Sunday, September 1, 2019

Shortage of Water in Pakistan

Shortage of water in Pakistan As we all know, Pakistan is facing severe shortage of water. There are two main reasons, one due to persistent droughts—which is beyond the control of a man, and the other due to miss-management of water resources. Impact on economy / society * Less water means less agricultural yields, meaning they cannot fulfill the food requirements of the nation, so they need to be dependent on other countries. Due to less production of main crops, which are wheat, cotton, sugar cane and rice, the Industries related to them will suffer adversely * Less agricultural outputs will compel people to head towards urban areas for jobs, which will increase the unemployment further. Water Issue between Pakistan & India * Concern is growing in Pakistan that India is controlling the water flow of rivers that flow from India into Pakistan.Pakistan has raised objections to Indian water projects, but a World Bank-appointed neutral expert rejected most of the Pakistani o bjections. * Pakistani commentators, think that India is controlling the river waters to strangulate Pakistani agriculture, which could affect Pakistani exports and increase its dependency on food imports. WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CRISIS ? * A result of natural factors * Poor water resources management * Increased pollution of surface & ground water * Population explosion * Over exploitation of ground waterHow can they solve this problem? Creating awareness on†¦ * water resources and its conservation & management * A forestation activities * Rain water harvesting * Environmental information & education * Prevention & control of water pollution * Recycle of waste water * Use of modern irrigation techniques * Authorities should take appropriate steps to curb the illegal extraction of water and ensure its equitable distribution. * government should make laws on water conservation, like many western countries.IMPORTANCE OF DAMS FOR PAKISTAN * Irrigation. * Electri cal Energy. * Water Supply for everyone. * Flood Control. Conclusion The problems faced by the water sector in Pakistan are many, acute and serious. Therefore, building more reservoirs/dams and having an effective management strategy are the needs of time. Also implementation of the solutions I gave you will enable the country to meet the challenges ahead, and achieve the objectives to become a nation with no water shortage.

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