Friday, October 18, 2019

The role of Governments and Intergovernmental organizations in dealing Essay

The role of Governments and Intergovernmental organizations in dealing with the impact of globalization - Essay Example s and strategies adopted by governmental organizations shapes globalizations as much as globalization dictates the conditions and policy that must be established by governments (Globalization and Global Governance 9-21). The portrayal of globalization as the external force that constrains governments, leaving them with few choices apart from adapting, led the former US President Bill Clinton to remark: Government and intergovernmental organizations play a varying role to deal with the impact of globalization, depending on the dynamics of the matter at hand. Where globalization is understood in the context of being involved in the erosion of economic, political, social and cultural borders, the government’s role of accepting the process and defining policies that promote such a change can be seen as â€Å"making† globalization (The Global Transformation Reader 22-44). The steps taken by the national institutions include the harmonization of regulations that govern various aspects of the system setup, as well as the removal of barriers that prevented free flow of information, goods and services in the past. The European Union (EU) provides a classic example for understanding the role of governments in acceding to the demands of globalization, by the removal of physical borders and unification of economic might to deal in a more positive manner with the changing dynamics of the global business and development demands (Globalization and Global Governance 77-85). The Schengen treaty allowed the citizens of member states to move with ease across the expanse of the EU; the overall aim being to create a mobile and skilled workforce that would have benefits for all concerned members of the EU. For the impact of globalization to be dealt with a positive manner, it has been pertinent for governments and related institutions to undertake an open and flexible approach, especially in identifying the areas where comparative advantage can be reached. This is evident when seen

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