Monday, November 18, 2019

The role of the HR function Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The role of the HR function - Assignment Example Self development plan not only provides the self reflection but it also sets the path straight in terms of career Personal development program is very important. It provides the framework to the individual to conduct personal self assessment and identify his strengths and weaknesses. It helps in charting out the guideline to optimize and capitalize on the existing capabilities and determine the future path. It helps in identifying the areas of development and ways to enhance capabilities and knowledge and helps in deciding and developing a clear picture of the future in terms of career. Personal development plan is geared towards progress of both personality and self. A clear analysis of existing capabilities and desired ones helps in boosting self esteem and a clear picture of the future enable to add appropriate qualifications especially when you are vying for higher position (Attwood, 2005). This paper aims at creating my own personal development plan in the light of the different theories of personality, learning and leadership. Personal Development Plan A personal development plan consists of the following major steps. 1. What is my current state 2. What is my desired state 3. How do I get there? What is needed 4. ... So it is beneficial to identify the personality type first using the Myers Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI). MBTI It is one of the best known and most widely used for identifying personality and learning style. MBTI identifies the psychological type on four different scales namely Extraversion Vs Introversion (E-I), Sensing Vs Intuition (S-I), Thinking vs. Feelings (T-F) and Judging vs. perceiving (Gardner, 2009). The E-I indicator shows whether the energy and attention primarily comes from inside or from outside events. S-I indicators shows how the individual perceive the world and take the information whether directly from the five senses i.e. sensing or indirectly by using intuition. T-I indicator shows preferences in decision making either logical and rational or subjective values like based on like and dislike. The last indicator is J-P that shows individual’s choice whether to use judging or perceptive attitude for dealing with the environment (Knights et al 2007). I took MBT I online test to identify my personality. The test identified my personality type as ESFP. It shows I am an extrovert and I have the following characteristics sociable, outgoing, talkative, gregarious, active, optimist and impulsive. In my perceptions I rely on my five senses. Both of them are my strengths. However in my judgments I am not rational and logical and mostly make judgments based on my likes and dislike. That is a weakness. My attitude in dealing with the environment is based on perception rather than judging, it can also be considered a weakness (Ewing, 2006) Learning Style There are six types of learning styles namely reading, writing, listening, speaking, visualizing and manipulating. No one style is better than the other. Generally people use the learning style

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