Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Norm vs. the Classics essays

The Norm vs. the Classics essays What music do you listen to? Is it the greatest composers of the eighteenth century, or the sounds of the London Symphony Orchestra? Its mostly rap, hip-hop, pop, and all that normal stuff out there isnt it? Im trying to keep the faith in classical and instrumental music so that it wont be forgotten over the years to come. Sure there are people who continue to listen to it, but they are becoming more and more scarce. People who are growing up are not turning towards the pure music but towards what everyone at school listens to or what is played over the radio. This poses a huge threat to classical and instrumental, but we can save them. Music is the first thing that comes to mind when you sit down to type up an essay or to do your homework. The music you play is probably the latest CD from your favorite metal band, Metallica, or a great group, St. Lunatics. What happens when you play the CD? Dont lie to yourself, you spend more time singing along with it than you do on actual work dont you? It happens to everybody who listens to normal music. But with instrumental and classical, there are no words to start singing along with. This would allow you to work a lot more efficiently than all that Mettalica and St. Lunatic stuff. Right now, Im listening to The Planets composed by Holst, classical music. This is one of my favorite CDs and I am actually getting some work done. Im not singing to myself, Im not focusing on the great voice of the singer; Im just working here nice and quietly listening to Jupiter. There is another upside to classical and instrumental music. You come home from work, or school, one day really angry and upset because you have to work, com in to school, over the weekend, on top of having to stay late on Wednesday. Needless to say, your pretty stressed out right now. What to do? Calm yourself down, of course, rather than spend your only free time stress...

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