Thursday, May 23, 2019

Developing Approaches of Supply Chain Management Systems

296 The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 5, zero(prenominal) 3, July 2008 exploitation Approaches of turn in chain of mountains centering Systems of Enterprises in Pakistan Danish Irfan1, 2, Xu Xiaofei1, and Deng Sheng Chun1 1 give lessons of reckoner Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, chinaware 2 Department of Computer Science, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan Abstract This paper identifies the problems of pakistani trys concerning summate cooking stove net licks and recounts solutions to improving its boilersuit performance and competitiveness.Seldom, a non-trivial amount of research efforts has been made in emergent nations to improve and enhance supply chain management paradigm. Our survey comprised nine openings among them quaternion be successfully mock upled and presented. The detailed supply chain structure and study is also made. The paper concludes by suggesting and adopting modelled admitt ance to the corporations in their move towards implementing supply chain management strategies. Keywords Supply chain, supply chain management, supply chain net workings. Received October 14, 2006 accepted April 25, 2007 1. Introduction Supply Chain worry (SCM) has gained ignificance as one of the twenty-first centurys manufacturing technology and innovative paradigms for improving organizational competitiveness. SCM has been considered a competitive dodge for integrating suppliers and clients with the objective improving response time and flexibleness 6. Competitiveness in todays marketplace depends closely on the ability of a firm to grip the ch solelyenges of reducing lead-time, cost estimation, increasing client service levels and improving product quality. Conventionally, sourcing, end product, distri stillion and marketing have been working independently. Unfortunately, although they seem to be working owards a common goal, the organizational units have incompatible objecti ves. Nowadays, the cerebrate is shifting toward digitally integrated penury and Supply Chain (SC) configurations that are built around establishing networks of relationships between the firm, its suppliers, customers and partner entities. In our paper, we explain the work of distinguishable enterprises of pakistan considering their abilities and the SCM key challenges faced in developing their SCM approach. The data utilized for different SCM formations in this paper are derived from large, nationwide and cosmopolitan pakistani corporations, mong them quartet of which we refer to as enterprises A, B, C and D. Section 1 gives a brief introduction of the four enterprises from SCM perspective. Section 2 describes the related work in SCM. In section 3, we study existing constitutions and propose the SCM models for each enterprise. Section 4 concludes the study and presents future directions and strategies. 2. Related Work Unfortunately, there is no explicit news report of SCM o r its activities in the literature 2. The ultimate success of firms will depend on managements ability to integrate the companys tangled network of tune relationships, allowing improved decision making and onsequently, reducing cost and customer response time. SCM is not only this but much more than and beyond. SCM concerns neither to minimize nor to maximize but rather to optimize (integration, coordination, variability, uncertainty management and control) processes for the enterprise. An efficient and responsive SCM aims to move from a simple SC cypher 1 (a) to a well structured and extended SC Figure 1 (b). (a) Simple supply chain. (b) Extended supply chain. Figure 1. Supply chain type. Developing Approaches of Supply Chain Management Systems of Enterprises in Pakistan Literary summary shows the SCM concepts as ollows centralized vs. decentralized control, business process re-engineering strategies, information distortion, detrimental effect of bullwhip factor, SCM for suppli ers and firms performance, incorporating model between supplier and retailer benefits, mend, influence, activities, challenges to integrated SCM, need for performance measures for harbor of global supply chain improvement value of information in a two level SCM modelling the complexity and dynamics design and management for SC systems information sharing and applications of lean thinking to manufacturing operations 3.Supply chain strategy assessment including sourcing, nurture of scrutinise planning and management processes, benchmarking and SC Key Performance Indicators (KPI) collectively approach improvement of SC performance. It combines a strategic approach with practical tactical solutions that save time and money for the consumers. Nowadays, few enterprises are in commencement to adopt SCM to improve their performance and to address their unfavourable inter-organizational purchaser-supplier relationships and split up processes. Although SCM in erection is still in its inf ancy, there is a need for SCM adoption to date and o scrutinize whether its maturity matches the key features of such a class of improvement. SCM featuring market saturation driven, operationally agile, consumers customized, logistics optimized and trade focused prioritization are accentures successful supply chain strategies which are widely varied but are equally successful 1, 5. In 4 the SCOR reference model captures the as-is state of the business process with the objective of achieving the in demand(p) to-be future state of PTC, pakistan. In the attached section we proceed with the modelled SCN schema of the following enterprises. 3. Typical Enterprises Concerning SCM inPakistan In this section, we describe the enterprise structure one by one. Firstly, enterprise A describes the SCM form watchfulness of certain Vehicle (V). Secondly, enterprise B gives proposal of logical argument to Consumer (B2C) model for ontogenesis of electrical appliances. thence, enterprise C discus ses SCM for design and manufacture segments of communication equipment and lastly, enterprise D shows the SC mechanism at a research oriented enterprise. We refer to appendix A for acronyms used in this paper. 3. 1. Enterprise A SCM stage Inspection of Certain Vehicle (V) In this enterprise study, we only focused on the SCM hase control of certain Vehicle (V). Its key 297 segments are forecasting, planning, scheduling, demand of components and procurances. The intend of this phase watch is to access and evaluate Usage of vehicle V. Calendar based inspection schedule staggered so as to assure the SC procurement. Induction of vehicle for inspection in the presently available time. The hierarchy of phase inspection in the enterprise A concerning SCM is shown in Figure 2. In Charge Engineering Branch Control Branch Sub Engineering Branch Phase Inspection Branch Figure 2. Hierarchy of phase inspection in enterprise A.If vehicle usage is more than the specified time then inspection time held is decreased, i. e. , from 10 months to one year. The types of phase inspection as described by OEM along with its statutes are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Types of phase inspection as described by OEM. Inspection encipher M1 M2 M3 M4 Time (Days) 20 21 22 25 The premeditated chief(prenominal)tenance offset printing views the items checklist. It receives the electric current ocellus levels for a variety of stock types required for inspection and monitors the flow of materials in and come forth of stocktaking. All the items are prerequisite before phase inspections induction starts.The control branch discip barriers responsibility and forecasts to keep living items recorded and tracks them for timely replacement. It forecasts the processes on three-monthly, six-monthly, yearly and bi-yearly foundation. The demand process is initiated by the user and a query is sent to the logistics department. putting surface warehouse takes action on demand via Automatic Logistics Management System (ALMS). The demand is processed to the terminus for accomplishment otherwise the item is put on demand from source abroad in consultation with the head office of the department. The SC in phase inspection of the vehicle is shown in Figure 3.It includes procurement agencies, depot Ware Houses (WH), logistics, jet stores, material control and the users. Table 2 shows demand priorities over the lead times of the phase inspection. The designator priority system of current enterprise is based on historical assumptions, experience, system log-in, log-out time, intercontinental and local logistics 298 The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 5, No. 3, July 2008 in-between lead times and depot area. Here the consumption is based on usage value. Table 2. Demand priorities over the lead times. Demand Priority Code Lead Times (Days) 03 06 13 2 13 16 17 69 84 Altering the item criteria for phase inspection is defined as Mandatory change items as spe cified by OEM are forecasted, procured and kept as a kit. Conditional change items are demanded if the bench checks fail. Firstly, items are sent for Local Repair (LR) and issues Dead-Line-Date (DLD). If it succeeds, items are sent back to procurement department otherwise a query is placed to the Local Manufacture (LM) department. machine-driven Logistics Management System ALMS Automatic parentageing management system AIMS Deport automatise inv. management system DAIMS DAIMS financial management systemAIMS financial management system Purchase order management system POMS Local purchase management system LPMS Clothing exchange management system CEX Catalogue management system CMS Stowage tracking system STS fare management system -TMS Preservation data collection & analysis system PDCAS Serialized parts management system SPMS Calibration management system -CMS Worker rearing system WTS Figure 4. Automatic logistics management system. Figure 3. SCM phase inspection o f a certain vehicle (V). In the proceeding section we discuss ALMS, an automated system adopted by enterprise A. 3. 1. 1.Automatic Logistics Management System Automatic Logistics Management System (ALMS) is an interactive, fully automated, incorporating data processing, knowledge base and useful support to all operational units in the organization. It is a family of software implemented on an IBM 3090 machine. Its chief(prenominal) functions are memorial and maintenance management. Mainly, it contains a maintenance and supply module as shown in Figure 4. The ALMS characterises the SCM phase which make the upstanding system. SC modules of ALMS are comprised of Automatic livestock Management System (AIMS), Deport Automated Inventory Management System (DAIMS), Purchase OrderManagement System (POMS), Local Purchase Management System (LPMS), Clothing Exchange Management System (CEX), Catalogue Management System (CMS) and Transportation Management System (TMS). These components resul ts in Featuring the whole SC of phase inspection of the enterprise. Online requisitioning and feed back posture. Auto requisitioning based on demand level. Assets visibility to all authorized users. Repairable asset control done Stowage Tracking System (STS). Essential supply reports are made daily on a document register and submitted to higher authorities for completion indication of this phase. Here it oncludes the SCM of phase inspection of Vehicle (V). 3. 2. Enterprise B Proposal of Business to Consumer Model for Development of Electrical Appliances Enterprise B gives a SCM model for proposal of B2C development of electrical appliances. The main objectives include Multiple vendor development for large scale production. Efficient demand and supply management system. Self driving automated network. After sales support network for production support services like spare parts and repair. Awareness of SC actors. The first objective explains the contingency plan, i. e. , not depending on a single vendor and must have eliable supplier/s. The Main SCM activities of the B2C model for electrical appliance growth are shown in Figure 5. Depending upon product status and type, the customer interaction with the SC can be categorized into three parts. First, in case of complex products e. g. , ship. Customers have to directly contact the manufacturers or the OEM. Second, e. g. , in case of a car, the customer can contact a repair factory and the repair factory or agent can contact the manufacturer. Last, in the example of a background estimator, the customer contacts with the sales distributors, who further link with the regional suppliers and so on.Developing Approaches of Supply Chain Management Systems of Enterprises in Pakistan Figure 5. SCM activities flow and coordination in B2C model for development of electrical appliances. Figure 6 describes the use case diagram of the characters of the as is schema of current enterprise. Our main characters inclu de national and regional suppliers, manufacturer, local tell on and the customer. 299 In the current system, SCM comprises three main departments sales and marketing, production and planning control, and procurement and inventory management which serve as the backbone of the SC. The planning phase goes through MRP which checks hat, for whom and how much to order. Capacity planning overviews the additional investment (if any) to meet the targets. Then production planning looks for facilities, technical and transportation phases. Sourcing makes the order scarification. In notation Of Materials (BOM) it shows the item source code from local and foreign production within the enterprise and then assembles. It lacks in maintaining a standard of vendor evaluation. The enterprise C schema is shown in Figure 7. Figure 6. Case diagram of as is process. The time frame of implementing SCM activities flow is shown in Table 3. The current enterprise chema lacks in customer relationship phase. r egional suppliers must be expanded to give a broader scope for its customers and local retailers. Table 3. Time frame of implementation for different phases. The goal to eliminate the vast majority (costs of receiving, shipping, expediting, data main course, data processing, accounting, and error follow-up) of regional suppliers need Just-In-Time (JIT) interaction with the manufacturer for enhancement of effective SC. 3. 3. Enterprise C Design and Manufacture Segments of Long Message Equipment Enterprise C discusses design and manufacture segments of long message equipment with the bjective to acquire and develop a sophisticated expert base for long message systems and to enlarge and expand production of components. Durable AS400 system support is available for its Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Supply Chain Network (SCN). Figure 7. Design and manufacturing framework for enterprise C. For request, quotations are called and regarding the minimum amount quotation the order is placed. The steps include Quotations call/ float. equal comparison statements. Selection of potential customers. Order placement. The Receiving/ storing section receives the items in orm of Semi Knock Down (SKD) and Completely Knock Down (SKD). Right from the main entry of the goods in the enterprise, a receipt is generated against the goods received. The phases include Incoming Good Inspection (IGI), Incoming Goods Forwarding (IGF), Incoming Goods Receiving (IGR), allotting code Nos to items and updating inventory in the system. The Quality Control (QC) of the engineering department ensures the quality of the received products. The receipts along with the inspected goods are frontward to the store department. Here an inventory code is generated for each item. The make/ deliver ensure alue addition and quality inspection. The question arises why to have an inventory? Our requirements fulfil the answer for the question. First, we want to meet anticipate demand and smooth pro duction requirement. Second, we want to have a buffer of items and avoid stock out. It also takes advantage of the order round of golf and hedges against price increase. The business nature of the under discussed 300 The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 5, No. 3, July 2008 enterprise can be categorized as make-to-order and engineer-to-order. The customer tells specification and the RandD of the enterprise works on the required emand of its customer. The main work in current enterprise C is made on inventory turn over or turnaround time calculation. For this, let inventory turnover be Q, inventory I, sales S, cost C and time taken t for the system. Then Q is defined as number of times a company is able to convert its inventory I into sales during the course of a year. It is calculated by dividing cost of sales by average inventory. Q= C( t ) I( t ) (1) Turnaround time= Cost of goods sold from stock sales during one year (2) reasonable inventory investment during one year past Table 4. yearly inventory turnover. Year Annual Cost ofGoods Sold ($) Inventory ($) Investment Annual Inventory Turnover 2000 01 85692 12312 2001 02 2002 03 2003 04 2004 05 77600 99356 50000 65000 14923 21981 9766 15330 6. 96 5. 20 4. 52 5. 12 Average 4. 24 5. 21 Table 4 shows the annual inventory turnover which converts inventory into saleable goods for this product. Most of the inventory is pilled up which also checks sales vs. inventory. The disadvantage of annual inventory turnover shows the block up inventory of the enterprise which could be used for some other purposes in the enterprise. roughly of the reasons for the pilling up of inventory show that This analysis of inventory has revealed the cases for increase in inventory over the years. Some stock is held to cater for after sales support during the warranty period as well as for providing repair services against invoices. For items where backup support from the main supplier has been stopped, the enterprise has to keep some inventory to provide backup support to its customers. In order to meet the spare requirement for customers under the contractual obligations, a certain stock of modules is kept. Pre-ordered materials that are not converted into sales also add up to stock up inventory. Some items are pilled up due to Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) requirement. The imperfections found in the system are tribulations to manufacturing. First, there is demand of items but no traceability. Demand section is otiose to predict the items to fulfill the demand. Second, there is no entry of lead times showing the absence of items from inventory physically. 3. 3. 1. Recommendations for Improvement in Turnover Time of Inventory All items (sales stores as well as main stores) required after-sales-support during the warranty period may be shifted for the repair (R code) warehouse. The items lying in repair may be xcluded from inventory evaluation. After the completion of delivery against a project or near the closing of the financial year, if the bulk of the project is delivered, which ever is earlier, the sales and marketing department will transfer an appropriate quantity of modules for backup support during the warranty period to the repair warehouse. The cost of such items, as worked out by the finance department should be charged to the after sales support account. When the product is phased out and its backup support is stopped by the main supplier to other collaborators, the balance of materials for that roduct may be zero valued. The responsibility of the issuance of material from the repair warehouse should rest with the customer services department. In order to realize some of the struck up funds in the preordered existing inventory of the enterprise, the same may be offered as discounted prices to prospective customers. great emphasis may be stipulation on accurate forecasting to avoid losses resulting from failure to sell pre-ordered mater ial. The purchase committee should also take care in placing orders against anticipated customer orders. If possible, an agreement should be made with the upplier where it will be bound to take back the materials if the expected customer order is not received. The exercise for obsolescence should be carried out regularly especially after every six months and the materials identified as obsolete should be disposed of to explain inventory value as well as to free storage space. The above SCM study gives opportunity to gain knowledge about Envisioning the whole SC and understand its impact on inventory Cost reduction for a better inventory control Differentiation between visualizing different ordering types in an enterprise like make to order, ake to engineer and assemble to order etc. , and the same, can be compared with current systems. recognise how a surplus inventory plays a vital role in lashing up the capital investment of an enterprise (turnover value). Developing Approa ches of Supply Chain Management Systems of Enterprises in Pakistan Understand and calculate turnaround value and its benefits by considering the saved investment to be utilized in an additional business opportunity for the same enterprise. Understand the impact of ABC analysis on Economics Order Quantity (EOC). Understand the importance and mixed aspects of oftware utilization for a good inventory management through visibility and traceability of information. To use jargons of SC and inventory management effectively and confidently while discussing relevant issues in the current enterprise. 301 receives items from the supplier, called the incoming inspection department. Then items go through various phases from a vendor. The targets for incoming inspection are based on acceptance or rejection of the receiving goods. Specifications of the items like standard, grade, dimension, drawing etc. , are given by that particular departments program management which require particular comp onents.A conformance report of the product with specifications acts as a base for rejection or acceptance of incoming items. If a regular obsession is bought then it only needs an OEM certificate. 3. 4. Enterprise D SC Mechanism at a research Enterprise Enterprise D embraces the Planning and Production Control (PPC) department, logistics, supplier, log warehouse, QC and demand department for completion of its SCM. It adopts a Supplier Quality Management (SQM) system in the enterprise. Its significance concludes The enterprise demands very high standards of its products and in-time delivery of the components. Failure of hardware or software in the business can be calamitous. performance of quality system model AS9100 Quality Management System (QMS) for quality assurance in design, development, production and installation. AS9100 QMS is being used for supplier support. For this, the enterprise provides modern font equipment and training for its suppliers. AS9100 was formed to brin g all of its vendors to one platform for production of a high standard product. SQM system starts with the implementation of the Master Production account (MPS) of the enterprise. It maintains a database of all suppliers for supplier performance analysis.By communication, it makes a confirmation that synchronization exists between the production and supplier components, happening at component level by using cards. The components which are falling short or at production line are mentioned by the card. The components at assembly are measured by the operator who accordingly upgrades and passes it to the logistics department, manually or through the ERP system. The logistics department has visibility about components falling short or in excess. It sends orders to its suppliers whether they bring items internationally or locally. How does quality play an important role in SCM?The system not only ensures JIT delivery but also ensures the right quality of product has been delivered. The Q MS works for Quality Control (QC), Quality Assurance (QA) and supplier evaluation system. The link to SC is built through the QC department which Figure 8. SCM pyramid for research enterprise. The focus on supplier control in AS9100 QMS machine gives globalization, diversity of regional requirements, challenges of assuring quality of products and suppliers throughout the world and intime delivery. Various vendors/ suppliers or horizontal surfaces are distributed all over the world, so it is very difficult to align them at ne quality level. Figure 8 shows SCM pyramid tiers for this research enterprise. In the current enterprise, tier 1 produces the vehicle, tier 2 concerns in the software development and tier 3 deals with component assembly and so on. Now, how do we assure that all of these tiers are manufacturing products at a quality and attuned with the standards, or according to the pattern given by the organization? For assurance and conformation of the above scenario, we apply the demand-pull logic of JIT theory. For its deployment, multitasking is ensured, various components are being manufactured at various vendors nd they are required for final assembly. MPS is made commune to all vendors. Since the enterprise status is online, all the components are brought in time to final assembly and fabricated and then delivered to customers. The current enterprises MPS is analyzed on the basis of orders, forecasting, and capacity. It depends upon the size of this period and ABC classification of the supplier. The demand planning shows the supplier visibility/ negotiation and the cumulative lead time of the system. The system SC cycle contains the works orders which are issued on the basis of MPS and orders. The job ards play an important role in this scenario. 302 The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 5, No. 3, July 2008 for quality, supplier training, seminar/ exhibition, supplier quality audit and supplier improvement strategies. Hence , we conclude adaptation of the most promising innovations enabled by the modern ITenhanced SCM systems. The modelled approach of the SCM system provides a foundation for future experimentation with prospect scenarios and strategies. Acknowledgments Anonymous reviewers are acknowledged. This work was supported by the National Key Technology R andD Program of China (Grant No. 2006BAH02A09) and the High Technology R and D Program of China (Grant No. 2006AA04Z165). PhD Scholarship for Mr. Danish Irfan is awarded by COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT), Pakistan. Figure 9. JIT pull logic for customer demand. References 1 4. Conclusions Our current exertion demonstrates that SCM can make a huge impact on the enterprises bottom line and customers satisfaction level. In the enterprise A study, the schema needs design enhancement. Alteration of lead time and cycle time is desired to be minimized and optimized further.Enterprise B needs to improve the customer relationships. Re gional suppliers must be expanded to give a broader scope for its customers and local retailers. Regional suppliers also need JIT interaction with the manufacturer for enhancement of effective SC. In Enterprise C, we conclude that the SCM structure can be made piano by categorization of the items, focused lead times for delivery, cost and quality to acquire and develop a sophisticated technological base for enlarging and expansive production of components. Delivery target of the product to customer is scheduled keeping the view main items in our designed SCM.Thus, it also enables managers to reduce their cost through more effective contract negotiations. Concerned managers now can direct that class A items may be reviewed frequently to reduce the average-lot size and to keep their inventory records accurate. In Enterprise D, SC targets its goals by making demand visibility through an online ERP system. It has compressed time and shifts down barriers for the top management/ leadin g of the enterprise. It has also learnt the organization as working together and teamwork brings up an active SC domino effect. The effective SC has also lead the enterprise to break down arriers by efficient communication, initial planning meetings, communication during contract, partnership 2 3 4 5 6 Tompkins J. , Beyond Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Management Review, http//www. scmr. com/article/CA629657. html, 2000. make M. , Lambert D. , and Pagh J. , Supply Chain Management More than a New Name for Logistics, The International Journal of Logistics Management, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 1-13, 1997. Hurst B. and Jennifer J. , A Network Based methodological analysis to Model Supply Chain Systems, PhD Thesis, The University of Iowa, 2002. Irfan D. , Xiaofei X. , and Shengchun D. , ASCOR Reference Model of the Supply Chain Management System in an Enterprise, International Arab Journal of Information Technology, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 292-299, 2008. Saad M. , Jones M. , and pack P. , A Review of the Progress Towards the Adoption of Supply Chain Management (SCM) Relationships in Construction, European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 173183, September 2002. Wu J. , Ulieru M. , Cobzaru M. , and Norrie D. , Supply Chain Management Systems State of the Art and Vision, in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Management of Innovation and Technlogy (ICMIT), pp. 59-764, 2000. Danish Irfan is a PhD scholar in School of Computer Science and Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China PRC. His research interests include data clustering applications, business intelligence, and SCM. Developing Approaches of Supply Chain Management Systems of Enterprises in Pakistan Xu Xiaofei is a professor and dean of School of Computer Science and Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China PRC. His research interests include computer integrated manufacturing system, database systems, supply chain management, agile virtual enterprises, management nd decision information system, and knowledge engineering. He has published more than 200 academic papers. He is the standing member of the Council of China Computer Federation, member of the Expert Group for Discipline of Computer Science and Technology in the Academic Degree committee of China State Council. 303 Deng Sheng Chun is an associate professor in School of Computer Science and Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China PRC. His research interests include computer integrated manufacturing system, supply chain management, business intelligence, and data mining applications.

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