Thursday, October 31, 2019

Elements of Religious Traditions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Elements of Religious Traditions - Essay Example Religious tradition has got commands under which human beings tied to to. Separating oral traditions from the written ones are one of the requirements of the religious traditions. Most of the religions that are already established has got well furnished oral tradition and sacred texts (Isicheri 2000). However, to many religions, this is still a dream. Written tradition is common among the religions worldwide. For instance, in Islam religion, the holy Qur’an. They believe in the teachings from the holy book. They also practice orally by being able to recite the teachings orally. Every staunch Muslim knows the laws and the rules in the Qur’an and his daily life; he lives according to what it says. In Judaism, there was Oral Torah and the written Torah in Judaism. The written Torah is which is known as the Hebrew Bible. Religious traditions base their foundations on teachings, stories, myths and texts. These are basic foundations that guide a particular group of people. Th ey give the meaning of a group as a community and impact a sense of unity among the group. The myths are manifested in most cases as they try to explain the manner in which the universe began. They are also manifested through explanation of where human beings and other living things started. For instance, in Judaism and Islamic, it is believed that God is the creator of the universe and all that is in it. The divine couple izanagi and izanami are believed to have the explanation of the origin of the Japanese islands., in Shinto’s religion, which is prominent in Japan. They are convinced that the couple stirred up the ocean floor with a trident from the heavens, and the waters separated forming the islands. This is a form of a myth. Old people in some religions had a responsibility of passing information from one generation to another by telling the young ones stories and teaching them issues concerning life. They were supposed to ensure that their culture is not forgotten. Wh at Religious traditions do Religious traditions play a significant role in shaping our societies. Religious acts such as worship, pilgrimage, ritual and prayer are evident in our societies. Each religion has special dates in life when they perform rituals; birthdays and the day when a person dies are some of the examples when religious rituals are carried out. Religious actions also surround life transitions by giving them some definitions that help the community to go through them. For instance, in the Igbo religion circumcision of male people is an example of a transition from boyhood to manhood (Isicheri 2000). In this religion, one has to go through various rites of passage which entails almost all the life cycle. A fascinating one is the rite of passage known as itu-anya, which is the initiation to a Diviner. Here, one is given the authority of being a Diviner. Religions also take into consideration on how funerals are conducted. Rituals are performed during this event, where a religion believes  its system is in line with a super-natural power they believe. Access to sacred places is also a key issue among the religious traditions. Sacred places are the places guarded for special functions concerning the religion. It entails time for prayers, worship and sacrifices or offerings in different religions. The sacred issues may differ in relation to the type of religion is in question. For instance Christians all over the world recognizes the Easter as a sacred day, they believe this

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Argument for and Against Gun Laws Essay Example for Free

The Argument for and Against Gun Laws Essay There are many issues in the media related to gun control laws. With the large number of shootings that have taken place this year and the recent shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School that claimed the lives of 20 children and 6 adults many people say that we need tougher laws when it comes to purchasing a gun. Gun laws are different from state to state, but immediately following the devastating school shooting in Newton, Conn. there is a great division between pro-gun advocates and those that are for stricter gun laws. I feel that there should be stricter laws when it comes to purchasing a weapon due to the devastation they can and have caused over the years. When the Constitution was first created in 1787 it included the right to bear arms for good reason. At that time in our history there was no established military nor was there established law enforcement. Therefore, citizens were responsible for their own safety and did not have a choice when it came to owning a gun. Today, however, not only do we have the four branches of the military along with the Coast Guard and Reserves, but we also have established law enforcement in every city and town. Many pro-gun activists like to hide behind the constitution whenever the subject of gun control comes up. They do not think about the devastation that has been caused over the years by guns since their invention. There have been a countless number of murders as well as accidental shooting that have occurred in the United States alone. Many also try to get away with murder by claiming immunity under laws such as the â€Å"Stand Your Ground Law† in Florida. Today, the military is also well established. Not only do we have the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, but we also have the Reserves as well as the Coast Guard. Within these military branches we also have Military Intelligence and Homeland security in place. This does not include the numerous other departments within the military. The established law enforcement across the country is one is the most  important reasons why it is unnecessary for everyday American’s to own high powered weapons. Not only do we have local law enforcement, but state and federal as well. Every town or city has a regular Police Department or Sheriff’s Office to protect its citizens. This is why it is unnecessary for citizens to own high powered weapons. In conclusions, with events such as shootings at Columbine, â€Å"The Dark Knight Rises† premier and the shooting of Trayvon Martin guns in the hands of everyday citizens is and can be deadly. The Constitution was created at a time when there was no true established military or law and is the reason why it was necessary for Americans to carry a weapon for protection. Now, however, this is not the case and with people not only purchasing handguns, but automatic weapons it is a scary situation of many of us. There should be a more stricter law about who should be able to own automatic and high powered guns because not only are these guns in the hands of criminals, but in the hands of children as well. That is why there needs to be tougher gun control laws. References Wood, J. (2013). Interpersonal communications: Everyday encounters. (7th ed., pp. 100-103). Hartfield, E. (2012, December 24). In gun control debate, arguments for tougher background checks, better state reporting. Retrieved from Myers, R. (2012, December 5). Gun control debate: How owning a gun changes the dynamics of conflict. Retrieved from Clark, H. (2012, December 24). Could U.S, gun control debate benefit from Australian model?. Retrieved from

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Pythagoras Approach To Dualism

Pythagoras Approach To Dualism Dualism was early approached by Pythagoras in 6th Century B.C.E. Pythagoras believe on transmigration of soul-means that when a person died, the soul is immortal and bound to divide soul. However, Pythagorass theory is not likely famous during that time. Later, Plato shows the disjunctive between mind and body. Plato thinks that body is like a prison used to trap mind/soul. After death, the body decomposes because it was made of material while soul/mind is immortal. This shows that body and mind is two separated things. Dualism that famously used nowadays came from the famous philosopher and mathematician, Rene Descartes. It is also known as the beginning of modern philosophy. Rene introduced two main subjects for dualism which are substance and property. In order to understand dualism, several argument were rised.One particular argument is dualistic interactionism which known as common sense. Descartes stated the point of interaction is something connected mind/soul to body is at pineal gland of brain.However,the soul is not likely trap at pineal gland, it only act as point of interaction. Mind is real but it is different from brain. The brain is the major locus for the mind or consciousness of the soul, yet mind or consciousness is distributed throughout the whole body. But the function of pineal gland as point of interaction has been proved as wrong by scientifically method. Pineal gland function to secrete serotonin derivative melatonin(hormone use to modulate sleep and wake patterns and seasonal function).There are no evidence to associate mind/soul to body by using pineal gland. This is making interactionism as a weak argument to defend dualism. Another argument is mind is the immortal soul. Many religions like Islam and Christian teach that soul is different from our body. When we died ,the soul is immortal and will go to heaven or hell. This argument is similar to Platos approach. Thats why platonic dualism is well accepted in Christian .The third argument is ,if dualism is false, we can reduce mind/mental states to physical matter or vice versa, or to neutral third substance.However,it was impossible to change your mental states to matter. For example if we feel anger towards someone, can you made your feeling into concrete object? Of course not. Thats why this argument is commonly used to convince people about dualism.However,this argument can be critics for the lackness of imagination. In imagination we think about something then we made it into some physical things. The last argument is mental states(mind) and physical(body)have different and irreconcilable properties. First point for this judgment is mental states cannot be publically observable. For example ,I fall from stairs and hurt my head. We can see the effect of fall because the bump in my head but you cannot feel the pain I suffered. Thats why mental states are private unlike physical things such as fireworks and cannot be publically observable. Next is mental states is not spatially located .Many experiment been conducted but scientist still cannot proved where mind located ,either inside or outside of the brain. Pretending that you are feeling happy. Does you feel happy in your head or the happiness is spread throughout your body?so,where exactly your mind? Third point is mental states does not have properties as physical. As example our body has mass and can do physical motion. We cannot weigh a thought and we cannot measure how far our feeling can go. Some people stated that they h ave depthless of feeling but, how can they measure the depthness?Fourth,mental states have subjective properties(Qualia)that physical do not have. Qualia is raw feels .It is a subjective or qualitative properties of our experience. It is like how to know what is red color and what is red colour . We also need this Qualia to differentiate musical notes heard from piano or violin .Therefore, is impossible to reduced Qualia into physical properties.So there are at least four major differences between the mental and the physical, and the reason why we cannot reduce the mental to the physical. This is a good argument to show dualism as evidence of mind/body problem. In this philosophy of mind, dualism is different kinds of mental events and physical events in a set of beginning of belief in which they were claimed. Instead of that, the dualist in the philosophy of mind had identified the big difference between mind and matter. They all disagree that the mind and brain are same. While others deny that the mind is the only one product of the brain. The concept of this dualism is that our mind is more than our brain. It can contain everything in our surrounding. This concept tells us that our mind has a non-material which is spiritual dimension that includes consciousness and possibly motivated to explore surrounding. In order to understand this concept, we have to consider ourselves first as a container which is including our physical body and physical brain together with a separate non-physical mind, spirit, soul, motivation and so on. The mind, spirit, or soul is considered the conscious part that manifests itself through the brain. In a similar way where the picture and sound waves manifest themselves through a television set. These waves of picture and sound are also known as no -material just like the mind, spirit, or soul. There are many types of dualism that are compared based on the way mind and matters are thought to each other together with its own functionality. Thus, this dualism can be divided into two which is substance and property dualist. Substance dualists typically argue that there are difference matters in our mind and body where the mind is a thinking thing is less exposed to the physical of an object. The physical objects are including size, shape, location, volume, speed and direction in movement and so on. However, substance dualists fall into several groups depending on how they think the connection of mind and body are related. For instances, interactionists believe that minds and bodies can affect to each other. Occasionalists and parallelists, generally motivated by a curiosity concern of physical science. But this is denied because all apparent interaction to God is ultimately attributing.Epiphenomenalists offer a compromise theory, asserting that bodily events can have mental events as effects at the same time denying that the reverse is true. This can be done by our thought experience without following the science law. The occasionalism and parallelism are another two types of substance dualist. These th eories are largely preserved or are taken from the original of history. The occasionalist mentioned that there are no interaction between mind and body mind. For example, we put our hand above the hot kettle then the hot and uncomfortable sensation occurs. Malebranche, an occassionalists assert that the sensation is caused by God where God create appropriate experiences and feeling by using the occasion of environmental happenings. Furthermore, according to the parallelist, our mental and physical histories are coordinated so that mental events appear to cause physical events (and vice versa) by feature of their temporal joining, but there are no interaction between mind and body than two clocks that are synchronized so that the one chimes when hands of the other point out the new hour. Since this series of harmonies impossible is due to mere accident, so it is advanced in explanation of religion. In creation God does not appeared continuously, just like the occasionalist had mentioned, but it create a pre-established harmony which is we programmed ourselves that maximally removes the need for future impact. Next, another dualism is property dualism which is that mental states are misshape attributes of brain states and it holds that non-physical properties of physical substances are mental phenomena. Consciousness is the most widely known as a sample of a physical substance which is non-physical. However, other dualists hold that mental states, characteristic and episodes are brain states, even the states cannot be conceptualized in exactly the same way without loss of meaning. According to epiphenomenalism, mental events can build bodily events or processes, but bodily events or processes cannot caused by mental phenomena (McLaughlin, p. 277) whether an epiphenomenalist thinks these mental epiphenomena are the body properties or properties of a non-physical mental storage determines whether property or substance dualist is the epiphenomenalist. They are many psychology principles that had been discuss today. For example, functionalism, dualism, mongolism. All this principle had their own explanations and their own believe about the life and the things that related to life. But, for my group opinion, the most suitable and the nearest principle that can get along with life. Human body actually had two things, which is body and mind. These two things react with each other simultaneously to create the most complicated and perfect things, that is life to run smoothly. Dualism can be prove to be nearly correct because it has implications that related to life after death issues. This is because, after we die, we will going to had our life after death, and many religions in this world was practicing the same things. After we die, our soul will separated from our body, and will live the life after the death. So, the life after death is based on judgment on how we operate or run our life before. Besides that, nobody in this world can retain or can resist death. Everybody will die, and nobody had the immortal. So, this prove that dualism concept was the most or nearly precise principle that can be related to life. Apart from that, human rationality in the terms of thinking was also an implication that can be used to prove that dualism principle was true. Physical forces was something that play an importance role in peoples thought judgment. If there is no soul, instead, there is only had body, they will be no believe or not believe for something that is not real-abstract. For example, the galaxy had seven layers, and god is actually exist . On the other hand, if our body had only self-refuting left, there will be no room for rational beliefs. British study had published that there is evidence that consciousness continues after a persons brain stopped. The most shocking prove was that actually death support the dualism . The brain still run the function of lucid thought with formation and reasoning of memory. Besides, there are also patience that admit that they had gain information that they had never knew it before. Brain was also being proved that had no place where electric stimulation can cause a person to believe or decide. This was proved by doing interviewed to sixty three heart attack victims who were declared death. Roger Sperry and his team had studied difference between right and left hemisphere of the brain, and they had found that mind had causal power independent of the brain activities. This is why, materialism was concluded to be false by Sperry. Actually, thought had two components, which is mind and brain. This can be said to be true because thoughts can be true or false, however, brain states itself cannot be true or false. So, how on earth can we think in our everyday life about right or wrong? This can be the obvious prove to prove that dualism was the most precise principle exist-yet. Besides that, by measuring brain waves, nobody can tell we what we are thinking. Instead, we must been ask about what had been thinking first, then everybody will knows. That is why the dualism principle was chosen to be most or nearest precise principle that can be adapt to our life as it had two component that work and react simultaneously to complete the cycle that we called life and it was also true to be said that life or mind body actually had two component, that is body and soul.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Religious Festivals :: History

Religious Festivals "Religious festivals in Christianity and Hinduism" The concept of religion has many different definitions, particularly amongst different societies and cultures. Many of the assumptions we hold about the characteristics of religion are given to us by the society we live in or by our community. Which for some people may be a religious community. When dealing with the signs of religion, there would be general agreement that Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism are religions, if for no other reason than because this is how they are described. Christianity is a community which holds certain beliefs in a commune, a faith community. It is a set of beliefs which draws the Christian community together. At the heart of the Christian faith, is the assertion that Jesus, a God-made man was put to death in a way that many people could not comprehend. Christianity shares a number of beliefs and practices with other religions, particularly Judaism and Islam. With Judaism and Islam, Christians believe in one God, who created the Universe and all that is in it. All believe that this God is active in history, guiding and teaching his people. All three religions, including Christianity, have been called, "ethical monotheism". This term emphasises the belief in one God, and the fact that following this God commits us to a number of ethical rules or principals. India's population consists of many followers of many religions and many people who have rejected religion in any form. The Republic of India has a constitution which allows the religious freedom of all, but does not give a privileged position to any one religion. More than eighty percent of India's population are Hindus. Hindus worship not one, but many "Gods", they tend not to think of Hinduism as a religion, but as a "way of life". The classical theory of the origins of Hinduism, traces the religions roots to the Indus civilisation circa 4000 to 2200 BCE. The development of Hinduism was influences by many invasions over thousands of years. The major influences occured when light-skinned, nomadic "Aryan" Indo-European tribes invaded Northern India (circa 1500 BCE) from the steppes of Russia and Central Asia. They brought with them their religion of "Vedism". These beliefs mingled with the more advanced indigenous Indian native beliefs, often called the "Indus Valley Culture". An important thing that these groups all have in common is that they come together to express their beliefs and practices.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Is Report Same as Essay? Essay

There are some basic differences between a report and an essay in an academic setting. The format of a report and essay differ as well as the main purpose of each. While there are similarities and differences between an essay and report, it’s essential to know which format you’re being asked to write. First, we’ll discuss what a report is, and then continue on to see what makes an essay. Keep in mind that a report can be much longer than an essay, and report readers generally only quickly scan it to pick up its general idea. In either way, your ideas should be easily found and compelling enough so the reader continues to read. To begin, a report and essay are similar in the fact that they both need to be in a formal style, have analytical thinking, a neat presentation with careful proofreading, as well as an introduction, body, and conclusion. Furthermore, a few distinct characteristics make a report different from an essay, such as a report gives information instead of an argument. Usually, a reader will more thoroughly read an essay compared to a report. Reports can include graphics and have short paragraphs along with numbered headings and sub-headings. Also, a writer will often need to write an executive summary after they’ve finished writing their full report. Such a summary isn’t necessary with an essay. report A report should be used to clearly and sufficiently inform the reader of the topic you’re writing about. While every lecturer or professor may have different guidelines they prefer, there are general rules to follow when writing a report. Unless otherwise requested, a report should consist of the following essential sections: title page, introduction, body, and conclusion. If you want to go a step further, include a letter of transmittal, table of contents, list of abbreviations and/or a glossary, executive summary, recommendations, bibliography, and appendices. The style and presentation of a report are very important in order to be taken seriously and have people want to read your full report. There are certain tips that you should follow to write a report that leaves a great first impression. You’ll want to ensure you use plenty of white space, and that the different parts of your report are easily recognized. Don’t forget to use sub-headings with plenty of space between different sections. Graphs, illustrations, and maps are encouraged to be used as they can clarify the information you’re trying to give. Number each page of a report with consistent formatting, and always use formal language. On the other hand, there are some things to avoid when writing a report. Leave out any inaccurate and conflicting information. Don’t include any outdated data, or irrelevant statistics. Keep opinions separate from facts, and leave out any unsupported recommendations or conclusions. Also, don’t let somebody read your report if it focuses more on appearance and has a lack of content. Lastly, a report isn’t finished without careful proofreading. The topics for reports usually consist of a problem or case study with a hypothetical situation. The information for reports comes from readings, fieldwork, and practical work. A report’s purpose is not only to investigate information, but to present and analyze it extensively and logically. A report is often used to make proposals, and to recommend actions to solve a problem. When writing a report, know that your audience will usually be those that are knowledgeable in the area you’re writing about and can be a client or manager. A report needs to be objective and can sometimes include bullet points. In order for a report to be successful, it needs to show that the writer has good research skills, and everything presented was relative information. essay When writing an essay, a topic will usually be a proposition or question and is predominantly based on reading. An essay’s purpose is to have a well-argued response to the original question and should also establish a proposition. The writer’s lecturer will usually be the reader of the essay. The essay’s style can be subjective, as long as it fits in an academic setting. Successful essays make the argument interesting, and are also determined on how the writer was able to relate one point to the next in a smooth format, while establishing a proposition. An essay is generally thought of as a well-organized collection of your ideas that is nicely written and presented professionally. An essay should be easy to read and properly thought out. When collecting material for an essay, you’ll have both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are literary texts, while secondary sources consist of any works of criticism. In this case, the more sources you have to refer to the better. Your own ideas about literary texts are very important, as well as always putting the reader first. Make sure the text is compelling and professionally presentable, yet make it easy for the reader to understand. Five steps to writing an impressive essay †¢Step One – research, you want to make yourself an expert on the topic you’ve chosen to, or assigned to write about. The internet, academic databases, and libraries are all great places to browse literature. †¢Step Two – you’ll want to analyze the arguments in the readings you’ve chosen. Not only should you look for arguments in the topic, look for strengths too. †¢Step Three – Brainstorm how you want to write the essay, and then pick a thesis. To do this, pick the best idea and make it into a clear assertion that you can write a whole essay on. Make an outline with one-line sentences to describe each paragraph. †¢Step Four – it’s time to write the essay starting with an introduction that grab’s the readers’ attention. The body of the text should be made of paragraphs that each focuses on a certain idea that agrees with your thesis. The conclusion should have one sentence that can wrap up the whole essay, followed by maybe a question, twist of logic, or a call to action. †¢Step Five – Essays are usually written in MLA style, making sure that every quotation and borrowed idea is cited throughout the text along with a works cited page at the end. Once the rough draft is complete, read through your essay correcting any grammar and make sure the essay has a nice flow. However, if you prefer a professional to take a look, then you should see our essay editing and dissertation editing services for students.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Norm vs. the Classics essays

The Norm vs. the Classics essays What music do you listen to? Is it the greatest composers of the eighteenth century, or the sounds of the London Symphony Orchestra? Its mostly rap, hip-hop, pop, and all that normal stuff out there isnt it? Im trying to keep the faith in classical and instrumental music so that it wont be forgotten over the years to come. Sure there are people who continue to listen to it, but they are becoming more and more scarce. People who are growing up are not turning towards the pure music but towards what everyone at school listens to or what is played over the radio. This poses a huge threat to classical and instrumental, but we can save them. Music is the first thing that comes to mind when you sit down to type up an essay or to do your homework. The music you play is probably the latest CD from your favorite metal band, Metallica, or a great group, St. Lunatics. What happens when you play the CD? Dont lie to yourself, you spend more time singing along with it than you do on actual work dont you? It happens to everybody who listens to normal music. But with instrumental and classical, there are no words to start singing along with. This would allow you to work a lot more efficiently than all that Mettalica and St. Lunatic stuff. Right now, Im listening to The Planets composed by Holst, classical music. This is one of my favorite CDs and I am actually getting some work done. Im not singing to myself, Im not focusing on the great voice of the singer; Im just working here nice and quietly listening to Jupiter. There is another upside to classical and instrumental music. You come home from work, or school, one day really angry and upset because you have to work, com in to school, over the weekend, on top of having to stay late on Wednesday. Needless to say, your pretty stressed out right now. What to do? Calm yourself down, of course, rather than spend your only free time stress...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Critical Review of the use of Sampling as a Research Method

Critical Review of the use of Sampling as a Research Method An overview of sampling methods In the study of a particular phenomena present in the population it may not be possible to examine each member of the population. This is because populations under research are often too large. In this context, researchers use samples to draw conclusions on phenomena under study for large populations. Sampling is thus a critical research method. There are probability-sampling methods such as random sampling and stratified sampling (Linda 2008).Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Critical Review of the Use of Sampling as a Research Method specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The other probability-sampling method is systematic sampling. The other category of sampling methods is non-probability sampling. Non-probability sampling includes convenience sampling and quota sampling. Other methods of non-probability sampling include snowball sampling and judgement sampling. The basic differ ence between probability and non-probability sampling methods is that in the former the sample set is constructed in a random manner. Different sampling methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. The basic characteristic of the sample is that it ought to be representative of the population from which it is drawn. This means that the sample ought to have a distribution of traits as those of the population. This is critical in ensuring that the sample results can be generalized to the wider population. This offers validity and reliability to the results of the research. Reliability of results Probability sampling methods implies that the sample is drawn from the population in a random manner (Linda 2008). This means that each member of the population has a certain chance of being picked into the sample set unlike in the non-probability sampling. This is one of the chief advantages of the probability sampling as the research is generalizable to the wider population. This is b ecause the sample is representative of the general population traits. In this context, the research results achieved from this type of sampling can be generalized to the whole population. While probability sampling offers some degree of objectivity in the construction of sample set, certain contexts necessitate non-probability sampling methods. Such contexts include instances where the researcher has limited time and financial resources to conduct probability sampling. In instances where non-probability sampling method is used there is a limitation to the generalization of the results to the wider population (Black 1999).This is because the sample may be picked from a certain section of the population accessible to the researcher. In this context, the sample may not be truly representative of the whole population and as such, the results of the population may not be generalized to the whole population (Jacobs 2011).Advertising Looking for critical writing on business econom ics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Accuracy of the research findings The question of accuracy of research findings may be closely related to that of the reliability of the results. However, there might be a slight difference depending on how a researcher looks at the two concepts. Reliability of the results means that the results generally do give the trend or the traits of the studied phenomena. On the other hand, accuracy of the research findings do try to give a measure or degree of how the findings apply to the studied phenomena. In the context of accuracy of the research findings, the probability research findings do give a quantitative measure on the accuracy of the findings. This is achieved through the calculation of the sampling error. Sampling error is the degree of variation of the sample traits from those of the population. Thus in reporting the research findings, the results are given with a qualitative margin of error. Such qualitative margin of error may be useful to some researches depending on the phenomena under study. On the other hand, the non-probability research methods are more subjective in nature and lacks the randomness associated with probability sampling (Black 1999).In non-probability, sampling the sample error is not calculated. In this sense, it is difficult to establish the degree to which the sample traits differ from those of the population. This may not necessarily mean that the accuracy of the research finding is in doubt. In some instances, the researcher may not be interested in putting a quantitative measure on the accuracy of the findings of the research. On the contrast, he may be interested in understanding the nature of the phenomena under study. This is especially so in research on social aspects. A researcher’s dilemma; which sampling method to use? Several aspects influence a researcher’s choice of sampling method. Availability of resources such as time and finances is one aspect that greatly influences the choice of sampling methods. Probability sampling methods are relatively expensive in obtaining an optimal sample size from the population (Jacobs 2011). This gives the researcher to use non-probability sampling techniques in which he may draw sample members that are convenient and easily accessible to him. The nature of the phenomena under study also influences the choice of the sampling methods. Scientific studies are generally quantitative in nature and thus may require probability-sampling methods. This is in contrast to the social studies. References Black T 1999, Sampling techniques: Advantages and disadvantages. Web.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Critical Review of the Use of Sampling as a Research Method specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Jacobs R 2011, Educational Research: Sampling a population. Web. Linda W 2008, Sampling method s. Available from:

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Michelangelos Inne Tomb of Julius II essays

Michelangelos Inne Tomb of Julius II essays In 1505 Pope Julius II called upon Michelangelo to come to Rome and construct his tomb. Michelangelo was a well known artist at the time and although he was hesitant to take the job, he knew it was a chance for him to built a monument that he hoped would be remembered not only as tomb for a great leader, but as a representation of his genius as a sculpture. Little did he know that it would be a project that would take him over forty 5and Julius II were both men with forceful personalities, big plans, and personal goals which they hoped to accomplish throughout the construction of the tomb . The two men came into conflict over the plans of the tomb and there were many times when the project was suspended because Michelangelo became so frustrated that he returned back to Florence where he wanted to complete the project on his own . Michelangelo worked on many other projects while he continued work on the tomb and it was not completed for over 30 years after the death of Julius II. Today the tomb not only stands as a representation of the change in artistic style of Michelangelo but is also a reflection of the character and sentiment of Michelangelo during the time in which he worked on the Tomb. Figures like that of Moses and the slaves act as a representation of the frustrated sentiment that Michelangelo felt towards the project and its patron. The figures reflect his growth as an artist during the forty years of the tomb and those of Leah and Rachel stand as a representation of the mature sentiment and style that Michelangelo grew into over time. The tomb was no longer a grand monument but a personal battle for Michelangelo who did not finish it for the people, but for himself, as he believed that the masses were without judgment and always liked that which they should despise and criticize that which is highest of worth . It is a reflection of his pure sentiment, growth, and inner struggle as an artist during this t...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

In a detailed essay that explain a term as people typically we r

In a detailed that explain a term as people typically we r understand it - Essay Example Notably, honesty helps people to conquer most of their problems. Honesty as people understand it is the foundation upon which people build their relationships in. the relationship may be with their friends, their family, or their society at large. When a person is honest with his or her friends, family or loved ones, there is the creation of a feeling of trustworthy (Thoennes 17). However, a man is basically born with the qualities of honesty, but these qualities will present themselves based on how h or she was brought up. Basically, if the parents are honest, even though it cannot be said that their children will be honest, a higher percentage of people turn out to be like their parents. Conversely, there are problems hidden behind the term honesty. There are some situations in which by being honest, one may inflict lots of stress and pain to other people. A good example is the situation where a doctor may decide not to his or her patient directly that he or she is suffering from a fatal disease such as cancer. Even though it is the obligation of the doctor to tell the patient the truth, the doctor has to keep quite so as to avoid causing lots of pain to the patient. This shows that it is not all-inclusive that a person be honest all the time. This however, contradicts what the term and how people perceive the meaning of the term honesty. This builds an assumption that there are sometimes people need to justify what is the best resolution since not telling the truth in some cases is the best way a person can protect other people from getting hurt. The term honesty overlooks many issues. As said in the above paragraph, there are some situations whereby people have to be dishonest in order to protect other people. However, according to the definition of honesty, this is wrong. According to how people understand the term, everyone should tell the truth no matter the consequences of the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Introduction to Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Introduction to Business Law - Essay Example The other cases mentioned will be heard accordingly by other courts. First, with regard to the case involving a dispute between Colorado, Utah, and Arizona over water rights, the case involving a state law prohibiting the import of nuclear waste, a civil suit between a plaintiff from Tennessee and a defendant from Kentucky, and the case involving a state's criminal laws, civil code, or constitution, these cases will be heard by the US Federal Supreme Court. According to the United States Constitution regarding the jurisdiction of the Federal Supreme Court: The judicial power shall extend to all cases arising under this Constitution, [t]he laws of the United States, controversies between two or more states, between citizens of different states. (United States Constitution, Art. 3, Sec. 2) Thus, by virtue of the aforementioned cases' national significance, its implications to the Constitution and the possible conflict that may arise regarding the impartiality of District Courts, these cases may be heard by the Supreme Court.

The role of Governments and Intergovernmental organizations in dealing Essay

The role of Governments and Intergovernmental organizations in dealing with the impact of globalization - Essay Example s and strategies adopted by governmental organizations shapes globalizations as much as globalization dictates the conditions and policy that must be established by governments (Globalization and Global Governance 9-21). The portrayal of globalization as the external force that constrains governments, leaving them with few choices apart from adapting, led the former US President Bill Clinton to remark: Government and intergovernmental organizations play a varying role to deal with the impact of globalization, depending on the dynamics of the matter at hand. Where globalization is understood in the context of being involved in the erosion of economic, political, social and cultural borders, the government’s role of accepting the process and defining policies that promote such a change can be seen as â€Å"making† globalization (The Global Transformation Reader 22-44). The steps taken by the national institutions include the harmonization of regulations that govern various aspects of the system setup, as well as the removal of barriers that prevented free flow of information, goods and services in the past. The European Union (EU) provides a classic example for understanding the role of governments in acceding to the demands of globalization, by the removal of physical borders and unification of economic might to deal in a more positive manner with the changing dynamics of the global business and development demands (Globalization and Global Governance 77-85). The Schengen treaty allowed the citizens of member states to move with ease across the expanse of the EU; the overall aim being to create a mobile and skilled workforce that would have benefits for all concerned members of the EU. For the impact of globalization to be dealt with a positive manner, it has been pertinent for governments and related institutions to undertake an open and flexible approach, especially in identifying the areas where comparative advantage can be reached. This is evident when seen

Japanese Multinationals and the Management of Human Resources in Essay

Japanese Multinationals and the Management of Human Resources in United Kingdom Subsidiaries - Essay Example In the present day and age, the conduct of business leans increasingly towards international operations and managing human resources is increasingly critical to the success of business and . However, published research supports the notion that construction of human resource management for a business takes place within strong national boundaries. Thus, although information and communication technologies continue to transform organisational structures and business processes, breaking down organisational and geographic boundaries, national human resource management traditions engrained in the culture of a multinational headquartered in a country often intermingle with culture and traditions of the country in which a subsidiary is located. Although multinationals from a host country retain elements of traditional and cultural values, including those from Japan, United States of America and elsewhere, it is difficult for multinational corporations to exhibit core traditions from Japan, Am erica, etc. in subsidiaries located overseas for managing employees. When expanding overseas, a failure to integrate successfully managers and other key personnel from host countries into the management process of foreign subsidiaries is likely to present severe negative outcomes for a parent company. After all, foreign multinationals must serve clients in a host nation, comply with its laws and compete effectively in a nation with its own traditions, culture, business values and needs. A multinational must have due regard for national culture and organisational culture in a subsidiary, which must cater to the locals while shaping effectively the collective. Material and spiritual culture in a host country together with aspirations of employees, their preferences and tastes influence the treatment of employees and success of a subsidiary. (Keeley, 2001, Pp. 15 – 20). Multinational enterprises must have due regard for local employment laws, industrial relations and ethics

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Governance in Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Governance in Africa - Essay Example Dictatorship is one of the major governance issues attracting attention from researchers, sociologists, political scientists, unions, economists and other leaders from other parts of the world. African countries have been facing dictatorship ruling in governance since the end of colonization. The term dictatorship originated from the Latin word dictatura, meaning a dictation. Many writers have defined the dictatorship in different ways. For instance, according to Bobbio (1), dictatorship refers to a system of governance that result to exploitation of working population. Dictatorship refers to illegitimate form of governance. A general definition describes dictatorship as a governance system where absolute power is held by a small group of people or a dictator. All authority originates from a single person or a small group of people. The common form of dictatorship evidenced in several countries, in Africa is despotism dictatorship. In this form of dictatorship, a single entity of governance in the country exists with absolute power. The origin of dictatorship in Africa can be traced after the World War II. During the Second World War, many Africans were deployed and taken to war fields in different countries. These people gained experience and skills of fighting the Europeans. Later after they retrieved from war fields, they organized themselves in different ways to fight the Europeans in acquisition of independent. After African states became independent first leaders acquired absolute power over citizens and some became dictators. According to Brucker (1), African dictatorship originated as a form of violent rule in the first thirty years of African independence after the end of European colonization. However, the violent rule decreased in 1990s after a large number of African countries adopted democratic rul e. Some states are still under dictatorship rule up to date. A number of factors have

Language Proficiency Assessments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Language Proficiency Assessments - Essay Example Two frameworks influence language proficiency assessment processes including planning curriculum, assessment, and instruction. The main elements of the system include English language proficiency standards, language domains, grade level clusters, and language proficiency level. The Language Proficiency Standards reflects the dimensions of acquiring second language anticipated from English language learners in grade levels K-12. Among the five English Language Proficiency Standards, each standard is set to deal with particular contexts namely social and instructional settings, mathematics, social studies and science (Blagojevich, Ruiz & Dunn, 2004). Each individual proficiency standard includes four-language domains namely listening, reading, speaking, and writing. In listening, people should process, interpret, and evaluate spoken language in various situations. In speaking, students should engage in oral communication while reading ensures processing, interpretation and evaluation of written language (Blagojevich, Ruiz & Dunn, 2004). Finally, writing ensures students engage in written communication in various situations. The third element, The Language Proficiency Levels and Performance Definitions, outlines the progression in language development in the acquisition of English as an additional language through five a five-stage process including entering, beginning, developing, expanding, and bridging (Blagojevich, Ruiz & Dunn, 2004). These processes synthesize model performance indicators in each language proficiency level. Finally, the final elements, Model Performance Indicators are measurable indices of the language domains targeting the age and developmental levels of English Language Learners (Blagojevich, Ruiz & Dunn, 2004). These are examples drawn from experiences in other language proficiency assessments and used to augment other systems to improve language proficiency. According to the checklist, assessment problems may emerge in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Japanese Multinationals and the Management of Human Resources in Essay

Japanese Multinationals and the Management of Human Resources in United Kingdom Subsidiaries - Essay Example In the present day and age, the conduct of business leans increasingly towards international operations and managing human resources is increasingly critical to the success of business and . However, published research supports the notion that construction of human resource management for a business takes place within strong national boundaries. Thus, although information and communication technologies continue to transform organisational structures and business processes, breaking down organisational and geographic boundaries, national human resource management traditions engrained in the culture of a multinational headquartered in a country often intermingle with culture and traditions of the country in which a subsidiary is located. Although multinationals from a host country retain elements of traditional and cultural values, including those from Japan, United States of America and elsewhere, it is difficult for multinational corporations to exhibit core traditions from Japan, Am erica, etc. in subsidiaries located overseas for managing employees. When expanding overseas, a failure to integrate successfully managers and other key personnel from host countries into the management process of foreign subsidiaries is likely to present severe negative outcomes for a parent company. After all, foreign multinationals must serve clients in a host nation, comply with its laws and compete effectively in a nation with its own traditions, culture, business values and needs. A multinational must have due regard for national culture and organisational culture in a subsidiary, which must cater to the locals while shaping effectively the collective. Material and spiritual culture in a host country together with aspirations of employees, their preferences and tastes influence the treatment of employees and success of a subsidiary. (Keeley, 2001, Pp. 15 – 20). Multinational enterprises must have due regard for local employment laws, industrial relations and ethics

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Language Proficiency Assessments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Language Proficiency Assessments - Essay Example Two frameworks influence language proficiency assessment processes including planning curriculum, assessment, and instruction. The main elements of the system include English language proficiency standards, language domains, grade level clusters, and language proficiency level. The Language Proficiency Standards reflects the dimensions of acquiring second language anticipated from English language learners in grade levels K-12. Among the five English Language Proficiency Standards, each standard is set to deal with particular contexts namely social and instructional settings, mathematics, social studies and science (Blagojevich, Ruiz & Dunn, 2004). Each individual proficiency standard includes four-language domains namely listening, reading, speaking, and writing. In listening, people should process, interpret, and evaluate spoken language in various situations. In speaking, students should engage in oral communication while reading ensures processing, interpretation and evaluation of written language (Blagojevich, Ruiz & Dunn, 2004). Finally, writing ensures students engage in written communication in various situations. The third element, The Language Proficiency Levels and Performance Definitions, outlines the progression in language development in the acquisition of English as an additional language through five a five-stage process including entering, beginning, developing, expanding, and bridging (Blagojevich, Ruiz & Dunn, 2004). These processes synthesize model performance indicators in each language proficiency level. Finally, the final elements, Model Performance Indicators are measurable indices of the language domains targeting the age and developmental levels of English Language Learners (Blagojevich, Ruiz & Dunn, 2004). These are examples drawn from experiences in other language proficiency assessments and used to augment other systems to improve language proficiency. According to the checklist, assessment problems may emerge in

Diffusion Across Biological Membranes Essay Example for Free

Diffusion Across Biological Membranes Essay From the cell simulation modal made, it has explained about the aspects of diffusion and indicator solution (chemical testing) to test for particular substances. From the observation made, iodine and glucose have greater concentration due to small molecular size and also they are monomers. It means their molecules are smaller. Thus, it diffused out to create a state of equilibrium. On the other hand, starch molecules did not move by diffusion across a membrane into or out of the cell due to the large molecular side. This is because many repeated glucose subunits are found in starch structure. Starch is a polymer. This is the reason why the water in the beaker or 1 inch dialysis tube did not turn dark blue as no starch molecules diffuse out. However, the liquid outside of cell was cloudy. When iodine indicator and Benedict’s test, tested for presence of iodine and glucose respectively, the colour change was not very distinctive. Hence, we came to a rationale that more time could have needed for glucose and iodine achieve diffusion as 1 hour was not enough to complete as perhaps molecules on one side of a membrane become trapped by binding to macromolecule. On the other hand, perhaps water in the beaker could have been too diluted so could not detect the presence of glucose and iodine using indicators. This process is termed as osmosis. In osmosis, molecules also travel from higher concentration to lower concentration. However, osmosis only occurs in water. Water molecules are polar and small enough to pass through the membrane. Therefore, from this experiment, we can understand that water is essential for cells survival. However, too much of water will result in hypotonic. ells is placed with a lower concentration, then osmotic pressure of the extracellular fluid is less than intracellular fluid. As a result, water flow into the cell causing it to swell and undergo lysis (burst). Likewise, if a cell is placed into a solution with higher osmotic concentration than the intracellular fluid such as salt solution. The osmotic pressure of the extracellular fluid will exceed that of the intracellular fluid casing the cell to shrink and crenate. Hence, it’s hypertonic. This explains why when a small dose of fertilizer can enhance plant growth but over fertilization can kill the plant. Fertilization has salt and salt dehydrates the cytoplasm in the cell and would dry up making the cells shrivel up and die. Iodine indicators and Benedict’s solution proved that when a substance reacts with its indicator solution, a reaction will occur and cause a colour change. In this case, iodine test used to test for the presence of iodine in the solution and Benedict’s solution is use to detect glucose. It is important for Benedict’s solution to be heated as it’s a way to prove that it is the mixing of the two that creates the bright orange colour. If the benedict’s solutions were to be heated separately or the solution to be heated there will not be any results produced to test the presence of glucose. The indicator solution will react only if the substance is meant for is present, then it will react. Else there would not be any changes to observe. Indicators come in handy when dealing with unknown samples of ingredients to prove what a substance is. A negative control is used yield a negative result. This is to ensure that all the reagents are pure and there is no contamination that will give a false result. Conclusion In conclusion, we can conclude that diffusion occur spontaneously and molecular size and charges matters when molecule pass thought cell membrane unless its molecular size is small and it’s a monomer diffusion will occur spontaneously. However, if the molecular size is big and it might also hinders the passage way for smaller molecules to diffuse to a higher concentration to lower concentration to bring it to an equilibrium state. We also concluded that cell should maintain a isotonic environment to conduct its activity smoothly else in hypertonic or hypotonic, it will burst or shrivel and eventually kills the cell. Therefore, diffusion and osmosis are types of passive transport and happens spontaneously.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Life Cycle Analysis Of Paper Production Environmental Sciences Essay

Life Cycle Analysis Of Paper Production Environmental Sciences Essay During the typical life of a product, it will progress through 5 stages . At each stage there is interaction with the environment. In many cases the material processing and manufacture will occur in the same factory. The interaction between the product and the environment can be direct or indirect. For example, the pulping of the wood into paper will release emissions that are directly related to the paper. On the other hand, the transport of the paper will have an environmental impact from the emissions of the vehicle however this emission does not come directly from the paper. A Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) takes these emissions into account as well as other environmental impacts such as the destruction of habitat and can be used to quantify the environmental impact of a product from its original raw materials to its eventual fate (cradle to grave). The whole life cycle has to be considered, as the environmental impacts of different products will be greater at different parts of the c ycle. For example, paper will have a bigger environmental impact during the material extraction and material processing stages than it will for the use stage of its life cycle. However, an electrical item such as a washing machine will cause most of its environmental impact during its use stage because of its consumption of electricity, the majority of which are generated by the burning of fossil fuels. The life cycle must also consider the potential for the product to be recycled, remanufactured and reused. Reusing obviously has the lowest environmental impact as it requires less energy to convert the useless product into a usable product again. life cycle.gif Figure 1: The product life cycle showing the five phases and the potential to recycle, remanufacture and reuse products (Tarr, c. 2007) Paper is an essential product that the modern world relies upon. It is a highly functional product and is used to fulfil a variety of functions. It can be manufactured into many practical goods, with varying properties. It may be combustible or be made fire-resistant. It may be a carrier or a barrier or a filter. It may be tough enough to withstand acid or soft enough for a babyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s skin (Confederation of Paper Industries, 2010). Paper is a multipurpose commodity that can be used utilized to do anything from being printed on to deliver daily news to the masses, to create bank notes or even to make air and oil filters for cars. The worldwide consumption of paper in 2007 was about 300 million metric Tons (PaperOnWeb, c.2007). An LCA is a way of linking the inputs and outputs of any product to the environment and provides an insight into possible solutions to lower the environmental impacts of that product. A typical paper production process and each stageà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s environmental impact are shown in figure 2 (below). recycling paper.jpg Figure 2: shows the stages in the life cycle of paper: the logging of wood in the forest and the environmental impact of this, its conversion to fibres, the processing of the fibres to make paper, the distribution of this paper to the consumers, the collection of waste paper, after which it is either recycled back into paper fibres or it is removed from the cycle and sent to incineration or landfill. Adapted from (Axel Springer, 1998) The paper industry uses a great deal resources and as waste paper is continually removed from the process, the paper industry is only viable if fresh fibres are constantly added. This means that trees have to be persistently cut down and removed from forests. This could lead to unwanted climate change due to their being less trees to absorb the CO2 and from the emissions from the manufacturing process and from the vehicles that are transporting the raw material. This wood could also have been used to generate energy, so removing it to create paper could lead to energy depletion. The trees used to produce paper should only be purchased from companies that will ensure that the trees are harvested and grown in a sustainable manner, as deforestation of local forests is unacceptable. If the trees were not harvested in a sustainable manner, and the trees were removed and not replaced the soil that would normally be held in place between the trees could be washed away when there is rainfall . During periods of exposure to the sun the soil would be dried out and the nutrients would be removed from it. This soil erosion would cause the land to become useless. Non-sustainable management of the forests will cause a disruption of the water cycle reducing the biodiversity of the forest. The paper industry is a very energy intensive one so carrying out an LCA on paper would allow us to see how much damage is being done to the environment by the paper industry. If the LCA shows that the paper industry is causing a significant environmental impact, it could cause a campaign for conservation. Goals The goals of this LCA were to assess environmental impacts of paper produced in Portugal, which is mainly exported and consumed in Germany, in order to discover what processes contribute the most to the environmental impacts. The environmental impacts being considered are the global warming over 100 years, acidification, eutrophication, non-renewable resource depletion and photochemical oxidant formation. The secondary aim of this LCA is to compare the environmental impacts of paper production, if the market was changed from German market to the Portuguese market. Limitations The LCA is limited by a few factors; firstly there is no data on the effectiveness of CO2 sequestration, so it was assumed that the CO2 released from renewable energy sources balanced the CO2 absorbed by forest growth. Secondly, even though fibres are recycled it is not clear how many times the original fibres can be recycled before they are too short to form a decent product, so it has been assumed that the paper is recycled 4 times at most before being sent to landfill or being incinerated. Thirdly, the materials that were present in less than 1% (in mass) in 1 tonne of paper of 80 g/m2 were ignored. Finally, the construction and maintenance of equipment, machinery and buildings were not included in the LCA. Inventory Analysis The first stage of an LCA is to carry out an inventory analysis. Here the overall life cycle of paper and the inputs required to make it are split up into smaller sections which are then broken down into individual processes and outputs which can be analysed. The life cycle was split into; forestry, paper production, distribution, final disposal in Germany and final disposal in Portugal. This is shown in figure 3 (below). Input: Raw Materials: Wood, Water and Chemicals Energy: Coal, Diesel and Electricity Forestry Paper production Distribution Final Disposal Germany: Landfilling 17% Incineration 8% Recycling 75% Final Disposal Portugal: Landfilling 53% Incineration 18% Recycling 25% Composting 4% Output: Usable Products Paper By-products e.g. wood for domestic purposes Output: Environmental Impacts Airborne Emissions Water Effluents Solid Wastes Figure 3: A diagram showing how the life cycle of paper was split into forestry, paper production, distribution, final disposal in Germany and final disposal in Portugal and how the inputs and output interact with each stage. Each stage was now separated into individual processes so that an inventory analysis could be carried out. This is summarised in figure 4 (below), which shows all the materials used and links them to the processes that occur. Stages Processes Forestry E. globulus forest Pine forest Paper Production Pulp production Chemical production Energy production in the grid Transport of wood to the pulp mills then to the paper mill Transport of chemicals Paper Distribution Transport of paper to Germany Paper distribution in Germany Paper distribution in Portugal Final Disposal in Germany Landfilling Incineration Recycling Energy production in the grid Transport of wastepaper from the user to the several disposal alternatives Final Disposal in Portugal Landfilling Incineration Composting Recycling Energy production in the grid Transport of wastepaper from the user to the several disposal alternatives Figure 4: A table of the processes involved at each stage of the paper life cycle, adapted from (Dias et al., 2007) To complete the inventory assessment data on the growth and harvesting of forests in Portugal would have to be found. It would also have to be known whether the paper mills in Portugal import trees from Scandinavia, as this would then change the size of the emissions generated from transporting the raw material to the paper mills. However, as the raw material is coming from Scandinavia there is a possibility that the emissions could be lower because the average emissions of CO2 from an articulated lorry carrying a load of 40 tonnes is 2.68 kg of CO2 per litre/km, where as a the emissions from a ship carrying the same amount of material would only be 0.4 kg of CO2 per litre/km (Davies, 2003). This means the material brought in by shipping can come from nearly 7 times the distance that it can if it is brought by road and still only have the same amount of overall emissions. A disadvantage of shipping raw material to Portugal is that the trees will still need to be transported from the port to the paper mill. This would not generate a significant amount more of emissions if the paper mill was located near a port. However, if the paper mill is located far from the port, the environmental impacts of transport will increase. The amount of pulp produced and the emissions that producing the paper pulp release would also have to be found. If the pulp is bleached to make it whiter, then there will be additional emissions with respect to wastewater. The paper making process is a very energy intensive one, so data would have to be found on the energy requirements of the paper making machinery and equipment. If the paper mill used some of its useful by-products to generate its own electricity, this would also have to be taken into account, as it may reduce the emissions generated by the plant as it will require less energy from non-renewable sources. However, it could cause an increase in the amount of particulate matter dispersed in the air from the paper mill. The environmental impact from the transport and distribution of the paper would have to be considered. As the paper is distributed in both Portugal and Germany, the environmental impacts of the distances involved in the distribution would have to be accounted for. The average distance for paper distribution in Portugal could be considered to be 200 km, for Germany this could be considered to be 2700 km. The environmental impacts of the final disposal of the paper in both Portugal and Germany have to be considered, as the policy for dealing with paper waste varies with country. In Germany, it is deemed that 5.8% of the paper produced is retained as archives. Seventy five percent of the paper that is discarded in Germany is recycled, 17% is landfilled and 8% is incinerated (Dias et al., 2007). In Portugal again it is assumed that 5.8% of the paper produced is retained as archives. Of the paper that is discarded 53% is landfilled, 25% is recycled, 18% is incinerated and 4% is composted (Dias et al., 2007). Using this information the environmental impacts of landfilling, incineration, composting and recycling could be calculated. The environmental impacts of the transport required to transfer the used paper to the recycling facilities would need to be determined in order to gain a more accurate representation of the environmental impact of the paper making process. Impact Assessment The impact assessment gauges the damage that will be done to the environment by the paper making process. The categories that could be considered are global warming over 100 years (GW), acidification (A), eutrophication (E), non-renewable resource depletion (NRRD), and photochemical oxidant formation (POF) (Dias et al., 2007). Figure 5 (below) shows the impact categories and factors that affect them. The factors that affect the impact categories are non-renewable CO2, CH4, NO2, emissions that are generated from renewable and non-renewable energy consumption, as well as chemical oxygen demand (COD) and adsorbable organic halogens (AOX). impacts of paper.png Figure 5: A table showing the impact categories and the parameters that affect each category (Dias et al., 2007) Using these weighting factors and the data collected in Dias et al. (2007), both an inventory analysis and an impact assessment were carried out. Each graph shows the analysis for both the German market and the analysis if the paper was to only be sold to the Portuguese market. Figure 6 (below) shows the results of the inventory analysis. Figure 7 (below) shows the results of the impact assessment. The negative values for various categories and stages of the life cycle reflect the parts of the process which have beneficial environmental impacts. Figure 6: A graph showing the results of the inventory analysis (G = German market, P = Portuguese market). The FU is the functional unit, which in this study is 1 tonne of paper (Dias et al., 2007). Inventory analysis results The area of the paper life cycle that uses the largest amount of renewable energy is the pulp production. However, the negative contribution is larger for Germany as more of the waste paper is recycled in Germany than in Portugal. This shows that the production of paper from recycled fibres consumes much less energy than the production of paper from fresh fibres. The majority of the non-renewable energy is consumed by the paper making process. The amount of non-renewable energy consumed by paper distribution is also greater for Germany than it is for Portugal due to the fact that the paper mills are located in Portugal so the paper has a large distance to travel before it is distributed throughout Germany. The non-renewable CO2 emissions are in similar proportions to the non-renewable energy consumption meaning that the paper production is the major contributor to non-renewable CO2 emissions. The paper production and distribution are the main sources of NOx emissions due to the energ y used from the national grid and the transportation of the paper. The SO2 emissions are mainly caused by the paper production stage of the life cycle, due to the energy production. On-site energy production provides a small negative contribution for NOx and SO2 emissions in Germany. The pulp production of the paper making process causes the largest contribution to COD emissions; however by recycling paper the final disposal stage can provide a slight negative contribution. Due to the chemicals used in the bleaching process of the pulping stage the AOX emissions are mainly created from the pulp production. Again from recycling the paper the final disposal stage can provide a negative input. Figure 7: A graph showing the results of the impact assessment (G = German market, P = Portuguese market) (Dias et al., 2007) Impact Assessment The most significant contributor to global warming in Germany is the paper production due to the high non-renewable energy usage and CO2 emissions. However in Portugal it is the final disposal that has the largest impact on global warming, as most of the paper waste goes to landfill which produces a lot of methane. As the paper production requires energy which produces high SO2 emissions, it is this part of the process that contributes most to acidification. The high COD and NOx emissions mean that the pulp production stage is the greatest contributor to eutrophication. A large portion of the eutrophication potential is down to the NOx emissions released due to the paper production stage. The electricity used during the paper production stage is the main contributor to the non-renewable resource depletion. Recycling the paper provides a positive impact to acidification and eutrophication, due to less material being sent to landfill and so fewer trees have to be removed from the forests. The amount of acidification, eutrophication and non-renewable resource depletion is greater for paper distribution in Germany due to the fact that the paper mills are located in Portugal so the paper has further to travel before it is distributed throughout Germany. The disposal of paper into landfill causes the release of CH4 which is a major contributor to photochemical oxidant formation. As Portugal sends more if its waste to landfill the impact of POF is greater. Conclusions The inventory analysis shows that Portugal consumes a larger amount of renewable energy and has higher emissions of SO2, COD, and AOX than Germany, this is due to the larger amount of paper sent to landfill. Therefore to change from the German market to the Portuguese market is less environmentally beneficial. However, the impact assessment shows that the acidification, eutrophication and NRRD are smaller for the Portuguese market due to the reduced transport required to distribute the paper. The pulp and paper production stages are major contributors to all the categories and environmental impacts due to the large energy requirements that are satisfied by both on-site energy production and consumption of electricity from the grid. From carrying out this LCA it has become apparent that the forestry stage does not provide any significant environmental impacts. Paper consumption in Germany is more damaging environmentally in categories in which the paper distribution stage has a consid erable input due to the large distance that has to be covered in order to distribute the paper. However, due to the smaller amount of recycling that occurs in Portugal, the global warming potential and photochemical oxidant formation are greater. This LCA has shown that the best area of the life cycle of paper to approach in order to reduce the environmental impact of paper manufacture is the pulp and paper production stages. The environmental impact could be reduced by more efficient treatment of flue gases and liquid effluents.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Michelangelo Essay -- essays research papers

In the time of the Renaissance there were many artists but one really stood out to me, he was Michelangelo. He stood out the most to me because he had some of the most beautiful work I have ever seen. He painted some of the most beautiful building that is still around today. One of the most that I enjoyed looking at was the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. It took him a lot of time to paint the entire building. I feel this was his best piece of art ever. He had many accomplishments that were outstanding. The second of five brothers, Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475, at Caprese, in Tuscany, to Ludovico di Leonardo di Buonarotto Simoni and Francesca Neri. The same day, his father noted down: "Today March 6, 1475, a child of the male sex has been born to me and I have named him Michelangelo. He was born on Monday between 4 and 5 in the morning, at Caprese, where I am the Podestà  ." Although born in the small village of Caprese, Michelangelo always considered himself a "son of Florence," as did his father, "a Citizen of Florence." Buonarroti's mother, Francesca Neri, was too sick and frail to nurse Michelangelo, so he was placed with a wet nurse, in a family of stonecutters, where he, "sucked in the craft of hammer and chisel with my foster mother. When he told my father that he wished to be an artist, he flew into a rage, 'artists are laborers, no better than shoemakers." Buonarroti's mother died young, when the child was only six years ol d. But even before then, Michelangelo's childhood had been lacking affection, and he was always to retain a good position in his father’s heart. Touchy and quick to respond with fierce words, he tended to keep to himself, out of shyness according to some but also, according to others, a lack of trust in his fellows. His father soon recognized the boy's intelligence and "anxious for him to learn his letters, sent him to the school of a master, Francesco Galeota from Urbino, who in that time taught grammar." While he studied the principles of Latin, Michelangelo made friends with a student, Francesco Granacci six years older than him, who was learning the art of painting in Ghirlandaio's studio and who encouraged Michelangelo to follow his own artistic vocation. Michelangelo studied the human anatomy in order to make his painting more life like. In doing things the pictures l... ...onna and Christ, may have been begun by Michelangelo before 1550 but had remained unfinished. Now his friends - we are told by Vasari - had asked him to start work on it again "so that he could continue using his chisel everyday." Still perfectly lucid, the almost ninety-year-old Michelangelo created one of his most spiritual images, in which the Mother and Christ almost interpenetrate in an indissoluble union, beyond passion and physical death. While residing in Florence for this extended period, Michelangelo also undertook-between 1519 and 1534-the commission of the Medici Tombs for the New Sacristy of San Lorenzo. His design called for two large wall tombs facing each other across the high, domed room. One was intended for Lorenzo De’ Medici, duke of Urbino; the other for Giulinao De’ Medici duke of Nemours. The tombs of the Medici were of a completely new form. Michelangelo abandoned the use of architecture and arabesques that decorated all Florentine tombs, and that he himself had widely used in his designs for the tomb of Pope Julius II. Here, he wanted no accessory forms, and only the statues were to express the thoughts of his soul.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Newspaper Report On The Conviction Of Macbeth :: essays research papers

Topic: If macbeth was still alive show a newspaper article showing the trial that would take place concerning his conviction of murder (INSERT TOWN HERE) - After a long and arduous trial, MacBeth was found guilty by the Brisbane Court House yesterday. The former King of Scotland pleaded not guilty in the (INSERT TOWN HERE) sittings of District Court to murder and premeditated murder. It was revealed by the defence, that MacBeth was a former battle hardened soldier, who was given the title ?Thane of Cawdor? for his glorious effort on the battlefield. It was also portrayed that MacBeth was a character who set aside concern for his own life, a trait that was quickly dismissed by the prosecution throughout the trial. It was heard by the jury that, when MacBeth was returning from the battlefield to Duncan?s camp, he first encountered the mysterious and enigmatic three witches. It was here that the prophecy of MacBeth becoming king was announced by the witches. MacBeth testified upon hearing this, that he disbelieved the allegation. However witnesses put forward that when MacBeth arrived back at his castle, he was overheard conspiring with Lady MacBeth regarding Duncan?s murder. Further into the trial it was exposed that MacBeth could not become king, as the Scottish lineage to the throne moves from father to first-born son. However, members from within the same bloodline could lay claim to the throne if Duncan had no living sons. The prosecution then brought forth D.N.A evidence, which revealed that MacBeth was in fact Duncan?s cousin. Since Duncan had already named Malcolm the heir to the Scottish throne, Duncan had to be murdered. Information gathered from a nearby witness shows that at the hour of 12:45 am, Duncan the former king of Scotland lay peacefully in his humble chambers. The prosecution revealed that the servants guarding the kings? bedroom were drugged in order to gain a silent entry. MacBeth then quietly crept towards the king lying asleep. From the evidence revealed in the autopsy of Duncan, and the statement given to police by witnesses, it was discovered that he was stabbed a total of seven times in the chest area causing death to the victim. With murder weapon in hand, MacBeth then continued to murder the two drugged servants to ensure total silence on their part. A well beloved and honoured king now brutally dead. It was then conveyed by the prosecution that MacBeth proceeded to blame the deaths, on the two dead servants.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Lucida the Lioness Essay

It was around the time of the 100 years war, the bitter battle between France and England. While the world was obsessed with creating empires there was one empire that existed on a plane beyond us. To silence the voice of lions was the intent of mankind. Many eons ago, the Lion did not roar, he spoke, loud from the mountain tops and filled the world with terror. He breathed fire onto the lands below and warned of the doom of the world should a savior not be found. The word of men assumed that that savior would be a man and did not look amongst women. The answer would come in the land of Lionire, whose king sought a solution to the endless battles and torments of the lions. The prophetess Clyra had told him that his strength lay not in a man or a god, but in a woman. She told him to set sail for an unknown land and was told that he would reach this place without needing a map. After months of travel and many toils, he landed on the Cypriot islands where he fell in love with a fisherman’s daughter. Lucida was beautiful and golden, unlike the maidens of his own land who were comparatively insipid. At Lionire, trouble was worse than ever before, the Lions burning the land to cinders. But Lucida sat in her parlor and looked out over the Purple Moors. She noticed on the far side, a group of hills to which she was unmistakably drawn. The sun shone high and Lucida took the road to the Lion Caves, although she knew not what awaited her. She walked and walked to a place where time stood still and even though she walked, seemed to be going nowhere. While the wind whipped through her golden hair and the sun shone on her deep gold skin, Alfred argued with his counsel that Lucida was the answer to the portent and the country’s prayers. Meanwhile, a messenger entered the counsel-room and announced that Lucida had disappeared. After a time, a herd boy entered saying he had seen her walking that morning. He told the counsel that Lucida was seen walking towards the Cractus caves where the great lions dwelt. The people searched and searched for days and could find no trace of Lucida. After the 5th day it was assumed she had been taken by the Lion, yet the search party could go no further than the entrance to the caves. Alfred gathered his troops and set off to war, but it was not with the fear that he had carried for years. He had a peace that Lucida was alive and that she was the chosen one. So, Lucida had looked up at the hills above her and seen the gigantic lion looking down at her, she had known fear like this before but her name meant ‘the light in the dark’ and she spoke clearly to the Lion of Cractus. â€Å"If I am to dine with you or to be dined upon, this is my destiny and I am here to honor it. † One step at a time, she walked into the caves and reached out towards the Lion who came to her as a kitten would. And Lucida spoke to the great lion of Cractus and the lion himself told Lucida that he was seeking a peaceful existence between man and animal, and that if she formed a pact with him, his voice would be silenced and no more people from Lionire would be killed at the lions den. He told her that she needed to gather the women of Lionire to go to battle with their men, that they should be a partnership and not of subordination. When Lucida came down from the hills on the 6th day, she was bright and engulfed in an expanding light that the entire Lionire could see. Alfred sat astride his horse and looked out at the impossible army he was supposed to defeat. They were outnumbered 5 to 1. On her return, Lucida gathered the woman of Lionire together and those who were able to fight and they marched to the battle-fields where the enemy would be defeated. On her return, it was known that Lucida had fulfilled the prophecy and had been blessed by the great Lion of Cractus. Thereafter, not a single Lionirian citizen was ever to be killed again by a lion of the Cractus caves. She became known as Lucida the Lioness and peace reigned over the country until Lucida’s apparent death. She was known to have emancipated the women of Lionire, giving them the right to fight for their country. As a result, Lionire held the finest army in the land, its women numbering amongst its warriors. It is said that a hundred years later, Lucida took the path to the caves one last time and was never seen again. The lion’s voice was silenced and in its place was a roar that still chills the blood of those who hear it. It is a symbol what the world used to be and of the strength of a woman who was able to lead an army.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Divorced Parents Essay

My parents are divorced and have been since I was very young. My mother was initially granted custody, but I was placed in a foster home when she became disabled and could no longer support us. My father was then granted custody, and I went to live with him, his wife, and her kids. My stepmother hates me, heaps abuse on me, and wants my father to get rid of me. Starting in my junior year of high school, my father told me that he would no longer support me, and that I was going to have to pay rent if I wanted to continue to live with him. So I started working forty hours a week while I was attending high school to pay for my food, rent, and clothing. When I graduated from high school my father and his wife kicked me out of the house. My friend’s parents took me in and provided me with shelter. When it came time to apply for college, my father initially agreed to help me pay for school. When the Student Aid Report came back, however, he tore it up and refused to help. I was able to go to a local community college with my savings from work, but now he’s refusing to fill out the FAFSA. I am doing everything I can to pay for school, but I’ve exhausted my savings, and without any financial aid I’m going to have to drop out. Is there anything I can do to get myself declared independent? I’m self-supporting and haven’t lived with my parents for three years, but I don’t satisfy the federal definition. Please help!

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A Personal Opinion on Barack Obama Being the Best President in American History

A Personal Opinion on Barack Obama Being the Best President in American History When I was in first grade, Barack Obama was elected as the 44th President of the United States. The week leading up to his Inauguration, my parents were unusually excited. As my mom was brushing my hair, I remember asking â€Å"What’s the big deal?†. My mother’s response was â€Å"We are witnessing history†. Not only was he an inspiration, but to me, he was the greatest President in American History. To start with the obvious, President Obama was the first black president in American History. At the time my fellow classmates didn’t realize the scale of this movement, but looking back at our countrys history, this was a big move. Even though it seems like a long time ago, the Civil Rights Movement was less than 50 years ago. This country was built on slave labor. Flash Forward to his presidency, and out of 80 policy positions requiring Senate confirmation, President Obama appointed more than women and minorities in 53.5%, compared with 25.6 percent during George W. Bush’s presidency. (Eilperin 5) Frankly, I’m surprised most people forget that it was during President Obama’s Presidency that the mastermind behind 9/11, Osama Bin Laden, was captured and killed. That reason alone should move him to the top of our greatest presidents list. 9/11 was the single worst terrorist attack in American history, and changed the politics and policies of our nation for years to come. On June 27th, 2015, America woke up to the news that same-sex marriage was legalized. This stopped 14 states where it was illegal to marry the same sex from enforcing their discriminatory laws on the LGBT+ community. In a press conference, President Obama’s response to the ruling was something that stuck with me for the next two years. â€Å"When all Americans are treated as equal, we are all more free† (BBC 6). These words should apply everywhere in our country, because our diversity is what truly makes America great. Though it was controversial, President Obama attempted to create nationwide healthcare for America, under the Affordable Care Act. It was opposed because it created too many costs on business, with many describing it as a job killer. However, studies show jobs in the healthcare sector rose by 9%. (BBC 8) No matter the cost, people deserve healthcare. Even though it was a flawed system, the fact that he attempted to create nationwide healthcare was a big step in the right direction. No person is perfect, including our president. You can have the best intentions and still making the wrong decision, but the real test is what you do to correct yourself. Admitting you’ve made a mistake is something to respect in any person, especially a president. Future Presidents should admire President Obama not only for this, but for keeping a calm and level head when faced with discrimination. When President Obama was elected, he was threatened to be hung, people burned effigies of him, and tried to convince the country he wasn’t a true legal citizen. (Dionne 1) It may be the President’s job to act calm and serious, but as a human being, keeping patience during this is extremely difficult. President Barack Obama, the first black president, led the way for progressive ideas. He took down the mastermind behind 9/11, and created nationwide healthcare. Not only this, but President Obama led the way for other minorities to take places in office. Soon, maybe we’ll have our first Hispanic, or even Muslim President! But for now I, along with the rest of America, will look back fondly and with respect to his presidency.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Fiscal Tools of Central Banks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Fiscal Tools of Central Banks - Essay Example Since a low stable inflation is mandatory for an optimal economic growth, one of the main roles of the central bank is to control the growth of money by controlling inflation which is attained by using monetary policy tools. According to early classical theories of inflation pertaining mostly to the growth of money, an increase in the supply of money by government forces is primarily responsible for increased inflation levels. However, the growth of money is a necessary prerequisite for the growth of money but it is not adequate on its own (Mankiw & Reis, 2002). Other factors that should be considered include the velocity of money because, in the absence of money expenditure, no inflation can occur. A good example of the importance of the velocity of money impact on inflation is when people possess money but instead of spending it, they hide the money in their homes. In such scenarios, there will be no effect on the present inflation levels.   Inflation is recorded when suppliers of goods and services increase the prices of their products by responding to the effects of aggregate demand in the economy. â€Å"The increase in aggregate demand has the effect of increasing aggregate supply† (total supply of all the services and products in the economy) (Dullien, 2004). Therefore, an increase in inflation levels is as a result of an increase in the demand which is relative to supply. A cycle is created as a result because when people acquire money they proceed to spend the money on a service or product and the money is transferred to the supplier of the good/service and the supplier, in turn, spends it turn on some else and an endless cycle continues. In this case, the government creates money which is cycled throughout the population endlessly.   

Monday, October 7, 2019

Consumer culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Consumer culture - Essay Example In marketing the notion concerning consumer culture has been incorporated because of its importance in the subsequent generations, more notably is the tie with capitalism where it is more driven with money though it is distinguished most by its focus on the satisfaction that is attained by purchasing or spending on a product or a service rather than its monetary value and the emergence of conspicuous consumption where there is development of leisure class and enhancement of social status through spending on property and material possession. Modern consumer culture came began to be evident during the industrial revolution attributed by the availability of a wider range of diversified products and services to the larger population and affordable prices therefore there individuals from the various classes developed varying ways consumption giving rise to the emergence of different distinguished consumer cultures (Lury 2011). With time as the globalization and internationalization took i nto effect consumer behaviors, values, and aspirations has changed and the consumption and spending on individuals do not depend entirely on the societal social status such as ranks, religion and social class. This trend has been attributed by the use of the good or a service and the non-monetary values derived from them thus restructuring the consumer culture social identities. The effect results of the varying consumer behaviors is highly determined by the producers need to sustained continuous consumption of these products and services thus importance of marketing becoming an issue of concern in the development of varying consumer trends of a particular product. Marketing has played an important role in the establishment and sustenance of modern consumer cultures. Marketing is considered to being the major force behind the consumer culture of individuals and various groups in the society therefore marketing is regarded by producers to have a significant influence that has the abi lity to transform consumer culture. Marketing has a pervasive influence and persuasive effect through its messages it has connecting the consumer needs with the available consumption opportunities (Lury 2011). Globalization is one of the features resulting from the influence of marketing on the consumer cultures; there is establishment of consumer market segments that are considered to being universal associated with various products, services, places and the diversified groups in the society and this brings about cross-cultural and transnational consumer cultures. The cross-cultural and transnational consumer culture provides that any individual or groups within the larger global society can be a consumer (Lury 2011). However the freedom and the non-constraints associated with this is determined and influence by the consumer material and resource aspirations. It is ideal to have a contemporary consumer society where there is endless choice of products and serv

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Changes to the public benefit requirement under the Charities Act 2006 Essay

Changes to the public benefit requirement under the Charities Act 2006 have transformed the law in the area of charitable trusts. Discuss - Essay Example Alastair Hudson states ‘A charity is defined in the Charities Act 2006 as being ‘an institution which established for charitable purposes only’ and which falls to be subject to the control of the High Court in the exercise of its jurisdiction with respect to charities.’1 Before the act was implemented, there were four charitable purposes known as heads. These heads are the advancement of education, the advancement of religion, the relief of poverty and the benefit of the community. The new act of 2006 aims to reinstate the obligation that are laid charities had of been able to show that their charities directly benefit the public. One of the important purposes of the charities act of 2006 has been Public-benefit requirement. All charitable organizations in the United Kingdom must be able to demonstrate and provide evidence that they have been able to successfully benefit the public. In England and Wales, there are almost 600,000 organizations which includes about 200,000 registered charitable organizations which to not fall under the profit sector. The UK has always been known for having a strong tradition of charitable activities. Other organizations which are most common throughout the world have modern concerns and seek to make a profit whereas c haritable organizations have been around for the last 400 years in England and has been constantly trying to change the area of public benefits. However in the last 400 years, the society in the UK has gone through a number of important changes end there for charitable needs to be abreast with the changing societal patterns in the UK. The voluntary sector has played a major role in the charities of the UK. They have always been the subject of reviews by the government and have worked in close partnership with local and central governments. The Charities Act Of 2006 has therefore been able to provide the voluntary organizations with a much better legal framework for carrying out

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Accounts Receivable Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Accounts Receivable - Research Paper Example If such settlement is made between the company and its customers, the amount owed to the company by the customer is shown in a separate account known as account receivable. This accounts help in establishing long-term relationships between a customer and a company. However, account receivable is usually opened in the case of the customers only whose credit risk is above a certain criteria and whose past history with the company is good. The account receivables are also opened in a case where sale is made or service is provided, the invoice has been raised against the customer but the amount has not yet been received as the money is in the course of transit. This may be the case where the money is in transit, that is, in transit if sent through a banking channel or in transit in the route of courier. The sale and revenue is recorded as soon as the invoice is raised against a certain transaction. The invoice is sent to the customer who, after receiving the invoice, sends money to the company. Even if no settlement in respect of deferring the payment has been made between the company and the customer, some time may lapse between the course of the procedure. During this period, the company opens an account against the customer known as account receivable in which the amount owed by the customer is shown. Accounts receivables are shown in the Balance Sheet as a separate head of account in the current assets. The movements in account receivable are made through the payments received and the sales made or the services provided in respect of which payment has not been yet received. The balance is shown in the balance sheet. It may also happen that some of the account receivables are gone bad in the period, such as the customer has gone into liquidation. In such a case, the money owed by the customer or a portion thereof will be written off by charging an expense in the profit and loss account as a