Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Corporate social responsibility provides greater benefits to the Assignment

Corporate social responsibility provides greater benefits to the organisation than it does to society and other stakeholders - Assignment Example The rationale of CSR has been articulated in numerous ways, which emphasize on building of sustainable businesses, which require stable economies, markets and communities (Roberts and Baker 7). Needless to mention that, most individuals ranging from students, managers or even employees are conversant to Corporate Social Responsibility, in businesses, community, and media. Although, CSR has various definition that are given in accordance to the organizations and or companies that practise it, it is clear that social responsibility is a mandate that decision makers ought to make in protecting and improving the welfare of the society in respect to their own interests (Cosans 396) Constituents of Corporate Social Responsibility: benefits to the organisation Corporate Social Responsibility is made up of constituents, which are necessary in making an impact in both the companies and the society. To begin with, companies have responsibilities other than the usual production of goods and ser vices to make a profit. Basically, the responsibilities entail assisting in solving important social challenges particularly those that they have contributed towards. Moreover, corporations have wider elements as compared to stockholders where the impact goes beyond market transactions to serve a larger population of people in the society (Mulligan 266). Never the less, CSR in companies can be tricky especially when it comes to application of ethical standards. For instance, most of the morals standards present in companies tend to conflict with each other because it is still unclear which standards should take priority. Somewhat, companies have the responsibility of respecting ethical values and principles in relation to pursuing company objectives, which translate to high profit margins. Of importance to note is that, the ethics of business make a company socially responsible. Once a company practise good business ethics, then it becomes easier for companies to participate in soci al responsibility (Roberts and Baker 8). Enhancing Brand and Image Reputation CSR in an organization or a company ensures that its reputation and brand continuously grow in reference to their practise. Hence, CSR programmes are bound to provide numerous chances especially when they want to communicate to the stakeholders by use of messages. In relation to reputation, CSR is involved in ensuring that it management any reputation risk that may tend to harm the image of the company in one way or another (Bejou 3). Additionally, companies involve themselves in projects within the society that enhance awareness from the public, a situation that translates to an improved reputation. Consequently, companies should be conversant with the needs of the customers, partners and suppliers. The action and behavior of the company toward these three stake holders automatically enhances the company’s brand. Once a company has a good perception in terms of image reputation and brand, a culture of understanding is created between the society and the company (Mulligan 268). For instance, it is the business of companies to works in the interest of behaving responsibly especially when some groups of activists are not comfortable with some of the aspects that have been put forward by the company. Thus, CSR plays a crucial role in ensuring that the company benefits through brand and image reputation. Increased Sales and Customer Loyalty It is evident that CSR does not only entail social

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