Wednesday, June 12, 2019

King George's War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

King Georges War - Research Paper ExampleThe beginning of the War was initiated by bold attack on the side of the french against the British-owned fishing port of Canso that was situated in the colony of Nova Scotia. The expedition of French regular forces that was launched against this port on 24 May 1744 found it weakly vigilant for any kind of siege and did not encounter any significant obstacles in overcoming the garrisons resistance. The rapid takeover of Canso served as a archetype to the denizens of North American British colonies that they were living in the state of potential insecurity vis--vis the impending threat of the French and their Native Indian allies.The French forces operational from the fortress-colony of Louisbourg did not stop at this initial success and continued their onslaught against the territories of Nova Scotia. The provincial capital of Annapolis Royal became the next target for the forces comprising Mikmaq and Maliseet low the leadership of Jean-L ouis Le Loutre, a French missionary that was extremely influential among these tribes. Fort Anne that guarded the provincial capital from any attack on the let down was, however, impenetrable for the makeshift Native American force and, with the killing of two British soldiers, the Mikmaq and Maliseet forces withdrew from its walls.The real result of the attack on Fort Anne that took fanny on 12 July 1744 was the increasing indignation of the citizens of the North American British colonies against the lack of military effort to stop the French attacks. The colonial government of mum decided to take matters in its own hands, and in the spring of 1745, with the support of Connecticut, New Hampshire and Rhode-Island, about 1,000 colonial militiamen launched an attack against the fortress of Louisbourg that guarded the core of French possessions in North America. As the fortress was under-supplied and the French troops stationed therein lacked necessary combat spirit, the British col onials

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