Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Ernest Hemingways Code Hero in For Who The Bell Tolls...

Ernest Hemingways Code Hero in For Who The Bell Tolls and A Farewell To Arms They were American innocents negotiating the river of life wherever it took them: to Italy, to Spain, to Africa, to the Caribbean, wounded men laughing through the pain, sometimes risking their skins but never sacrificing their honor. It was a river into which countless writers would thrust their paddles.(Papa) Ernest Hemingway is arguably one of the most important writers in American history. Though this is disputed, Hemingway has undoubtedly had a major influence on contemporary American literature. One aspect of Hemingways famous writing that shines in almost all of his works is the hero. Hemingway created the famous Hemingway code by which all†¦show more content†¦The novel is set in the mountains of Spain during the Spanish Civil War. Robert Jordan is an American volunteering for the Spanish Loyalist forces. He is a dynamiter and has been assigned to blow up a bridge that is nestled away in the mountains of Spain. The bridge must be blown during a massive attack, at ju st the right time. This ultimately doomed Jordan?s chances of escape along with fascist knowledge of the attack. In order to blow up the bridge, Jordan would need help. Three days before the attack, an old man, Anselmo, led Jordan to a band of guerillas in the mountains. They were headed by Pablo. Trouble arose between Pablo and Robert throughout his stay at the guerilla camp. At Pablo?s camp Jordan met Pilar, a forceful woman, Maria, the woman whom he would love, and others. Jordan also encountered El Sordo, who ran a similar camp and was also going to help with the attack. El Sordo was eliminated by the fascists before the attack. The blowing up of the bridge was carried out despite few people able to assist Jordan. Jordan was able to blow up the bridge as planned but was unable to escape. As Jordan rode a horse, attempting to escape, a shell struck the horse. The horse crushed Jordan?s leg and the wound would cause his death. Throughout the text, Robert Jordan illustrates amazing characteristics typical of a codeShow MoreRelated heroarms A Comparison of Code Heroes of A Farewell to Arms and For Whom the Bell Tolls2088 Words   |  9 PagesThe Code Heroes of A Farewell to Arms and For Whom the Bell Tolls      Ã‚  Ã‚  In Ernest Hemingways fiction, there is something known as the Hemingway Hero.   This term is usually applied to the male protagonist in his works.   The Hemingway hero illustrates a variety of traits, ranging from heavy drinking to his role as a leader among the characters with whom he interacts.   Traits of this hero also resemble the personal characteristics of Hemingway himself, and the hero usually finds himself inRead MoreThe Characteristics of Hemingways Works2503 Words   |  11 PagesThe Characteristics of Hemingway’s Works Ernest Hemingway, who was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and the Nobel Prize of Literature in 1954, occupies an outstanding position in the American literature. 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