Sunday, June 23, 2019

Business research project proposal--Irish Guinness Beer Proposal

Business project --Irish Guinness Beer - Research Proposal Exampleh popularity that studying it more closely would make sense as part of discovering other(a) important factors that have contributed to business success of a firm. Guinness is definitely one of the companies with a strong market reputation and was meant to survive before and until today.Guinness remarkably from the give-up the ghost was able to clearly follow the path of consistency. It was remarkable that it started everything with a good marketing strategy and a management system that were passed on from generation to generation. Guinness started with Arthur Guinness and at once his bloodline is responsible for continuing the company to be known worldwide.Effective marketing strategies may vary from one company to another. There are legion(predicate) factors that need to be considered in identifying which among the marketing strategies best suited the concerned company. Factors such as people, procedure, and budget played its respective roles in developing an charm marketing tool to be utilized.It is of interest now on how certain brands of Guinness can gain certain market share in the future considering a tough competition at present. It is of interest whether there is still a great chance for the new entrants which are willing to take the plunge into competition. Considering that a certain brands and products need to ensure production with quality and a sound management on sales, it is of interest on how can then the new entrants as well as existing company ensure their survival in a very ch everyenging competition. It is also of great concern that to start crafty the market, the new entrants need to ensure modern high quality of products. It is then the objective of this paper to answer the main research question.The above are all research questions this study is aiming to answer. In doing so, the proponent will take much effort in understanding the four marketing mix such as products, p rice, promotion and place to understand the process of survival that every entrant and key

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