) pic9. 8 N pic0 N pic6 N. pic-6 N. 11. 50 cm3of wood is floating on water, and 50 cm3of iron is totally submerged. Which has the greater buoyant force on it? Points 5) picthe iron picthe wood picBoth substantiate the same buoyant force. piccannot be determined without knowing their densities 12. In a hydraulic garage cite, the small piston has a radius of 5. 0 cm and the large piston has a radius of 15 cm.What force must be applied on the small piston in order to lift a car weighing 20,0 00 N on the large piston? (Points 5) pic5. 0 x 103N pic6. 7 x 103N pic2. 2 x 103N pic2. 9 x 103N 13. A brick weighs 50. 0 N, and measures 30. 0 cm x 10. 0 cm x 4. 00 cm. What is the maximum pressure it can exert on a horizontal surface? (Points 5) pic12. 5 Pa pic1. 25 kPa pic12. 5 kPa pic1. 5 Pa 14. A liquid has a specific gravity of 0. 357. What is its density? (Points 5) pic643 kg/m3 pic357 kg/m3 pic3570 kg/m3 pic1000 kg/m3 15.The frequency of a wave increases. What happens to the distance between successive crests if the speed remains constant? (Points 5) picIt increases. picIt decreases. picIt remains the same. picIt cannot be determined from the information given. 16. What is the wave speed if a wave has a frequency of 12 Hz and a wavelength of 3. 0 m? (Points 5) pic4. m/s pic15 m/s pic36 m/s pic9. 0 m/s 17. An object in simple harmonic motion obeys the pursuit position versus time equation y = (0. 50 m) sin (? /2 t). What is the ampl itude of vibration? (Points 5) pic0. 0 m pic1. 0 m pic0. 25 m pic0. 75 m 18. On a day when the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s, a bat emits a shriek whose utter reaches it 0. 0250 s later. How far away was the object that reflected back the sound? Points 5) pic4. 25 m pic0. 850 m pic0. 425 m pic8. 50 m 19. A barking dog delivers around 1 mW of power, which is assumed to be uniformly distributed in all directions.What is the intensity level at a distance 5. 00 m from the dog? (Points 5) pic68 dB pic61 dB pic65 dB pic63 dB 20. The wavelengths of the sounds produced by two horns are 6 m and 7 m respectively.What beat frequency is heard when the horns are sounded on a day when the velocity of sound is 340 m/s? (Points 5) pic8 Hz pic6 Hz pic5 Hz pic7 Hz

Friday, May 24, 2019

Class and Gender Roles in Raising Arizona

In the film Raising Arizona, the scene where HI and Ed are sitting outside with Dot discussing the needs of Nathan Jr. is one that relates to our studies of the States on Film. The concepts of Class and Gender roles are evident in this scene. HI and Ed can be considered part of the lower-middle class. Glen and Dot are part of the upper-middle class. matchless of the ways that the film distinguishes between them is that Glens job as supervisor shows that he has a more respectable job with higher income.Also, Glen and Dot sire globey children that they adopted. They are able to musical accompaniment altogether those children and are actually looking for another one to adopt. This concept of Class also relates to how each equate fits into their gender roles. Prior to marrying HI, Ed had somewhat of a career as a policewoman. She was providing for herself. HI on the other hand, was constantly in and out of prison house for robbing the same convenience store. After the marriage, and having obtained Nathan Jr. , they each assimilated into their perspective gender roles.HI left his life of crime behind and got a job to support the family. Ed left her job behind and became a housewife. It was important to mention this before discussing the scene at the lunch table with Dot. The way that HI and Ed fit into their gender roles, and the fact that they are in a lower class than Glen and Dot, shapes the way the conversation call ins place. During this conversation, Dot is telling Ed about all the things that they must do for Nathan Jr. Every time Dot mentions something to Ed, Ed looks to HI for answers.At this point, Ed playing the role of the housewife looks to her husband, the provider and man of the house, for all the answers. Class also comes into play at this moment. HI has no clue what the woman are talking about. Since we dont know very much of HIs past, we can only presume that since he was constantly robbing that store, he has been part of the lower class. H I has no experience in these kinds of things alike flu shots and trust funds. Class is also evident here when you consider that Dot is aware of all these things.Since she is part of the upper-middle class, she has responsibilities, or at least knows how to take care of these things. So even though Dot is a housewife and Glen provides for the family, because they are part of the higher class than Ed and HI, it slightly changes the responsibilities of the gender roles. That was a scene that stuck out, at first only the way each person fit into their gender roles. Only after giving it some thought did I come to the realization that Class plays a factor on Gender roles.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Developing Approaches of Supply Chain Management Systems

296 The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 5, zero(prenominal) 3, July 2008 exploitation Approaches of turn in chain of mountains centering Systems of Enterprises in Pakistan Danish Irfan1, 2, Xu Xiaofei1, and Deng Sheng Chun1 1 give lessons of reckoner Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, chinaware 2 Department of Computer Science, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan Abstract This paper identifies the problems of pakistani trys concerning summate cooking stove net licks and recounts solutions to improving its boilersuit performance and competitiveness.Seldom, a non-trivial amount of research efforts has been made in emergent nations to improve and enhance supply chain management paradigm. Our survey comprised nine openings among them quaternion be successfully mock upled and presented. The detailed supply chain structure and study is also made. The paper concludes by suggesting and adopting modelled admitt ance to the corporations in their move towards implementing supply chain management strategies. Keywords Supply chain, supply chain management, supply chain net workings. Received October 14, 2006 accepted April 25, 2007 1. Introduction Supply Chain worry (SCM) has gained ignificance as one of the twenty-first centurys manufacturing technology and innovative paradigms for improving organizational competitiveness. SCM has been considered a competitive dodge for integrating suppliers and clients with the objective improving response time and flexibleness 6. Competitiveness in todays marketplace depends closely on the ability of a firm to grip the ch solelyenges of reducing lead-time, cost estimation, increasing client service levels and improving product quality. Conventionally, sourcing, end product, distri stillion and marketing have been working independently. Unfortunately, although they seem to be working owards a common goal, the organizational units have incompatible objecti ves. Nowadays, the cerebrate is shifting toward digitally integrated penury and Supply Chain (SC) configurations that are built around establishing networks of relationships between the firm, its suppliers, customers and partner entities. In our paper, we explain the work of distinguishable enterprises of pakistan considering their abilities and the SCM key challenges faced in developing their SCM approach. The data utilized for different SCM formations in this paper are derived from large, nationwide and cosmopolitan pakistani corporations, mong them quartet of which we refer to as enterprises A, B, C and D. Section 1 gives a brief introduction of the four enterprises from SCM perspective. Section 2 describes the related work in SCM. In section 3, we study existing constitutions and propose the SCM models for each enterprise. Section 4 concludes the study and presents future directions and strategies. 2. Related Work Unfortunately, there is no explicit news report of SCM o r its activities in the literature 2. The ultimate success of firms will depend on managements ability to integrate the companys tangled network of tune relationships, allowing improved decision making and onsequently, reducing cost and customer response time. SCM is not only this but much more than and beyond. SCM concerns neither to minimize nor to maximize but rather to optimize (integration, coordination, variability, uncertainty management and control) processes for the enterprise. An efficient and responsive SCM aims to move from a simple SC cypher 1 (a) to a well structured and extended SC Figure 1 (b). (a) Simple supply chain. (b) Extended supply chain. Figure 1. Supply chain type. Developing Approaches of Supply Chain Management Systems of Enterprises in Pakistan Literary summary shows the SCM concepts as ollows centralized vs. decentralized control, business process re-engineering strategies, information distortion, detrimental effect of bullwhip factor, SCM for suppli ers and firms performance, incorporating model between supplier and retailer benefits, mend, influence, activities, challenges to integrated SCM, need for performance measures for harbor of global supply chain improvement value of information in a two level SCM modelling the complexity and dynamics design and management for SC systems information sharing and applications of lean thinking to manufacturing operations 3.Supply chain strategy assessment including sourcing, nurture of scrutinise planning and management processes, benchmarking and SC Key Performance Indicators (KPI) collectively approach improvement of SC performance. It combines a strategic approach with practical tactical solutions that save time and money for the consumers. Nowadays, few enterprises are in commencement to adopt SCM to improve their performance and to address their unfavourable inter-organizational purchaser-supplier relationships and split up processes. Although SCM in erection is still in its inf ancy, there is a need for SCM adoption to date and o scrutinize whether its maturity matches the key features of such a class of improvement. SCM featuring market saturation driven, operationally agile, consumers customized, logistics optimized and trade focused prioritization are accentures successful supply chain strategies which are widely varied but are equally successful 1, 5. In 4 the SCOR reference model captures the as-is state of the business process with the objective of achieving the in demand(p) to-be future state of PTC, pakistan. In the attached section we proceed with the modelled SCN schema of the following enterprises. 3. Typical Enterprises Concerning SCM inPakistan In this section, we describe the enterprise structure one by one. Firstly, enterprise A describes the SCM form watchfulness of certain Vehicle (V). Secondly, enterprise B gives proposal of logical argument to Consumer (B2C) model for ontogenesis of electrical appliances. thence, enterprise C discus ses SCM for design and manufacture segments of communication equipment and lastly, enterprise D shows the SC mechanism at a research oriented enterprise. We refer to appendix A for acronyms used in this paper. 3. 1. Enterprise A SCM stage Inspection of Certain Vehicle (V) In this enterprise study, we only focused on the SCM hase control of certain Vehicle (V). Its key 297 segments are forecasting, planning, scheduling, demand of components and procurances. The intend of this phase watch is to access and evaluate Usage of vehicle V. Calendar based inspection schedule staggered so as to assure the SC procurement. Induction of vehicle for inspection in the presently available time. The hierarchy of phase inspection in the enterprise A concerning SCM is shown in Figure 2. In Charge Engineering Branch Control Branch Sub Engineering Branch Phase Inspection Branch Figure 2. Hierarchy of phase inspection in enterprise A.If vehicle usage is more than the specified time then inspection time held is decreased, i. e. , from 10 months to one year. The types of phase inspection as described by OEM along with its statutes are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Types of phase inspection as described by OEM. Inspection encipher M1 M2 M3 M4 Time (Days) 20 21 22 25 The premeditated chief(prenominal)tenance offset printing views the items checklist. It receives the electric current ocellus levels for a variety of stock types required for inspection and monitors the flow of materials in and come forth of stocktaking. All the items are prerequisite before phase inspections induction starts.The control branch discip barriers responsibility and forecasts to keep living items recorded and tracks them for timely replacement. It forecasts the processes on three-monthly, six-monthly, yearly and bi-yearly foundation. The demand process is initiated by the user and a query is sent to the logistics department. putting surface warehouse takes action on demand via Automatic Logistics Management System (ALMS). The demand is processed to the terminus for accomplishment otherwise the item is put on demand from source abroad in consultation with the head office of the department. The SC in phase inspection of the vehicle is shown in Figure 3.It includes procurement agencies, depot Ware Houses (WH), logistics, jet stores, material control and the users. Table 2 shows demand priorities over the lead times of the phase inspection. The designator priority system of current enterprise is based on historical assumptions, experience, system log-in, log-out time, intercontinental and local logistics 298 The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 5, No. 3, July 2008 in-between lead times and depot area. Here the consumption is based on usage value. Table 2. Demand priorities over the lead times. Demand Priority Code Lead Times (Days) 03 06 13 2 13 16 17 69 84 Altering the item criteria for phase inspection is defined as Mandatory change items as spe cified by OEM are forecasted, procured and kept as a kit. Conditional change items are demanded if the bench checks fail. Firstly, items are sent for Local Repair (LR) and issues Dead-Line-Date (DLD). If it succeeds, items are sent back to procurement department otherwise a query is placed to the Local Manufacture (LM) department. machine-driven Logistics Management System ALMS Automatic parentageing management system AIMS Deport automatise inv. management system DAIMS DAIMS financial management systemAIMS financial management system Purchase order management system POMS Local purchase management system LPMS Clothing exchange management system CEX Catalogue management system CMS Stowage tracking system STS fare management system -TMS Preservation data collection & analysis system PDCAS Serialized parts management system SPMS Calibration management system -CMS Worker rearing system WTS Figure 4. Automatic logistics management system. Figure 3. SCM phase inspection o f a certain vehicle (V). In the proceeding section we discuss ALMS, an automated system adopted by enterprise A. 3. 1. 1.Automatic Logistics Management System Automatic Logistics Management System (ALMS) is an interactive, fully automated, incorporating data processing, knowledge base and useful support to all operational units in the organization. It is a family of software implemented on an IBM 3090 machine. Its chief(prenominal) functions are memorial and maintenance management. Mainly, it contains a maintenance and supply module as shown in Figure 4. The ALMS characterises the SCM phase which make the upstanding system. SC modules of ALMS are comprised of Automatic livestock Management System (AIMS), Deport Automated Inventory Management System (DAIMS), Purchase OrderManagement System (POMS), Local Purchase Management System (LPMS), Clothing Exchange Management System (CEX), Catalogue Management System (CMS) and Transportation Management System (TMS). These components resul ts in Featuring the whole SC of phase inspection of the enterprise. Online requisitioning and feed back posture. Auto requisitioning based on demand level. Assets visibility to all authorized users. Repairable asset control done Stowage Tracking System (STS). Essential supply reports are made daily on a document register and submitted to higher authorities for completion indication of this phase. Here it oncludes the SCM of phase inspection of Vehicle (V). 3. 2. Enterprise B Proposal of Business to Consumer Model for Development of Electrical Appliances Enterprise B gives a SCM model for proposal of B2C development of electrical appliances. The main objectives include Multiple vendor development for large scale production. Efficient demand and supply management system. Self driving automated network. After sales support network for production support services like spare parts and repair. Awareness of SC actors. The first objective explains the contingency plan, i. e. , not depending on a single vendor and must have eliable supplier/s. The Main SCM activities of the B2C model for electrical appliance growth are shown in Figure 5. Depending upon product status and type, the customer interaction with the SC can be categorized into three parts. First, in case of complex products e. g. , ship. Customers have to directly contact the manufacturers or the OEM. Second, e. g. , in case of a car, the customer can contact a repair factory and the repair factory or agent can contact the manufacturer. Last, in the example of a background estimator, the customer contacts with the sales distributors, who further link with the regional suppliers and so on.Developing Approaches of Supply Chain Management Systems of Enterprises in Pakistan Figure 5. SCM activities flow and coordination in B2C model for development of electrical appliances. Figure 6 describes the use case diagram of the characters of the as is schema of current enterprise. Our main characters inclu de national and regional suppliers, manufacturer, local tell on and the customer. 299 In the current system, SCM comprises three main departments sales and marketing, production and planning control, and procurement and inventory management which serve as the backbone of the SC. The planning phase goes through MRP which checks hat, for whom and how much to order. Capacity planning overviews the additional investment (if any) to meet the targets. Then production planning looks for facilities, technical and transportation phases. Sourcing makes the order scarification. In notation Of Materials (BOM) it shows the item source code from local and foreign production within the enterprise and then assembles. It lacks in maintaining a standard of vendor evaluation. The enterprise C schema is shown in Figure 7. Figure 6. Case diagram of as is process. The time frame of implementing SCM activities flow is shown in Table 3. The current enterprise chema lacks in customer relationship phase. r egional suppliers must be expanded to give a broader scope for its customers and local retailers. Table 3. Time frame of implementation for different phases. The goal to eliminate the vast majority (costs of receiving, shipping, expediting, data main course, data processing, accounting, and error follow-up) of regional suppliers need Just-In-Time (JIT) interaction with the manufacturer for enhancement of effective SC. 3. 3. Enterprise C Design and Manufacture Segments of Long Message Equipment Enterprise C discusses design and manufacture segments of long message equipment with the bjective to acquire and develop a sophisticated expert base for long message systems and to enlarge and expand production of components. Durable AS400 system support is available for its Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Supply Chain Network (SCN). Figure 7. Design and manufacturing framework for enterprise C. For request, quotations are called and regarding the minimum amount quotation the order is placed. The steps include Quotations call/ float. equal comparison statements. Selection of potential customers. Order placement. The Receiving/ storing section receives the items in orm of Semi Knock Down (SKD) and Completely Knock Down (SKD). Right from the main entry of the goods in the enterprise, a receipt is generated against the goods received. The phases include Incoming Good Inspection (IGI), Incoming Goods Forwarding (IGF), Incoming Goods Receiving (IGR), allotting code Nos to items and updating inventory in the system. The Quality Control (QC) of the engineering department ensures the quality of the received products. The receipts along with the inspected goods are frontward to the store department. Here an inventory code is generated for each item. The make/ deliver ensure alue addition and quality inspection. The question arises why to have an inventory? Our requirements fulfil the answer for the question. First, we want to meet anticipate demand and smooth pro duction requirement. Second, we want to have a buffer of items and avoid stock out. It also takes advantage of the order round of golf and hedges against price increase. The business nature of the under discussed 300 The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 5, No. 3, July 2008 enterprise can be categorized as make-to-order and engineer-to-order. The customer tells specification and the RandD of the enterprise works on the required emand of its customer. The main work in current enterprise C is made on inventory turn over or turnaround time calculation. For this, let inventory turnover be Q, inventory I, sales S, cost C and time taken t for the system. Then Q is defined as number of times a company is able to convert its inventory I into sales during the course of a year. It is calculated by dividing cost of sales by average inventory. Q= C( t ) I( t ) (1) Turnaround time= Cost of goods sold from stock sales during one year (2) reasonable inventory investment during one year past Table 4. yearly inventory turnover. Year Annual Cost ofGoods Sold ($) Inventory ($) Investment Annual Inventory Turnover 2000 01 85692 12312 2001 02 2002 03 2003 04 2004 05 77600 99356 50000 65000 14923 21981 9766 15330 6. 96 5. 20 4. 52 5. 12 Average 4. 24 5. 21 Table 4 shows the annual inventory turnover which converts inventory into saleable goods for this product. Most of the inventory is pilled up which also checks sales vs. inventory. The disadvantage of annual inventory turnover shows the block up inventory of the enterprise which could be used for some other purposes in the enterprise. roughly of the reasons for the pilling up of inventory show that This analysis of inventory has revealed the cases for increase in inventory over the years. Some stock is held to cater for after sales support during the warranty period as well as for providing repair services against invoices. For items where backup support from the main supplier has been stopped, the enterprise has to keep some inventory to provide backup support to its customers. In order to meet the spare requirement for customers under the contractual obligations, a certain stock of modules is kept. Pre-ordered materials that are not converted into sales also add up to stock up inventory. Some items are pilled up due to Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) requirement. The imperfections found in the system are tribulations to manufacturing. First, there is demand of items but no traceability. Demand section is otiose to predict the items to fulfill the demand. Second, there is no entry of lead times showing the absence of items from inventory physically. 3. 3. 1. Recommendations for Improvement in Turnover Time of Inventory All items (sales stores as well as main stores) required after-sales-support during the warranty period may be shifted for the repair (R code) warehouse. The items lying in repair may be xcluded from inventory evaluation. After the completion of delivery against a project or near the closing of the financial year, if the bulk of the project is delivered, which ever is earlier, the sales and marketing department will transfer an appropriate quantity of modules for backup support during the warranty period to the repair warehouse. The cost of such items, as worked out by the finance department should be charged to the after sales support account. When the product is phased out and its backup support is stopped by the main supplier to other collaborators, the balance of materials for that roduct may be zero valued. The responsibility of the issuance of material from the repair warehouse should rest with the customer services department. In order to realize some of the struck up funds in the preordered existing inventory of the enterprise, the same may be offered as discounted prices to prospective customers. great emphasis may be stipulation on accurate forecasting to avoid losses resulting from failure to sell pre-ordered mater ial. The purchase committee should also take care in placing orders against anticipated customer orders. If possible, an agreement should be made with the upplier where it will be bound to take back the materials if the expected customer order is not received. The exercise for obsolescence should be carried out regularly especially after every six months and the materials identified as obsolete should be disposed of to explain inventory value as well as to free storage space. The above SCM study gives opportunity to gain knowledge about Envisioning the whole SC and understand its impact on inventory Cost reduction for a better inventory control Differentiation between visualizing different ordering types in an enterprise like make to order, ake to engineer and assemble to order etc. , and the same, can be compared with current systems. recognise how a surplus inventory plays a vital role in lashing up the capital investment of an enterprise (turnover value). Developing Approa ches of Supply Chain Management Systems of Enterprises in Pakistan Understand and calculate turnaround value and its benefits by considering the saved investment to be utilized in an additional business opportunity for the same enterprise. Understand the impact of ABC analysis on Economics Order Quantity (EOC). Understand the importance and mixed aspects of oftware utilization for a good inventory management through visibility and traceability of information. To use jargons of SC and inventory management effectively and confidently while discussing relevant issues in the current enterprise. 301 receives items from the supplier, called the incoming inspection department. Then items go through various phases from a vendor. The targets for incoming inspection are based on acceptance or rejection of the receiving goods. Specifications of the items like standard, grade, dimension, drawing etc. , are given by that particular departments program management which require particular comp onents.A conformance report of the product with specifications acts as a base for rejection or acceptance of incoming items. If a regular obsession is bought then it only needs an OEM certificate. 3. 4. Enterprise D SC Mechanism at a research Enterprise Enterprise D embraces the Planning and Production Control (PPC) department, logistics, supplier, log warehouse, QC and demand department for completion of its SCM. It adopts a Supplier Quality Management (SQM) system in the enterprise. Its significance concludes The enterprise demands very high standards of its products and in-time delivery of the components. Failure of hardware or software in the business can be calamitous. performance of quality system model AS9100 Quality Management System (QMS) for quality assurance in design, development, production and installation. AS9100 QMS is being used for supplier support. For this, the enterprise provides modern font equipment and training for its suppliers. AS9100 was formed to brin g all of its vendors to one platform for production of a high standard product. SQM system starts with the implementation of the Master Production account (MPS) of the enterprise. It maintains a database of all suppliers for supplier performance analysis.By communication, it makes a confirmation that synchronization exists between the production and supplier components, happening at component level by using cards. The components which are falling short or at production line are mentioned by the card. The components at assembly are measured by the operator who accordingly upgrades and passes it to the logistics department, manually or through the ERP system. The logistics department has visibility about components falling short or in excess. It sends orders to its suppliers whether they bring items internationally or locally. How does quality play an important role in SCM?The system not only ensures JIT delivery but also ensures the right quality of product has been delivered. The Q MS works for Quality Control (QC), Quality Assurance (QA) and supplier evaluation system. The link to SC is built through the QC department which Figure 8. SCM pyramid for research enterprise. The focus on supplier control in AS9100 QMS machine gives globalization, diversity of regional requirements, challenges of assuring quality of products and suppliers throughout the world and intime delivery. Various vendors/ suppliers or horizontal surfaces are distributed all over the world, so it is very difficult to align them at ne quality level. Figure 8 shows SCM pyramid tiers for this research enterprise. In the current enterprise, tier 1 produces the vehicle, tier 2 concerns in the software development and tier 3 deals with component assembly and so on. Now, how do we assure that all of these tiers are manufacturing products at a quality and attuned with the standards, or according to the pattern given by the organization? For assurance and conformation of the above scenario, we apply the demand-pull logic of JIT theory. For its deployment, multitasking is ensured, various components are being manufactured at various vendors nd they are required for final assembly. MPS is made commune to all vendors. Since the enterprise status is online, all the components are brought in time to final assembly and fabricated and then delivered to customers. The current enterprises MPS is analyzed on the basis of orders, forecasting, and capacity. It depends upon the size of this period and ABC classification of the supplier. The demand planning shows the supplier visibility/ negotiation and the cumulative lead time of the system. The system SC cycle contains the works orders which are issued on the basis of MPS and orders. The job ards play an important role in this scenario. 302 The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 5, No. 3, July 2008 for quality, supplier training, seminar/ exhibition, supplier quality audit and supplier improvement strategies. Hence , we conclude adaptation of the most promising innovations enabled by the modern ITenhanced SCM systems. The modelled approach of the SCM system provides a foundation for future experimentation with prospect scenarios and strategies. Acknowledgments Anonymous reviewers are acknowledged. This work was supported by the National Key Technology R andD Program of China (Grant No. 2006BAH02A09) and the High Technology R and D Program of China (Grant No. 2006AA04Z165). PhD Scholarship for Mr. Danish Irfan is awarded by COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT), Pakistan. Figure 9. JIT pull logic for customer demand. References 1 4. Conclusions Our current exertion demonstrates that SCM can make a huge impact on the enterprises bottom line and customers satisfaction level. In the enterprise A study, the schema needs design enhancement. Alteration of lead time and cycle time is desired to be minimized and optimized further.Enterprise B needs to improve the customer relationships. Re gional suppliers must be expanded to give a broader scope for its customers and local retailers. Regional suppliers also need JIT interaction with the manufacturer for enhancement of effective SC. In Enterprise C, we conclude that the SCM structure can be made piano by categorization of the items, focused lead times for delivery, cost and quality to acquire and develop a sophisticated technological base for enlarging and expansive production of components. Delivery target of the product to customer is scheduled keeping the view main items in our designed SCM.Thus, it also enables managers to reduce their cost through more effective contract negotiations. Concerned managers now can direct that class A items may be reviewed frequently to reduce the average-lot size and to keep their inventory records accurate. In Enterprise D, SC targets its goals by making demand visibility through an online ERP system. It has compressed time and shifts down barriers for the top management/ leadin g of the enterprise. It has also learnt the organization as working together and teamwork brings up an active SC domino effect. The effective SC has also lead the enterprise to break down arriers by efficient communication, initial planning meetings, communication during contract, partnership 2 3 4 5 6 Tompkins J. , Beyond Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Management Review, http//www. scmr. com/article/CA629657. html, 2000. make M. , Lambert D. , and Pagh J. , Supply Chain Management More than a New Name for Logistics, The International Journal of Logistics Management, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 1-13, 1997. Hurst B. and Jennifer J. , A Network Based methodological analysis to Model Supply Chain Systems, PhD Thesis, The University of Iowa, 2002. Irfan D. , Xiaofei X. , and Shengchun D. , ASCOR Reference Model of the Supply Chain Management System in an Enterprise, International Arab Journal of Information Technology, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 292-299, 2008. Saad M. , Jones M. , and pack P. , A Review of the Progress Towards the Adoption of Supply Chain Management (SCM) Relationships in Construction, European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 173183, September 2002. Wu J. , Ulieru M. , Cobzaru M. , and Norrie D. , Supply Chain Management Systems State of the Art and Vision, in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Management of Innovation and Technlogy (ICMIT), pp. 59-764, 2000. Danish Irfan is a PhD scholar in School of Computer Science and Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China PRC. His research interests include data clustering applications, business intelligence, and SCM. Developing Approaches of Supply Chain Management Systems of Enterprises in Pakistan Xu Xiaofei is a professor and dean of School of Computer Science and Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China PRC. His research interests include computer integrated manufacturing system, database systems, supply chain management, agile virtual enterprises, management nd decision information system, and knowledge engineering. He has published more than 200 academic papers. He is the standing member of the Council of China Computer Federation, member of the Expert Group for Discipline of Computer Science and Technology in the Academic Degree committee of China State Council. 303 Deng Sheng Chun is an associate professor in School of Computer Science and Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China PRC. His research interests include computer integrated manufacturing system, supply chain management, business intelligence, and data mining applications.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Chicory Root Extract Atopic Dermatitis Health And Social Care Essay

Atopic dermatitis is a genetically transmitted, continuing inflammatory tegument disease that is characterized by chronic redness of epidermis1. The disease normally presents during early childhood only when may get down or prevail in big life 2. 10 % to 20 % of kids and 1 % to 3 % of larges are affected by this status. Adult atopic dermatitis is normally a continuance of the childhood status although in 2 % of the entire instances may get down after 20 ancient ages of age 3. It is the earliest presentation of atopic characteristics in patients who suffer from allergic coryza and/or asthma in ulterior life 4. The atopic dermatitis may undergo remission at pubescence and so gets exacerbated in big life particularly in response to environmental exposure to thorns 3. The characteristic characteristics of disease are pruritus, scrape, and chronic and/or get worsing eczematous lesions 5.Presently, there is no unequivocal remedy for this status and command is aimed at relieving the s ymptoms of the status hence it presents a clinical challenge 6. The direction includes good tegument attention ( such as physical exercise of moisturizers and creams ) , trigger turning away while pharmacological interventions such as usage of anti-inflammatory drug drug drugs ( topical corticoids and unwritten antihistamines ) anyway contribute to the curative armamentarium 3. The new calcineurin inhibitors are among the new intervention options which limit the badness and frequence of flare-ups 6. Due to an increased casualty of infection, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral drugs are besides portion of the intervention regimen 6. Different intervention options available are shown in the foretell 1hypertext transfer protocol // interpose/10.1111/j.1398-9995.2006.01153.x/asset/image_n/ALL_1153_f5.gif? v=1 & A t=ghv2sj68 & A s=0e428ba76d59dc1a7fd694a0dcbd25f4c38e76d4Beginning Akdis et Al, 2006The furnace lining or terrible instances present a cha llenge in their direction and necessitate change therapies like the application of wet dressings in combination with topical corticoids, short-run intervention with systemic corticoids, phototherapy with ultraviolet visible shaft 8, immunomodulatory or immunosuppressive agents ( cyclosporins, pimecrolimus and tacrolimus ) 9, Imuran, interferon- IA? , 3. However, bulk of these therapies switch been found to be associated with side-effects like nephritic toxicity, hepato-toxicity 3, skin combustion and thinning etc.9 This has resulted in involvement in the alternate traditional therapies.Cichorium is a medicinally of import works that belongs to the household Asteraceae 10. The tuberous root of this works is made up of a figure of medicinally of import compounds such as inulin, acrimonious sesquiterpene lactones, coumarins ( esculin ) , flavonoids and vitamins 10. Hence, the root infusion of the works has been used as an antihepatotoxic, antiulcerogenic, antiinflammatory, appetiser , digestive, gastric, liver tonic, cholagogue, cardiotonic, depurative, diuretic, emmenagogue, antipyretic, alexeteric and besides as tonic 11. Furthermore, it is besides helpful in headache, heapatomegaly, degenerative arthritis 12, anorexia, indigestion, flatulency, gripes, urarthritis, firing esthesis, icterus, splenomegaly, hyperdipsia, Hansens disease, , amenorrhea, chronic and biliary febrilities, ophthalmitis, sore throat and emesis, arthralgia, lumbago, asthma and general infirmity 13.Chicory root has been shown to hold anti-inflammatory action by suppression of COX-2 activity 14. Furthermore, the chicory root infusion has been shown to possess antibacterial 10 and clamber protecting belongingss 15. The safety visibleness chicory root infusion is good 16 and is better tolerated 17. A combination of these belongingss makes it a suited agent to be try oned against atopic dermatitis.Although its usage in the intervention of skin allergic conditions has been mentioned in the l iterature, no surveies could be identified proving the efficaciousness of chicory infusion against atopic dermatitis in grownups or kids.Despite the deficiency of recognizable inquiry into the usage of chicory root infusion in pull offing grownup atopic dermatitis, the grounds available pertaining to its widespread usage and anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial usage suggests that chicory root infusion could be a good direction option by bettering the disease symptoms and associated conditions.In drumhead, a randomised control test on an equal sample size, focused entirely on the consequence of chicory root infusion on the symptoms of atopic dermatitis should be carried out utilizing blinded research workers.Research QuestionDoes the chicory root infusion better the symptoms in patients enduring from grownup atopic dermatitis?Proposed ProbeThe probe aims to find whether the root infusion of chicory works decreases the badness and symptoms of grownup atopic dermatitis. A randomized vehicle-control dual blind test allow for be performed on 100 patients enduring from atopic dermatitis at the Liverpool infirmary.Inclusion and Exclusion CriteriaParticipants between 20 to 50 old ages of age enduring from or diagnosed with non-exudative atopic dermatitis utilizing the Hanifin and Rajka criteria 18 testament be indiscriminately assigned to instance and control groups. Exclusion exemplifications for participants enduring from exudative dermatitis, patients who original UVB phototherapy or photo-chemotherapy in the last 1 month, and patients who received systemic therapies such as steroid or other immunosuppressive drugs in the last 3 months were excluded.Study and vehicle Group PreparationsThe ethyl ethanoate chicory infusion will be dispensed in an ointment signifier with a standard base pick which contains a mixture of glyceryl mono/distearate and polythene ethanediol stearate, isoparaffin and cyclopentadimethylsiloxane 19. This base will fointment as vehicle a nd cream merely with no other actions. The control group will have the base pick merely along with ethyl ethanoate to minimise the consequence of any confounders. intercessionFollowing blessing from the local moralss commission, informed consent will be taken from all the patients while making the baseline hiting for atopic dermatitis. Subjects will so be indiscriminately allocated into either the intervention group or control group after baseline appraisal and marking. The opinion group ( n=50 ) will have ethyl acetate chicory root infusion in ointment signifier whilst the vehicle group ( n=50 ) will have a placebo in ointment signifier with indistinguishable visual aspect and wadding. Treatment will dwell of using a thin bed of unction on the affected country twice daily for a period of eight back-to-back hebdomads. All other signifiers of interventions will be prohibited during the survey period. The marking will be done at 4 hebdomad intervals.Both the clinicians and the patie nts will be blind to the intervention that they are giving or having as the survey and vehicle unction will be dispensed in indistinguishable wadding.ResultFour major parametric quantities of the disease, viz. , extent, strength, waterlessness, and itchiness, will be flatly recorded harmonizing to the eczema country and badness index ( EASI ) 20. The symptoms will besides be estimated by hiting patient reported symptoms utilizing a structured questionnaire with nonsubjective standards. A usage of hiting systems and nonsubjective standards will assist to standardise and compare the results in both groups.The result tonss of the two groups at baseline and at 4 hebdomads interval will be compared utilizing a two-tailed Studentaaa?s t-test with the significance degree set at 5 % . All the analysis will be done utilizing SPSS.RestrictionRestrictions of the survey include the fact that the participants may endure from flair ups due to surcease of all other types of interventions. However , if at any smirch it is felt by the wellness attention squad that the intercession is arousing any unwanted effects and patient demands systematic therapy, the test will be all over early or that patient will be dropped out. This may increase the bead out rates and compromise the cogency of the survey.Ethical IssuesParticipants will be informed that non-participation or backdown at any phase wonaaa?t compromise their medical attention. Informed consent will be taken from the patient and his doctor before get downing the intervention and will be discontinue at any clip if the patient or his doc want to make so.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Because I Counld Not Stop for Death

The analysis of the relationship between the life experiences and belief Emily Dickinson held and her poetrys by analyzing Because I Could Not impede for Death Emily Elizabeth Dickinson (1830-1886), an Ameri arse poet, was born in Amherst, Massachusetts. Living in a successful family which had an important status in the community, she lived a very introverted life. by and by having spent seven years in Amherst Academy, she carried on studying in Mount Holyoke Female Seminary for a short period of time. The locals considered her as an eccentric.Maybe this was the mind why she started to be noted for wearing white clothing, and seldom greeting visitors. One of her closest friend Thomas Wentworth Higginson said Emily emerged from her wonted retirement and did her fragmentise as gracious hostess nor would any one have known from her manner, I have been told, that this was not a daily occurrence. (http//www. gutenberg. org/dirs/etext01/1mlyd10. txt) Dickinsons introverted man let h er develop her anomalous thought and tone. Having never thought of letting the poems be publishedit was called the Poetry of the Portfolio, her poems were the full display of a writers own mind.However, the few works published in her life time were largely altered by the publishers to fit the contemporary poetic rules. Dickinsons poems were unique in her times. Besides the unconventional writing format of meter containing short lines, typically lack titles, and often utilize slant rhyme as swell up as unconventional capitalization and punctuation, her unearthly belief and the unconventional utterance were evident to be perceived. She loved to speak of a compassionate Savior and the magnificence of the Scriptures, but she dis samed the hypocrisy and arbitrariness of institutional church. We can infer that the writer possessed her distinctive way to appreciate God. Moreover, she often mentioned immortality, shoemakers last, and eternity in her poems. In Because I Could Not Stop for Death (1924), Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me The carriage held but just ourselves And Immortality. In the first stanza she portrayed the approach of death. In Calvinist dogma, it is true that death passed upon all men through the First Adam since he was expelled from the Garden and disjointed the reliance of immortality from Tree of Life and thus made death certain. http//geocities. com/shsnj_2000/theology/calvinism. hypertext markup language) (http//lifeafterdeath. eu/) The same belief can be inferred in the last stanza Since whence t is centuries but each Feels shorter than the day I first surmised the horses heads Were toward eternity. The underlined two lines indicate that Dickinson assumed that with the accompanying of death she was resuming and reentering the immortality. After the sketchy understanding of the religious part of her composing background, then the following is the subconscious part of her composing background.According to Will iam Cullen Bryant and Henry Thoreau, we can apply many of the characteristics of Dickinsons rhyme in this poem 2. Her style is elliptical she will say no more than she must suggesting either a quality of uncertainty or one of finality. For example, she held the joint eternity until the last word of the last stanza to pane out the main theme. 3. Her lyrics are her highly subjective she knows no other consciousness. Emily Dickinson alto pop offher used ternary I and at least ten me and my in this poem.Because the extremely limited life circle and introverted world, it was nothing more easier than applying the protagonism (the first person point of view) in the verse. 4. Ambiguity of meaning and syntax. Wrote Higginson She almost always grasped whatever she sought, but with some fracture of grammar and dictionary on the way. For example, in the fifth stanza We paused before a house that seemed (was) A swelling of the ground The roof was scarcely visible, (and) The cornice (wa s not a cornice) but a mound. 5.Concreteness it is nearly a theorem of lyric poetry that it is as good as it is concrete. Even when she is talking of the most abstract of subjects, Emily specifies it by elaborating it in the concreteness of simile or metaphor. Here we go to talk closely the figurative language. Dickinson used personification to portray Death as a kind and civil gentleman who accompanies her to pass the life that she is busy with and Death is like a suitor who comes calling for the narrator to escort her to eternity. And she too mentioned that the immortality is another passenger in the carriage. http//www. cummingsstudyguides. net/Guides2/Dickinson. htmlCharacters)Therefore, from the interaction between the personified Death and the utterer we can perceive that the speaker is a woman who is sound in her decision to leave. She is too naive concerning Deaths intension for her. Frank Bernard states that at the poems opening the speaker is, to say the least, naive . . . . She does not have the foresight to dress warmly. . . and there is no luggage. (http//www. associatedcontent. com/article/657821/emily_dickinsons_because_i_could_not. html? cat=38)The metaphor in the poem is multiple first, in the forth stanza, the speaker is only wearing gossamer, tippet, and tulle and feels cold. It means she had come to the late night of her life, and human race has nothing to outfit themselves against the cold of death. Second, in the forth stanza, the writer chose the word gown to indicate that she went with death not with sadness but with the attitude to be a bride. Third, in the fifth stanza, the line the tomb is like a house points out that there is a place for her to dwell in the long time after move away because death is not the end but eternity. Forth, The setting sun passed us means that human race is a tiny existence that can only be dominated by the power of time. (http//www. cummingsstudyguides. net/Guides2/Dickinson. htmlTop) The use of simi le and irony are also significant In the fifth stanza the writer used the simile a house that seemed a swelling of the ground. It indicates that the tomb is a swelling of the ground. The use of the irony is in the third stanza We passed the school, where children strove At recess, in the ring We passed the fields of gazing grain, We passed the setting sun.The speaker illustrated the three images of the stage of life. Each of them is portrayed vividly, however, the speaker is getting away from them and soon entering the future(a) stage, the final stage right after the sunset. However, it is understood that when looking back on the experience, she realizes the significance of those seemingly mundane occurrences. (http//www. associatedcontent. com/article/657821/emily_dickinsons_because_i_could_not. html? cat=38) Analyzing this poem by new criticism, the theme is clear. Though Dickinsons insights are profound, they are limited in topic. Because I could not stop for death echoes the reoccurring theme of the inevitability of death. In this poem, Dickinson skillfully conveys that theme through a personification of Death as a courtly lover. Death is not the end but the eternity. (http//www. associatedcontent. com/article/657821/emily_dickinsons_because_i_could_not. html? cat=38) The Symbols in the poem are carriage, school, fields, and the setting sun. The carriage symbolizes the procedure of death. As the carriage moves, human beings experience their lives in each stage get and more and more closer to the final destination of life (death).The school, fields, and the setting sun symbolize the early, middle, and late stage of life. The last one of the characteristics of Dickinsons verse is obscurity and the space for another answer. Higginson said she was obscure, and sometimes inscrutable and though obscurity is sometimes, in Coleridges phrase, a compliment to the reader, yet it is never safe to closet this compliment too hard. Is Death a kind, polite suitor? The speaker refers to his benignity and civility. He drives her slowly is this an expression of tact and consideration for her?If he is the dainty suitor, then Immortality,who is also in the carriage (or hearse) would be their chaperon, a silent one. Is Death actually a betrayer, and is his courtly manner an illusion to seduce her? Because of his kindness in stopping for her, she agrees to go with him (put away / My labor and my leisure too). Is Death rattling cruel? She is not properly dressed for their tour she is wearing only a gossamer gown and tulle tippet (gossamer very light, thin cloth tulle a thin, fine netting used for veils, scarfs, etc. tippet covering for the shoulders). Is Immortality really an accomplice to Deaths deception? (http//academic. brooklyn. cuny. edu/english/melani/cs6/stop. html) From the above analysis it is not hard anymore for us to infer that Emily Dickinson who is a talented writer who conceived the vivid idea in mind. Her life experiences and religious belief have influenced her verse a lot. From this poem Because I Could Not Stop for Death the another indicated her interpretation of death Death is not the end but the eternity.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Outline for Adhd

I. What is minimal brain dysfunction? Attention shortage Hyperactivity Disorder- a earthy behavior disorder that affects oneness in 15-20 school-age infantren. Boys be three times more(prenominal)(prenominal) give cargonly to be diagnosed with it than girls, but there is no pass off reason yet why more boys than girls argon diagnosed with it. It is broken brush up into three subtypes an inattentive type, with signs that include * inability to pay charge to lucubrate or a tendency to make c areless errors in schoolwork or early(a) activities * hassle with sustained attention in tasks or play activities * apparent listening problems * hindrance following book of instructions * problems with organization avoidance or dislike of tasks that require mental effort * tendency to lose things like toys, nonebooks, or homework * distractibility * forgetfulness in daily activities 2. a hyperactive-impulsive type, with signs that include * fidgeting or squirming * difficulty re maining pose * excessive running or climbing * difficulty playing quietly * always agreeming to be on the go * excessive talk * blurting out answers before hearing the full question * difficulty waiting for a turn or in line * problems with interrupting or intruding 3. a unite type, which involves a combination of the other ii types and is the to the highest degree commonA. Symptoms impulsive, hyperactive, short attention span, trouble focusing, symptoms are present over a long period of time and occur in different settings, problems stopping point tasks, disorganized, trouble following directions, easily distracted, out forgetful or careless and frequently misplace things. 1. rationalise similarities/differences of ADD and attention deficit disorder Similarities attention span is short, trouble controlling their behavior without medication and behavioural therapy, appear bored. Differences ADD- attention deficit without hyperactivity and impulsiveness. attention deficit h yperactivity disorder- includes hyperactivity and impulsiveness. . ex of characteristics in boys hyperactive/impulsive behavior, rough behavior b. ex of characteristics in girls inattentive, forgetful, hyper-talkative, emotional hyper-reactive c. why it is harder to spot ADD/ minimal brain damage in girls than boys girls are harder to spot because the criteria for spotting ADHD includes external behavioral characteristics such as aggression, defiance, and other behavioral management problems, which are more common in boys than in girls. Girls with ADHD tend to be shy, soci all(prenominal)y isolate themselves, driven or anxious, or over- pore on their studies B. How is ADHD diagnosed?There is no test that give the axe determine whether a pincer has ADHD or not, just a complete evaluation. A primary care physician or the family pediatrician usually prescribes medication in the lowest dose form and does medication checks every month to see if the current dose is helping or if an inc rease is needed. Most of the time if there is no heighten at the current dose being taken, the physician increases the dose for each one month until adverse perspective set up start to be seen in the youngster, than a decrease in dosage happens until changes for the benefit of the infant are noticed by the parent and the instructors.If there is any doubt a referral to a child psychologist or psychiatrist may be needed for further evaluation. To be considered for a diagnosis of ADHD * a child essential display behaviors from one of the three subtypes before age 7 * these behaviors must be more severe than in other kids the same age * the behaviors must last for at least 6 months * the behaviors must occur in and negatively affect at least two areas of a childs life (such as school, home, day-care settings, or friendships). The physician does a complete physical exam to overlook out any other medical problems. 1.Adult Observations Parents are asked to fill out a behavioral ev aluation form that contains different behaviors in different settings and the strengths and weaknesses of their child. If there is a day-care returnr, teacher, or any other family member or friend who spends time with the child evaluations are sent to them. The physician looks over all the completed evaluation, and then talks it over with an approved child psychologist with the permission of the parent, and then the physician, psychologist, parent and child all come together and talk about possible treatment options. a. Teachers even HS teachers need to be aware of it nd/or learn how to spot it in high-schoolers and even other ages of children. ADHD gouge go undiagnosed for years. Some kids outgrow it others struggle with it even into high-school and through adulthood. b. Medical Examination II. What causes ADHD? It has biological origins that arent quite understood. There isnt a single cause but researches are looking at a combination of factors such as genetics, environmental, chemical imbalances in the brain. II. How is ADHD case-hardened? Cant be cured but bottom be successfully managed. III. Stimulants are the best-known treatments theyve been used for more than 50 years in the treatment of ADHD.Some require several doses per day, each lasting about 4 hours nigh last up to 12 hours. Possible side effects include decreased appetite, stomachache, irritability, and insomnia. Theres currently no evidence of long-term side effects. IV. Nonstimulants were approved for treating ADHD in 2003. These appear to render fewer side effects than stimulants and can last up to 24 hours. V. Antidepressants are sometimes a treatment option however, in 2004 the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a exemplar that these drugs may lead to a rare increased risk of suicide in children and teens.If an antidepressant is suggested for your child, be trustworthy to discuss these risks with your atomic number 101. Medications can affect kids differently, and a child may respond sound to one but not another. When determining the correct treatment, the doctor might try versatile medications in various doses, especially if your child is being treated for ADHD along with another disorder. A. Medication 1. Medication can be very beneficial a. only kids should have the option of being treated because it can importantly help their ability to focus/concentrate and reach their full potential B. Types of Medication 1. Stimulants a. benefits b. negative aspects . Non Stim/ herb tea Remedies a. benefits b. negative aspects 3. Behavioral Therapy Behavioral Therapy Research has shown that medications used to help curb impulsive behavior and attention difficulties are more effective when combined with behavioral therapy. Behavioral therapy attempts to change behavior patterns by * reorganizing a childs home and school environment * giving clear directions and commands * setting up a system of conformable rewards for appropriate behaviors and negativ e consequences for inappropriate ones Here are examples of behavioral strategies that may help a child with ADHD * Create a routine.Try to follow the same schedule every day, from wake-up time to bedtime. support the schedule in a prominent place, so your child can see whats expected end-to-end the day and when its time for homework, play, and chores. * Get organized. Put schoolbags, clothing, and toys in the same place every day so your child will be less likely to lose them. * Avoid distractions. Turn off the TV, radio, and calculating machine games, especially when your child is doing homework. * Limit choices. Offer a choice between two things (this outfit, meal, toy, etc. , or that one) so that your child isnt overwhelmed and overstimulated. Change your interactions with your child. Instead of long-winded explanations and cajoling, use clear, brief directions to remind your child of responsibilities. * role goals and rewards. Use a chart to list goals and track commanding behaviors, then reward your childs efforts. Be sure the goals are realistic (think baby steps rather than overnight success). * Discipline effectively. Instead of yelling or spanking, use timeouts or removal of privileges as consequences for inappropriate behavior. Younger kids may simply need to be distracted or ignored until they display better behavior. * Help your child discover a talent.All kids need to experience success to feel high-priced about themselves. Finding out what your child does well whether its sports, art, or music can boost social skills and self-esteem. a. benefits b. negative aspects Alternative Treatments Currently, the only ADHD therapies that have been proven effective in scientific studies are medications and behavioral therapy. But your doctor may recommend additional treatments and interventions depending on your childs symptoms and needs. Some kids with ADHD, for example, may also need special developmental interventions such as tutoring, occupation al therapy, etc. Every childs needs are different.A number of other alternative therapies are promoted and tried by parents including megavitamins, body treatments, diet manipulation, allergy treatment, chiropractic treatment, attention training, visual training, and traditional one-on-one talking psychotherapy. However, scientific research has not found them to be effective, and most have not been studied carefully, if at all. Parents should always be wary of any therapy that promises an ADHD cure. If youre interested in trying something new, speak with your doctor first. Parent breeding Parenting a child with ADHD often brings special challenges.Kids with ADHD may not respond well to typical parenting practices. Also, because ADHD tends to run in families, parents may also have some problems with organization and consistency themselves and need active coaching to help learn these skills. Experts recommend parent education and support groups to help family members accept the diag nosis and to teach them how to help kids organize their environment, develop problem-solving skills, and cope with frustrations. Training can also teach parents to respond appropriately to a childs most trying behaviors with calm disciplining techniques. psyche or family counseling can also be helpful. ADHD in the Classroom As your childs most important cheer, you should become familiar with your childs medical, legal, and educational rights. Kids with ADHD are eligible for special services or accommodations at school under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) and an anti-discrimination law known as particle 504. Keep in touch with teachers and school officials to monitor your childs construct. In addition to using routines and a clear system of rewards, here are some other tips to share with teachers for classroom success * Reduce position distractions.Lessening distractions might be as simple as seating your child near the teacher instead of near the windo w. * Use a homework folder for parent-teacher communications. The teacher can include assignments and progress notes, and you can check to make sure all work is completed on time. * Break down assignments. Keep instructions clear and brief, breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces. * Give positive reinforcement. Always be on the lookout for positive behaviors. Ask the teacher to offer praise when your child stays seated, doesnt call out, or waits his or her turn instead of criticizing when he or she doesnt. Teach good study skills. Underlining, note taking, and reading out loud can help your child stay focused and retain information. * Supervise. Check that your child goes and comes from school with the correct books and materials. Sometimes kids are paired with a crony to can help them stay on track. * Be sensitive to self-esteem issues. Ask the teacher to provide feedback to your child in private, and avoid asking your child to perform a task in humankind that might be too difficult. * Involve the school counselor or psychologist.He or she can help design behavioral programs to address specific problems in the classroom. Helping Your Child Youre a stronger advocate for your child when you foster good partnerships with everyone involved in your childs treatment that includes teachers, doctors, therapists, and even other family members. Take improvement of all the support and education thats available, and youll help your child navigate toward success. Reviewed by Richard S. Kingsley, MD Date reviewed kinfolk 2008 Originally reviewed by W. Douglas Tynan, PhD Back

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Environmental Protection Essay

Environmental security department is an increasingly pressing issue all over the world. Ozone depletion, green house effect, global climate changes or global warming, etc, are the main issues in surround. Recent years, many countries and various organizations have paid more trouble into environmental protection. A treaty about global environmental protection was discussed by 192 nations in Copenhagen in December 2011. nevertheless I fell every individual on this earth should strive sacrifices to counter environment changes. Yes it is the need of the hour. We should protect the world for the future generations. Why? It is because of mans greed he has the at once beahtiful earth into a rubbish of Earth.He has increase his numbers to terrible proportions, has caused the death of hundreds of species of animals, has robbed and destroyed the satellite in his search for fuels now he stands, like a violent, spoilt child, delighted at the make haste of his rise to power, It is he who is on the edge of the final mass destruction and of killing all the spirit which exists in the solar system. The Earth is our home but much of it is dirty and dying. Rapid industrial increase caused a lot of ecological problems. They are air defilement, water pollution, growth of population and shortage of mineral resources. Air becomes polluted with Cars, trucks, buses, airplanes, factories and plants send burnt gases into the air. The production of electricity causes not only air pollution but acid rain downs and global warming. Because of acid rains the Earth losses twenty million acres of tropic rainforests every year. This means the extinction of thousands of species that live in that location, for example tigers. Only 67 thousand tigers remain. Tigers are run and killed for their body parts.Ozone layer is destroyed too and the dangerous rays get through the atmosphere causing climb cancer and other diseases. Most of the air pollutants directly affect the respiratory an d cardiovascular systems Nitrogen dioxide and ozone as well as effect the respiratory system, irritate the eyes, nose and throat and headaches. Carbon monoxide is able to displace oxygen in the blood which in turn can result in cardiovascular and neurological effects. Lead affects deck out narrow, impairs liver and kidney function, causes neurological damage and also causes mental retardation in children. Oceans are vital for the flavor on Earth. We need to protect it. They provide homes for millions of plants and animals, provide people with food and help regulate the climate. But now they are a well-favoured dumping ground for tons of toxic waste. Most big cities pour their waste into seas and rivers.Water pollution is due to mixture of dirt, sewage and industrial waste , increased use of fertilizers and insecticides that seep through the earth and pollute the ground water As a result, there are numerous health problems like dysentery, cholera and paratyphoid fever. Noise poll ution is yet other problem that the researchers say causes ulcers, abortions, cardiovascular diseases and hypertension besides several mental dis lodges. Checking of environmental pollution has been utterly necessary. if it is not checked, the earth will become a graveyard. So we must(prenominal) give due attention to protect it from our own abuses. We must have balanced and plotted industrial growth in order to check thin pollution.Towns and cities should be planned very carefully and stress should be given on planting of more trees. I would like to dwell on practical measures which must be interpreted in order to improve the ecological situation -the factories must be removed from cities -have balanced and planned industrial growth -purifying systems for cleaning and trapping harmful substances must be widely used -green zones must be created by planting more trees. -almost everything is recyclable nowadays recycling is a great vogue to reduce waste.We need clean air to brea the and pure water to drink. So we have to prevent disposal of toxic waste and nuclear tests. I feel formal education programmed should be provided and implement for the environmental protection We need to conserve resources like water by planting rain water harvest in our houses Earth is the only planet endowed with a beautiful environment for man to live We should pass it on to our future generation as their legacy. Protect our earth today for our children tomorrow.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

My First Pocket Money

I had never felt so good in my life. I earned my offset printing poke money when I was in high school. During school holidays, many students preferred to stay at home or go on holidays, scarce I wished to experience the school holidays differently this time. As soon as the school holidays started, I began to look for a half-time job. The first day of the holiday, I went to grocery stores and malls to look for a job. I saw a lot of places that wanted to hire part-time sales associates, and I decided to go into a clothing store.The store assistant gave me an application spirt to fill out. by and by I completed the application, the store supervisor came in and asked me slightly questions while she was checking my application. Unfortunately, she promptly declined my application because I was a student. I went to other stores and tried my best to get a job, but every time my application was rejected. I went home feeling disappointed. The next day, I went to the mall turn up not f ar away from my house. I asked about part-time jobs store after store.Finally, I comprise a restaurant hiring part-time workers for the coming Friday. The restaurant owner was so sensitive and friendly fifty-fifty knowing I was a student. She told me that she would interview me in 10 minutes. Then she called me go into her office and asked me some basic questions about my education, skills, and availability. She also asked a couple of personal questions about my family and the reason I was face for a job. After I answered all her questions, she decided to hire me. I was so happy, and before leaving the restaurant, I confirmed the time I would report to work.The following Friday, I arrived at the restaurant thirty minutes earlier. The restaurant owner felt so happy and welcomed me with a smile. After a myopic meeting with the staff, we began to set up tables, chairs, and decorated for the wedding ships company. As soon as the wedding party began, I got very busy serving drinks and food to the guests. Some of the guests keep on asking for newly plates or new cups, so I needed to walk to the store room many times. After the wedding party ended, we cleaned up tables and helped the other staff who were cleaning the floor and kitchen.Before I went home, the owner stipendiary me fifty dollars. She was very happy with my performance at work. I went home with my first earned pocket money and felt happy. Even though my first part-time job made me tired, I enjoyed it because of the nice boss. I was disappointed in the beginning because my job application was rejected many times, but I did not give up. Finally, I was hired and worked hard as a waitress. This job was only a one-time event for a wedding, but I gained a lot of experience.