Monday, November 25, 2019

Goals are created in order to provide motivation t Essays

Goals are created in order to provide motivation t Essays Goals are created in order to provide motivation to accomplish a want or need. Some believe they can accomplish any goal with hard work and dedication. Others believe in practicality and are limited when setting goals. In my opinion, people are limited in what they can accomplish because goals can become illogical, an individual's physical and mental ability disqualifies them from achieving goals, and overall societal influence contributes toward influencing our goals. Goals become illogical because people focus on doing what they want to accomplish and not on what they are able to achieve. Human ability causes limitations on what can be done because of a person's health, their schedule, and their commitments which causes loss of focus on their goal. Societal Influence creates peer pressure in which an individual's decision and goal making are affected. The goals that people set are not always able to be attained due to. Some people making goals that are too impractical or too far-fetched to be completed. Goals become impractical because when someone is determined to accomplish something, their determination affects the individual's ability to remain focused on reason when creating a goal. When most people set a goal to accomplish, it is something they want or they desire instead of something they know they can do. No matter how much time, dedication, and persistence someone puts into a goal, it does not mean they will be able to complete it. If a person sets a goal that is hard to achieve, like becoming President, there is a high chance it will not be completed because it is too high of a goal. Goals need to be set based off of human ability and not what the person wants. If a goal is based on a want of a person, the goal becomes desirable, and when a goal is desirable, all logic and standards of a person are essentially gone. H umans are not able to achieve any goal they set because of how illogical and difficult they can be. Everyone's life is different in which individuals have commitments, and different health issues that they go through. This dictates the goals that we are trying to achieve. Physical strength and ability ranges differently throughout society which limits people to realistic goals they need to set. Most adults have jobs to support their family, and many kids in school have after school activities, like sports or clubs which takes up most of their time including the school work they have to do, there would only be little time during the weekend to do any extra activities. Disease can have a big effect on your life and can have a big effect on what you can and cannot do. Illness like cancer for example the treatments can severely weaken your immune system, can hold you back from going out in public and engaging everyday normal activities. Science proves what we know humanity, and tells us what we can and cannot do, Physics helps you understand how nature behaves and puts limitations o n what is humanly possible, therefore we know what goals we can realistically achieve and what is out of our reach. Society limits people to their goals. Dedication, persistence, and time help achieve your goal. Hard work overcomes any type of physical gifts, working to perfect your craft is key to achieve anything. There are limitations that stop you from achieving your goal. You are limited physically and mentally. If you are 4'10 and a really good basketball player you will not be able to play in the NBA because of the taller players. There are limitations that stop you from achieving your goal. Everyone is limited to what they want to achieve in life. The human spirit is one of the few things in history that has never been broken. People have been exiled, conquered, and massacred, yet they get right back up and rebuild themselves. However, there is a limit to what can be accomplished individually. The mind and body, society, and over-ambition are all limiting factors. They chain, bind, and ground us, but amazing things can still be accomplished. Goals must be true to one's own realistic ambitions and skills, as well as

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